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This does not delete the object, it just makes the window on screen invisible.hidden($self, /) -- Return True if the panel is hidden (not visible), False otherwise.bottom($self, /) -- Push the panel to the bottom of the stack.below($self, /) -- Return the panel below the current panel.above($self, /) -- Return the panel above the current panel.update_panels($module, /) -- Updates the virtual screen after changes in the panel stack. This does not call curses.doupdate(), so you'll have to do this yourself.top_panel($module, /) -- Return the top panel in the panel stack.new_panel($module, win, /) -- Return a panel object, associating it with the given window win.bottom_panel($module, /) -- Return the bottom panel in the panel stack.2.1curses function returned NULL;(@B\vgTl+(PZH $4<!hUTzRx $FJ w?:*3$"DPp\ (p$7FDD [JBzRx  $TACB??PnbEQ dEQH$fFEA A(E0 (H CBBE K(C ABBp EQEQ$4<EDD jCAzRx    4 }MDA R KBE ACB$DZEDC KAAHl-FBA A(D0 (D ABBE A(A ABB*Ed[EUiL\T[EU$iL\@(Eb(XMAD AB(4MDA AB(4/FMA ABD)GNU#`#(< Ufu  $<  < o` p `>    oop oo o<0<  0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`%8*%t*0%t@*%J)+%W`)%f)a%$ (%@(%L'%2'A%`'%'4u@@ %,%! ,%+&+& A &&A p""#GA$3a1$_curses_panel.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.8.17-2.module_el8.9.0+3633+e453b53a.x86_64.debug7zXZִF!t/+]?Eh=ڊ2N; S'' AA"?F/r/|9Z1()V넫8M#q0%%U&nSX3hD~Ha< FG;E1 FiX%er-u}Kl[@UZUjnq^9myAϙX'[kť)Oy#J(SeSA`A:QįaK ۝] &3G'4ץ(~j7s?SOжI(cTeU5}q/ȟW|zƃݢDB_zN)U7o`T{:MהS+dvxIsH~!Q)/SD?@`N6dߨPA׎^UEtZ@kWZ$6,&:9?@E^iјyC:߳(0y nHB6B;FE܀_NO>R&oM;H+ආ KS.Ͻ|?bU]bȔn,,KCHCeʼnߣ&ӛk/%9xFFxe1bTY p;m 23Cr "Q!}TifOzz.W+va6ͨުM0t1*ҪdҴA] 5t᪳ܤyĒz&w؞MJ! 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