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The result does not include the filter ID itself, only the options. is_check_supported(check_id) -> bool Test whether the given integrity check is supported. Always returns True for CHECK_NONE and CHECK_CRC32. LZMADecompressor(format=FORMAT_AUTO, memlimit=None, filters=None) Create a decompressor object for decompressing data incrementally. format specifies the container format of the input stream. If this is FORMAT_AUTO (the default), the decompressor will automatically detect whether the input is FORMAT_XZ or FORMAT_ALONE. Streams created with FORMAT_RAW cannot be autodetected. memlimit can be specified to limit the amount of memory used by the decompressor. This will cause decompression to fail if the input cannot be decompressed within the given limit. filters specifies a custom filter chain. This argument is required for FORMAT_RAW, and not accepted with any other format. When provided, this should be a sequence of dicts, each indicating the ID and options for a single filter. For one-shot decompression, use the decompress() function instead. Data found after the end of the compressed stream.True if the end-of-stream marker has been reached.ID of the integrity check used by the input stream.decompress(data) -> bytes Provide data to the decompressor object. Returns a chunk of decompressed data if possible, or b"" otherwise. Attempting to decompress data after the end of the stream is reached raises an EOFError. Any data found after the end of the stream is ignored, and saved in the unused_data attribute. LZMACompressor(format=FORMAT_XZ, check=-1, preset=None, filters=None) Create a compressor object for compressing data incrementally. format specifies the container format to use for the output. This can be FORMAT_XZ (default), FORMAT_ALONE, or FORMAT_RAW. check specifies the integrity check to use. For FORMAT_XZ, the default is CHECK_CRC64. FORMAT_ALONE and FORMAT_RAW do not suport integrity checks; for these formats, check must be omitted, or be CHECK_NONE. The settings used by the compressor can be specified either as a preset compression level (with the 'preset' argument), or in detail as a custom filter chain (with the 'filters' argument). For FORMAT_XZ and FORMAT_ALONE, the default is to use the PRESET_DEFAULT preset level. For FORMAT_RAW, the caller must always specify a filter chain; the raw compressor does not support preset compression levels. preset (if provided) should be an integer in the range 0-9, optionally OR-ed with the constant PRESET_EXTREME. filters (if provided) should be a sequence of dicts. Each dict should have an entry for "id" indicating the ID of the filter, plus additional entries for options to the filter. For one-shot compression, use the compress() function instead. flush() -> bytes Finish the compression process. Returns the compressed data left in internal buffers. The compressor object cannot be used after this method is called. compress(data) -> bytes Provide data to the compressor object. Returns a chunk of compressed data if possible, or b"" otherwise. When you have finished providing data to the compressor, call the flush() method to finish the conversion process. FFFFFFFDFCDFDFDFDDFFFFFG GGFGFGp D -a CEP<` $G0=` C f UGe YGe ,D &`f eGp$lD+`m G`*l eG$>G,@b r `q 4rGp,g `r 8GA$3a1C GA$3p11130$CGA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! 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