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+ 1)short format requires (-0x7fff - 1) <= number <= 0x7fffchar format requires a bytes object of length 1unpack_from requires a buffer of at least %zd bytesunpack requires a bytes object of length %zdargument for 's' must be a bytes objectargument for 'p' must be a bytes objectpack expected %zd items for packing (got %zd)pack_into expected buffer argumentpack_into expected offset argumentpack_into expected %zd items for packing (got %zd)pack_into requires a buffer of at least %zd bytes'%c' format requires %zd <= number <= %zdStruct() argument 1 must be a bytes object, not %.200srepeat count given without format specifierargument out of rangeO|n:unpack_fromint too large to convertw*missing format argumentOO:iter_unpackO:Structbad char in struct formattotal struct size too longstruct.errorbufferoffset_struct_clearcachecalcsizepack_intostruct format stringstruct size in bytes__sizeof__unpack_iterator__length_hint__;`$LDd|4t(<Pp$4dT0DXl$t $ t4H\$p4DTdt@\Txd4<d4 tL D d 4 ` D t D4 ` d D  D( L Dx t t $4 \ $ d@$xh$t$P|zRx $hFJ w?:*3$"D@\@Hw4tEFDD a GBH AAB KtVL?D k I Fl  h d4pH|?D k I Fh |!ET A FBH p E 'EU F FJ0J(l <h Pd d` x\ X T P LPP=E,8=@dTpEh|    4%@FAA ` ABE n ABG [AB8l9Ed G TQEt O pM \EJ q AA L_EJ t AA !D\$OEJ k IE DA$ OEJ k FE DA$4REJ k IE DA$\(OEJ k FE DAPNtY4hEGD0o AAG V AAA 4hEGD0r AAD V AAA 4 `EGD0l AAB V AAA 4D hEGD0o AAG V AAA (|X`FGA j ABE (FGA k ABD (FGA k ABD (TFGA k ABD (,FGA k ABD XED\ H \4xLjBDA k ABK [ ABE \EJ y AG (EDJ0u AAA (dEDJ0l AAA (,EDJ0B AAI 4XjBDA k ABK [ ABE \EJ y AG wEJ @ AA \EJ H AA ~EJ A AG EJ I AG (D bEAD u AAG `p "BBB B(A0A8GP 8A0A(B BBBD G8A0A(B BBB( EHT AAA ( dECJ] AAG $, Nk G Z F ``T PjBBB K(A0C8I` 8A0A(B BBBA  8F0A(B BBBA @ \FAA D ABA [ ABB TDB8 FBA A(D (A ABBB 48 ADD d DAF Z DAI Lp FDA X ABJ N ABG l AEF ]ABL DFAA U ABH N ABG l AEF ]ABL FAA U ABH N ABG l AEF ]AB$` dDE[ H N J C EX@\ AF EN@\ AH ( EDJ0J AAA H wFIB B(A0J8KP 8A0A(B BBBK (H LEDJ0 AAG (t EDJ0s AAH `E B GNU`0 0{ f{ ' ]p{ x{ o`H   } !0 ooooHo{ '''(( (0(@(P(`(p((((((((()) )0)@)P)`)p)))))))))** *0*@*P*`*p*********++ +0+@+P+`+p+++++Functions to convert between Python values and C structs. Python bytes objects are used to hold the data representing the C struct and also as format strings (explained below) to describe the layout of data in the C struct. The optional first format char indicates byte order, size and alignment: @: native order, size & alignment (default) =: native order, std. size & alignment <: little-endian, std. size & alignment >: big-endian, std. size & alignment !: same as > The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly; these can be preceded by a decimal repeat count: x: pad byte (no data); c:char; b:signed byte; B:unsigned byte; ?: _Bool (requires C99; if not available, char is used instead) h:short; H:unsigned short; i:int; I:unsigned int; l:long; L:unsigned long; f:float; d:double. Special cases (preceding decimal count indicates length): s:string (array of char); p: pascal string (with count byte). Special cases (only available in native format): n:ssize_t; N:size_t; P:an integer type that is wide enough to hold a pointer. Special case (not in native mode unless 'long long' in platform C): q:long long; Q:unsigned long long Whitespace between formats is ignored. The variable struct.error is an exception raised on errors. iter_unpack(fmt, buffer) -> iterator(v1, v2, ...) Return an iterator yielding tuples unpacked from the given bytes source according to the format string, like a repeated invocation of unpack_from(). Requires that the bytes length be a multiple of the format struct size.unpack_from(fmt, buffer, offset=0) -> (v1, v2, ...) Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string fmt. The buffer's size, minus offset, must be at least calcsize(fmt). See help(struct) for more on format strings.unpack(fmt, buffer) -> (v1, v2, ...) Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string fmt. The buffer's size in bytes must be calcsize(fmt). See help(struct) for more on format strings.pack_into(fmt, buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...) Pack the values v1, v2, ... according to the format string fmt and write the packed bytes into the writable buffer buf starting at offset. Note that the offset is a required argument. See help(struct) for more on format strings.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) -> bytes Return a bytes object containing the values v1, v2, ... packed according to the format string fmt. See help(struct) for more on format strings.calcsize(fmt) -> integer Return size in bytes of the struct described by the format string fmt.Clear the internal cache.Struct(fmt) --> compiled struct object Return a new Struct object which writes and reads binary data according to the format string fmt. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytesS.pack_into(buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...) Pack the values v1, v2, ... according to the format string S.format and write the packed bytes into the writable buffer buf starting at offset. Note that the offset is a required argument. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.pack(v1, v2, ...) -> bytes Return a bytes object containing values v1, v2, ... packed according to the format string S.format. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.iter_unpack(buffer) -> iterator(v1, v2, ...) Return an iterator yielding tuples unpacked from the given bytes source, like a repeated invocation of unpack_from(). Requires that the bytes length be a multiple of the struct size.S.unpack_from(buffer, offset=0) -> (v1, v2, ...) Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string S.format. The buffer's size in bytes, minus offset, must be at least S.size. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.unpack(buffer) -> (v1, v2, ...) Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string S.format. The buffer's size in bytes must be S.size. See help(struct) for more on format strings.bba"b *b1p 6bR aS a Q@ ?b@P aPR@ zaPO@ a1Ib:b6^ba7 aPL ?bL aH zaG sb6` b6xb3pDB3CcP6Fsph3YH5@i3YI5@l3YL5@q03;Q4`;?2`2f@2`:d19xb3pDB3CcP6Fsph4ZH6Ai4ZI6Al4ZL6AqP4<QP5@<?2`2fP2:d1:xb3pDB3CcP6Fsph@4pEH04Di 4SI4pBl4CL5p@n6 ?Np6>q3>Q05p=?23f109d18P`6=~bp7@0PI a8 8 0 PTp0GA$3a1'-] GA$3p1113p0 ]GA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! 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