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H? H5V HLT$LL$HT$+tHT$H5@ HHT$LL$LT$u? 7HH5 LT$LL$HT$ӰHT$LL$LT$u? HH5 LT$LL$HT$蓰HT$LL$LT$u Y? HH5 LT$LL$HT$VHT$LL$LT$u ? }H5q HLT$LL$LT$u-LL$11IyC(HHDH> 1Ha> LѾH#H8181H5"#ծ'f.1fHH= H=(HHp(螮H@ff.1fUSHH=(HH-z= dH%(H$1HEHp(2IعHu(HcH5A H5A H5A !HA 1H5(׭HEH=;(\ѭHH8A H=#A A+H庀1H (HIHIپAH 'wH=@ H'H'HDH5n(1*H$dH3%(u @IEH=l%\HH9i> cIHH%s: annobin: debug: index = %u max = %u.global.hidden.group.zzz .pushsection %s %s %s%s %s%s: .type %s%s, STT_NOTYPE .size %s%s, 0 Create symbol %s%s .if %s%s == %s%s + %d .set %s%s, %s%s .endif .popsection .type %s, STT_NOTYPE .hidden %s Create symbol %sICE: %sconftest.debug: type = %d, index = %u #%s %sFUNCOPEN .quad %s .dc.l %s .balign 4 no name.dc.l 0.dc.l %unamesz [= strlen (%s)]size of nameno descriptiondescsz [= sizeof (address)] .asciz "%s" .dc.b %#x%c- %ddescription [symbol name]description [symbol names] .popsection .dc.l %#x 0%cpaddingGA%c%cGA%c%c%snot enableddisabledGA%cGOWnumeric: -g/-O/-WallGA%cFORTIFY_FORTIFY SOURCE level_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS not seenGA%cGLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS defined .set %s%s, . + %d nop .equiv %s%s, . %note, "", .gnu.build.attributes, "G", , .text, "o", .lo%d%c%dstring: protocol versionno unit end notes. .attach_to_group %sGA%comit_frame_pointerlto1cc1cc1plusin_lto_pnonebasicexplicitstrongunknownGA%cstack_clashreturn onlybranch onlyfullGA%ccf_protectionwrite_symbolsunknown debug info type (%d)use_gnu_debug_info_extensionsdebug_info_leveldwarf_versionoptimizeoptimize_sizeoptimize_fastoptimize_debugwarn_format_securityflag_ltobool: short-enums: onbool: short-enums: offRecording PIC status of %snumeric: pic typenumeric: stack-size.text.startup.text.exit.text.unlikely.text.hot, comdat.gnu.linkonce..start.annobin_.endfunction name not availablestring: build-toolplugin name: numeric: PICflag_sanitizeGA%cINSTRUMENT:%u/%u/%u/%uIllegal target pointer size-Udecoded arg -U%s_FORTIFY_SOURCE_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS-Ddecoded arg -D%sCOLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS.i.ii-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE not defined.cpiped_inputnativelink_orderdisablerename.1enablehelpfunction-verboseno-global-file-symsno-stack-size-notesno-dynamic-notesno-static-notesno-attachno-link-orderno-active-checksno-ppc64-nopsstack-thresholdmain_input_filenameunable to get time of day._%8.8lx_%8.8lx_endunknown_sourcetarget=Attach mode: %srunning gcc annobin gcc Version 1113-fstack-clash-protection-fcf-protection-fverbose-asm-fpic-fpie-fstack-protector-fomit-frame-pointer-fshort-enums-fstack-usage-ffunction-sections-freorder-functions-fprofile-values-finstrument-functions-fprofile-fprofile-arcs--all-warningsError: attempting to access an unknown gcc command line optionhad to remap option index %u to %u for option %soption %s (index %u) not in cl_optionsError: Could not find option in cl_optionsdebug: index = %u (%s) max = %u .pushsection %s%s, "axG", %%progbits, %s%s%s .pushsection %s%s, "ax", %%progbits .section %s%s%s, "axG", %%progbits, %s%s%s .section %s%s%s, "ax", %%progbits queue an attachment for section %s to group %sunable to create function end symbols. .pushsection %s, "axG", %%progbits, %s, comdat .pushsection %s.zzz, "ax", %%progbits Function '%s' is assumed to end in section '%s'ICE: Please contact the annobin maintainer with details of this problemunexpected value for annobin_active_checksError: integer gcc command line option index (%u) too bigError: unsupported integer gcc command line option typeCreate function specific note for: %s: %sunable to generate annobin note: null name with non-zero sizeunable to generate annobin note: name string does not match name sizeunable to generate annobin note: non-null end_sym with null start_symdescsz [= 2 * sizeof (address)]unable to generate annobin note: Numeric value too big to fit into 8 bytesunable to generate annobin note: Unable to record numeric valueRecord status of -g (%d), -O (%d), -Wall (%s) and LTO (%s) for %sRecord _FORTIFY SOURCE level of %d_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS not definedRecord _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS as %s .pushsection %s, "ax", %%progbits Inserted by the annobin plugin. Disable with -fplugin-arg-annobin-no-ppc64-nops %s Add the %s section to the %s groupqueued attachment to an empty groupRecord omit-frame-pointer status of %dbool: -fomit-frame-pointer statusError: string gcc command line option index (%u) too bigError: unsupported string gcc command line option typeNot recording unset global stack protector setting when in LTO modeNot recording stack protector value of -1Recording global stack protector setting of '%s'Recording local stack protector setting of '%s' for %snumeric: -fstack-protector statusNot recording unset global stack clash protection setting when in LTO modeRecording global stack clash protection setting of '%s'Recording local stack clash protection status of '%s' for %sbool: -fstack-clash-protection statusNot recording unset global cf_protection setting when in LTO modeRecording global cf_protection setting of '%s'Recording local cf_protection status of '%s' for %snumeric: -fcf-protection statusunexpected debug_info_level = %ddwarf version level %d recorded as 2dwarf version level %d recorded as 7Recording omit_frame_pointer status of %d for %sRecording debug/optimize/warning value of %x for %sRecording short enums in use in %sRecording stack usage of %lu for %snew function encountered whilst still processing old functionOutput file not available - unable to generate notes for %sFunction '%s' is assumed to be in section '%s'current function is comdat but has no function sectionEmit global notes for section %s%sRecord global PIC setting of %dRecord global SHORT ENUM setting of %dInstrumentation options enabled: sanitize: %u, function entry/exit: %u, profiling: %u, profile arcs: %ustring: details of profiling enablementOutput file not available - unable to generate global notesTarget's pointer size: %u bitsThere are %d options in the saved_decoded_options arrayExamining saved option: %ld %sUnexpected value for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE of %sUnexpected value in -D_FORTIFY_SOURCESetting -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE to unknown-because-of-LTOAssuming -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 for preprocessed inputAssuming -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS for LTO/preprocessed input-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE defined but value is too lowWarning: -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS not definedIgnoring lack of -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS for LTO processing of C source fileThis warning is being issued now because LTO is enabled, and LTO compilation does not use preprocessor optionsSupported options: disable Disable this plugin enable Enable this plugin help Print out this information version Print out the version of the plugin verbose Be talkative about what is going on function-verbose Report the creation of function specific notes [no-]active-checks Do [do not] generate errors if gcc command line options are wrong. (Default: warn) [no-]attach Do [do not] attempt to attach function sections to group sections [no-]global-file-syms Create global [or local] file name symbols (default: local) [no-]link-order Do [do not] attempt to join note sections to code sections using link_order attributes [no-]ppc64-nops Do [do not] insert NOP instructions into some PPC64 sections. (Default: do not) [no-]stack-size-notes Do [do not] create stack size notes (default: do not) section-type= Use as the type for annobin created sections (default: %note) rename Add a prefix to the filename symbols so that two annobin plugins can be active at the same time stack-threshold=N Only create function specific stack size notes when the size is > N.Annobin GCC Plugin Version %d.%02dannobin: unrecognised option: %s failed to parse arguments to the pluginmultiple plugins detected - disabling this annobin pluginCould not find output filenameError: plugin built for compiler version (%s) but run with compiler version (%s)Plugin datestamp (%s) is different from compiler datestamp (%s) - ignored Plugin built for compiler development phase (%s) not (%s) - ignored Plugin built for compiler revision (%s) not (%s) - ignored Error: plugin run on a %.*s compiler but built for a %.*s compiler Plugin run on a compiler configured as (%s) not (%s) - ignored Plugin built by %s, running on %sannobin: Generate global annotationsannobin: Generate per-function annotationsannobin: Register per-function end symbolsannobin: Generate final annotations`0ԮԮ../configure --enable-bootstrap --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,lto --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl=http://bugs.almalinux.org/ --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-checking=release --enable-multilib --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-gcc-major-version-only --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array --with-isl --disable-libmpx --enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none --without-cuda-driver --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-cet --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=x86-64 --build=x86_64-redhat-linuxix86_isa_flagsfalsetruenumeric: ABIix86_force_align_arg_pointerGA%cstack_realignbool: -mstackrealign statusx86_64: Record global isa of %lxx86_64: Not recording unset global stack realignment setting when in LTO modex86_64: Record global stack realign setting of %sx86_64: Record ISA value of %lx for %sx86_64: Record function specific stack realign setting of %s for %s;t- P`Dp`<@p@` d,p0HХ  @|0@ ( ` p, D X P zRx $8~ FJ w?:*3$"D0(\8?BAD tABLD,ԅcEDG* AAD H~BBB B(D0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBG THBAH R DSL W(M0F(A n(P0F(F _(W0Q8A@M (tfBID SAB$ċzAPI HFM@EAD H AAL T AAJ d OAL  /Hb$Ѝi8LLLEAD ^ AAF N AAH o FAB ^ AAH ,BDA  ABJ LfFBB B(D0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH 8ȔFIK I(D@^ (A ABBA PX,FBE E(D0A8LPYXh`KXKPa8D0A(B BBB@&FOL I(A0LpZ 0A(A BBBG LtBED A(IZCzA[ (A ABBB 8@DBRN A(Is (A ABBA 8|BBD A(K (A ABBG xBBD A(JK`Ab (A ABBC WMFBxHmAO BE H4FBA A(D0 (H ABBF t(O ABB8BEI A(G (A ABBA CD~<EAD L AAH n CAF YCA@(<<8jd@TOBDH p HGK m FDI aHI0̟=BDH G  AABE 8ؠBEA H(G (A ABBH ,1y?Em[gFG{dGQם7 {̊>\/_ Oe XП4{&of:9 _'DXOS*H?C[Cxv~lAۿھSr|Ovܐ>PAd> Y< Oj џ#3j+?H9#'RBicﵯbjᱹ4KOI&U\Q\iy Ssp#E1k,WBE]OJIG͇jxZ\$~]송l]^si03WT:J(m+v+flg7knC L<*ulb}*Q|Q ܝ`y޾!} jwuR#ɒ;%܉DGi}Yȧ vL#R4 fr$:wOzWo H@x' E7Te$( y ;|GV^Sh(q:K_vO(=ہF0WP1q78X[ix )Rw61[VW&\}34+G*v*Q .~r B$&0fɡS4RcԄk[4cf v6%?^QRI p>XnO*mi@\o]c!4lDe$.,] t;*® ;py *gYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.note.gnu.property.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu.build.attributes.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 88$o``( @@0 8oEo88@Txx^BXXhc n00w@"@"GS}uu uu& @@tT  X Xh hp px x  h   @ `$ Բ@p(