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Please remove it from the Apache configmod_lsapi: Can't initialize selfstartermod_lsapi: Can't initialize connection poolmod_lsapi: Connection Pool Mode is forcibly turned off - too few backend children for %d MaxDaemonsmod_lsapi: please increase lsapi_backend_children to %d at leastmod_lsapi: lsapi_max_connection(%d) is too high for lsapi_backend_children(%d) and %d MaxDaemons Limitmod_lsapi: lsapi_max_connection is decreased to %dmod_lsapi: version 1.1-77: initialization error: %smod_lsapi: version 1.1-77 with CRIU supportmod_lsapi: Module signature:(%s)mod_lsapi: Can't initialize selfstarter/opt/cloudlinux/flags/enabled-flags.d/lsapi-php-restrictions.flagmod_lsapi: Handler blacklist enabled: %slsapi_with_connection_pool %s /var/cloudlinux/cl.selector/uids/%s/%u/version_selection_conf.jsonmod_lsapi: Permission denied to access to version selection file: %smod_lsapi: Error accessing version selection file: %smod_lsapi: Error parsing blacklist JSON: %smod_lsapi: Error: deny_phps not found or not an array in JSON: %smod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] Failed to get backend path for default handler: %smod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] Could not determine lsphp connection: %smod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] Use LSPHP Handler %s for the user with UID: %u as could bot determine if it is blacklistedmod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] LSPHP Handler %s is blacklisted for the user with UID: %uWrong regexp expression %s in parameter LSAPIPathmod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s]: %smod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] Could not acquire lsphp connection: %smod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] ap_client_block failed: %dConnection pool mode is switched off for the request due to chunked modeConnection pool mode is switched off for the request due to POST method with unknown body lengthConnection pool mode is switched off for the request due to POST method with too large body (%u more than %u)will try to grab the slot, as connection pool mode is in usegrab the slot failed, so will not use connection pool modeOpened socket in the grabbed slot became close - mark it as closedWill ty to connect to backend for the allocated slotconnect to backend failed, so will ungrab the slot and return with errorconnect to backend succedeed, will write its sock into the grabbed slotmod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] Connect to backend rejectedmod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] Connect to backend failed: %sInternal error on sending request(%s); uri(%s) content-length(%s): %sBackend error on sending request(%s); uri(%s) content-length(%s) (lsphp is killed?): %sClient error on sending request(%s); uri(%s) content-length(%s): %sConnect to backend rejected on sending request(%s); uri(%s), check %sConnect to backend failed on sending request(%s); uri(%s): %sConnect to backend failed with CONNECTION_RESET on sending request(%s); uri(%s): %sWill ty to re-connect to backend for the allocated slotre-connect to backend succedeed, will write its sock into the grabbed slotError on sending request(%s); uri(%s) content-length(%s): %smod_lsapi: lscapi_do_request() status = %dmod_lsapi: [host %s] [req %s] timings: backend connect:%ld.%ld; req sent: %ld.%ld; hdr recv %ld.%ld; resp recv: %ld.%ld; overall: %ld.%ldTo change php.ini on directory basisEnable or disable phpini_* directive processingKeep (as mod_php) or not (as suphp) backend's HTTP_OK response statusoom_score_adj value for backend processeslsapi_backend_max_process_timelsapi_backend_pgrp_max_crasheslsapi_terminate_backends_on_exitTerminate backends processes on server stop/restartCheck or not owning of target scriptCheck or not permissions of target scriptCheck or not owner of DOCUMENT_ROOTUse or not apache uid/gid for request as fallbackBackward compatibilty option. Ignored.Backend core dump enabled or notDump stacktrace and lsof before killing runaway backendUse or not suexec to target userEnable or disable php_* directive processingLSAPI_ACCEPT_NOTIFY mode for lsphp enabled or notDEPRECATED, should not be usedTo set variable in backend environmentTo set PATH in backend environmentMax simultaneous connections to lsphp in poolUse own file or Apache error log file for backend outputUse LOG_INFO level, instead of LOG_WARNING for non-fatal backend logsUse dedicated log file or common log file for backend outputDisable forcing of PWD var in backend environmentFilename to use for logging LSAPI protocol exchangeEnable user ini files for backendRead user ini file from home direcotryInvoke backend not per VirtualHost but per accountlsapi_use_starter_hash_t_structuresUse hashing structures in the starter against transmission over pipeEnable sentry for mod_lsapi error reportingEnable mechanism to avoid creation of zombie process by lsphp processesDisable REJECT mode for lsphp processesUse or not connection pool mode.Internal mode to tweak work with starter mutexUse lsapi_backend_connect_timeout together with POSIX semaphoreUse shared memory or pipes for global counterPath to directory for criu imageslsapi_reset_criu_on_apache_restartReset all criu images if apache restartsInternal mode to tweak work with Apache server_recIgnored as module compiled without LIBPERFLOG supportSet tmpdir to create temporary files per request body inError codes used in response to clientSwitching mod_lsapi handler on or off.Switching process time measurement on or off.Use a hostname from the request_rec structureDump full info about every HTTP requestUser and group scripts shall be run asruid2: Minimal uid or gid file/dir, else set[ug]id to default (User,Group)Tie a virtual host to a specific child process.fcgid fake: a absolute access checker file pathFcgidAccessCheckerAuthoritativefcgid fake: Set to 'off' to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules upon failurefcgid fake: a absolute authenticator file pathFcgidAuthenticatorAuthoritativefcgid fake: Set to 'off' to allow authentication to be passed along to lower modules upon failurefcgid fake: a absolute authorizer file pathfcgid fake: Set to 'off' to allow authorization to be passed along to lower modules upon failurefcgid fake: scan interval for busy timeout processfcgid fake: a fastcgi application will be killed after handling a request for BusyTimeoutset processing options for a FastCGI commandfcgid fake: an environment variable name and optional value to pass to FastCGI.fcgid fake: Max process count of one class of fastcgi applicationfcgid fake: Min process count of one class of fastcgi applicationfcgid fake: scan interval for exited processfcgid fake: scan interval for idle timeout processfcgid fake: an idle fastcgi application will be killed after IdleTimeoutfcgid fake: Communication timeout to fastcgi serverfcgid fake: Connect timeout to fastcgi serverfcgid fake: Max total process countfcgid fake: The part of HTTP request which greater than this limit will swap to diskfcgid fake: Max HTTP request length in bytefcgid fake: Max requests handled by each fastcgi applicationfcgid fake: CGI output buffer sizefcgid fake: Header name which will be passed to FastCGI as environment variable.fcgid fake: Set 1, if cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 in php.inifcgid fake: fastcgi application lifetimefcgid fake: fastcgi shared memory file pathfcgid fake: fastcgi socket file pathfcgid fake: Spawn score up limitfcgid fake: Score of terminationfcgid fake: Score of passage of time (in seconds)fcgid fake: The CGI wrapper file an optional URL suffix and an optional flagfcgid fake: scan interval for zombie processfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidBusyScanInterval' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidBusyTimeout' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidInitialEnv' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidMinProcessesPerClass' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidErrorScanInterval' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidAccessChecker' insteadFastCgiAccessCheckerAuthoritativefcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidAccessCheckerAuthoritative' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidAuthenticator' insteadFastCgiAuthenticatorAuthoritativefcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidAuthenticatorAuthoritative' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidAuthorizer' insteadFastCgiAuthorizerAuthoritativefcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidAuthorizerAuthoritative' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidWrapper' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidIdleScanInterval' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidIdleTimeout' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidIOTimeout' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidConnectTimeout' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidMaxProcesses' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidMaxRequestInMem' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidMaxRequestLen' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidOutputBufferSize' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidPassHeader' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidFixPathinfo' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidProcessLifeTime' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidProcessTableFile' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidIPCDir' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidSpawnScore' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidSpawnScoreUpLimit' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidTerminationScore' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidTimeScore' insteadfcgid fake: Deprecated - Use 'FcgidZombieScanInterval' insteadsuPHP fake: Whether suPHP is on or off, default is offsuPHP fake: Wheres the php.ini resides, default is the PHP defaultsuPHP fake: Tells mod_suphp to handle these MIME-typessuPHP fake: Tells mod_suphp not to handle these MIME-typessuPHP fake: Path to the PHP binary used to render source viewruid2 fake: Set mode to config or stat (default: config)ruid2 fake: Set additional groupsruid2 fake: If uid or gid is < than RMinUidGid set[ug]id to this uid gidruid2 fake: Minimal uid or gid file/dir, else set[ug]id to default (RDefaultUidGid)ruid2 fake: Set chroot directory and the document root insidemod_lsapi: mod_lsapi: Cleanuplsapi_initOnOffDUMP_RUN_LSAPI1.1-77Version %s lsapi_criu %s offsignalspipesnoautodocrootlsapi_phpinideny_phpsSERVER_DOCROOTSERVER_UIDSCRIPT_PERMSLSAPI_CREATELSAPI_INTERNALLSAPI_CONN_ACQUIRELSAPI_CONN_DETERMINEBACKEND_NOHDRSBACKEND_ENDHDRSBACKEND_SENDREQBACKEND_RECVHDRBACKEND_RECVRSPBACKEND_CONNECTBACKEND_REJECTCLIENT_SETUPwill connect to backendContent-Lengthphp_valuePHP Valuephp_admin_valuePHP Admin Valuephp_flagPHP Flagphp_admin_flagPHP Admin Flaglsapi_process_phpinilsapi_keep_http200lsapi_output_bufferingOutput bufferinglsapi_backend_connect_timeoutBackend connect timeoutlsapi_backend_connect_triesBackend connect try numberlsapi_backend_childrenLSAPI_CHILDRENlsapi_backend_oom_score_adjlsapi_backend_pgrp_max_idleLSAPI_PGRP_MAX_IDLElsapi_backend_max_idleLSAPI_MAX_IDLELSAPI_MAX_PROCESS_TIMElsapi_backend_max_reqsLSAPI_MAX_REQSlsapi_backend_pgrp_max_reqsLSAPI_PGRP_MAX_REQSLSAPI_PGRP_MAX_CRASHESlsapi_backend_initial_startLSAPI_INITIAL_STARTlsapi_debugExtended Debuglsapi_socket_pathPath for backend socketslsapi_phprcPHPRC valuelsapi_target_permlsapi_paranoidlsapi_check_document_rootlsapi_use_default_uidlsapi_uid_giduid/gid for requestslsapi_user_groupuser/group for requestslsapi_selfstarterlsapi_backend_coredumplsapi_dump_debug_infolsapi_use_suexeclsapi_poll_timeoutTimeout to poll backendlsapi_mutex_mechMutex mechanism to uselsapi_mod_php_behaviourlsapi_backend_accept_notifylsapi_max_resend_bufferlsapi_set_envlsapi_set_env_pathlsapi_max_connectionlsapi_sulsphp_log_pathUse own file for sulsphp loglsapi_backend_use_own_loglsapi_backend_loglevel_infolsapi_backend_common_own_loglsapi_disable_forced_pwd_varlsapi_protocol_logfilelsapi_enable_user_inilsapi_user_ini_homedirlsapi_per_userlsapi_sentrylsapi_avoid_zombieslsapi_disable_reject_modelsapi_with_connection_poollsapi_mutex_tweaklsapi_backend_semtimedwaitlsapi_criuUse or not criulsapi_criu_debugEnable criu debug outputlsapi_criu_use_shmlsapi_criu_socket_pathPath to criu service socketlsapi_criu_imgs_dir_pathlsapi_server_tweaklsapi_use_perfcountersLSAPIPathSet template of pathlsapi_tmpdirlsapi_error_codelsapi_enginelsapi_measure_timelsapi_use_req_hostnamelsapi_dump_request_infosuPHP_UserGroupRUidGidAssignUserIDFcgidAccessCheckerFcgidAuthenticatorFcgidAuthorizerFcgidAuthorizerAuthoritativeFcgidBusyScanIntervalFcgidBusyTimeoutFcgidCmdOptionsFcgidInitialEnvFcgidMaxProcessesPerClassFcgidMinProcessesPerClassFcgidErrorScanIntervalFcgidIdleScanIntervalFcgidIdleTimeoutFcgidIOTimeoutFcgidConnectTimeoutFcgidMaxProcessesFcgidMaxRequestInMemFcgidMaxRequestLenFcgidMaxRequestsPerProcessFcgidOutputBufferSizeFcgidPassHeaderFcgidFixPathinfoFcgidProcessLifeTimeFcgidProcessTableFileFcgidIPCDirFcgidSpawnScorefcgid fake: Score of spawnFcgidSpawnScoreUpLimitFcgidTerminationScoreFcgidTimeScoreFcgidWrapperFcgidZombieScanIntervalDefaultInitEnvDefaultMaxClassProcessCountDefaultMinClassProcessCountFastCgiAccessCheckerFastCgiAuthenticatorFastCgiAuthorizerFCGIWrapperIPCCommTimeoutIPCConnectTimeoutMaxProcessCountPHP_Fix_Pathinfo_EnableSharememPathSocketPathsuPHP_EnginesuPHP_ConfigPathsuPHP_AddHandlersuPHP_RemoveHandlersuPHP_PHPPathRModeRGroupsRDefaultUidGidRMinUidGidRDocumentChRootnonesysloglsapisock%04X%04X-%04X%04X[host %s] %snobodyPHPRCfailedeof/var/mod_lsapi/var/log/mod_lsapiwbackend_path "%s": %u, debug_enableddomaincontent_length "environment": { "special_environment": { "request": {requestprotohost%ld.%06ldstart_time "%s": %s, methodcontent_typehandler[ "%s", %d ] "%s": %s content_encodingauth_userauth_typeunparsed_uripath_infoquery_argsclient_ipclient_hostname "headers": { }, "%s": "%s", "%s": "%s" } "response": {status_code "%s": %d, status_linecreate_connection_timeget_response_time%.*sGATEWAY_INTERFACEHTTP_PROXYPHP_AUTH_USERPHP_AUTH_PWAuthorizationBasic SCRIPT_FILENAMEFailed to stat php.ini in document root(%s) - proceed to searching php.ini in home dir/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/connect.cphp.ini in document root(%s) is not regular file - proceed to searching php.ini in home dirgepwuid(%d) failed - cannot find php.ini in home dirFailed to stat php.ini in home dir(%s) - will not use phprcphp.ini in document root(%s) is not regular file - will not use phprcRequest retrieving failed. Reason: unknown, On: request body, Source: client, Where: unknownIn order to get more info about fail reason try to change LogLevel to Info in httpd.conf and restart Apache/var/log/mod_lsapi/req-%lu.%lu.%s-%010u.json "backend_environment": {Could not determine uid/gid for requestCould not determine script filename for requestCould not stat document root (%s): errno %dDocument root (%s) is not directorydocument root (%s) is not owned by uid %uCould not stat script filename (%s): errno %dScript file (%s) is not regularscript file (%s) is not owned by uid %uScript file (%s) is writable by othersCould not create lsapi connection: %sBefore trying to gather dump_request_info, as cfg->dump_request_info is switched onbefore write dump_request_info into r->notes with key %s. Request time is %lu.%06lunot trying to gather dump_request_info, as apr_palloc(r->pool, %u) failednot trying to gather dump_request_info, as cfg->dump_request_info is switched off/php.inilscapi-dump-request-info-keymod_lsapi-get_client_block-statusWrong packet format: offset %ld is more than datalen %lu/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/do.c... and set status line to standard one (%s) as status is known... and set status line to context one (%s) as status is unknown... and set status line to pseudo one (%s) as status is unknown and we cannot use context oneHTTP output filters(1) error detectedHTTP output filters(2) error detectedflush output buffer: %d; %d; %dHTTP output filters(3) error detectedError receiving response header (lsphp is killed?): %slscapi_do_request: response header received: response status %dEnd of script output before headers: %sPremature end of script headers: %sScript timed out before returning headers: %slscapi_scan_script_header finishing: cgi_status %d; status_line(%s)lscapi_scan_script_header: next line(%s)lscapi_scan_script_header: ROW header found: set cgi_status to %d; and status_line to (%s)lscapi_scan_script_header: ROW header found: Status header found: set cgi_status to %d; and status_line to (%s)lscapi_scan_script_header failed: %d: use standard header(%s)set status to %d using cgi_status and line(%s)set status to response status 200 due to keep_http200 flagleave status blank as response status is HTTP_OK: %dset status to response status %dset status to %d as WWW-Authenticate header found; standard line (%s)nor response code %d, nor cgi_status %d - leave status blankbefore trying to dump request info as dircfg->dump_request_info switched onbefore call dump_request_info. Response time is %lu.%06lucannot find %s key in r->notes -> no dump request infowill not try to dump request info as dircfg->dump_request_info switched off203 Non-Authoritative Information407 Proxy Authentication Required416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable431 Request Header Fields Too Large505 HTTP Version Not Supported511 Network Authentication RequiredContent-Type:text/event-streamX-Accel-Buffering:WWW-Authenticate:500 Internal Server Error%3d Error receiving response: %sdata chunk received; len %luSet-CookieHTTP/%1u.%1u %3sContent-typeLocationContent-RangeTransfer-EncodingETagLast-Modifiedresponse status is not OK %dGET100 Continue101 Switching Protocols102 Processing200 OK201 Created202 Accepted204 No Content205 Reset Content206 Partial Content207 Multi-Status208 Already Reported226 IM Used300 Multiple Choices301 Moved Permanently302 Moved Temporarily303 See Other304 Not Modified305 Use Proxy307 Temporary Redirect308 Permanent Redirect400 Bad Request401 Unauthorized402 Payment Required403 Forbidden404 Not Found405 Method Not Allowed406 Not Acceptable408 Request Timeout409 Conflict410 Gone411 Length Required412 Precondition Failed413 Request Entity Too Large414 Request-URI Too Long415 Unsupported Media Type417 Expectation Failed421 Misdirected Request422 Unprocessable Entity423 Locked424 Failed Dependency426 Upgrade Required428 Precondition Required429 Too Many Requests501 Not Implemented502 Bad Gateway503 Service Unavailable504 Gateway Timeout506 Variant Also Negotiates507 Insufficient Storage508 Loop Detected510 Not ExtendedUKNOWN'GSlscapi-measure-response-gotlscapi-measure-header-gotlscapi-measure-request-sentlscapi-measure-conn-establishedlscapi-measure-request-gothttp://docs.cloudlinux.com/mod_lsapi_troubleshooting.html/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/binLD_PATH/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/httpreq.cCannot process all http headers -- MAX_HEADERS is too small %dHostAcceptPragmaRefererCookie2If-MatchIf-RangeConnectionUser-AgentKeep-AliveContent-TypeCache-ControlIf-None-MatchAccept-CharsetX-Forwarded-ForAccept-EncodingAccept-LanguageIf-Modified-SinceIf-Unmodified-SinceViawwpwHwwvwhvw8vuXutwtws.%d/Can't create global mutex %s/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/mutex.cCan't set global %s mutex permslscapi_grab_sock_slot: Could not get connection pool for sock(%s)/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/pool.clscapi_grab_sock_slot: apr_thread_rwlock_rdlock failed: %dlscapi_grab_sock_slot: apr_thread_rwlock_wrlock failed: %dlscapi_grab_sock_slot: alloc(%lu) failedlscapi_grab_sock_slot: ptrdup(%s) failedlscapi_grab_sock_slot: apr_thread_mutex_create failed(%d)lscapi_grab_sock_slot: apr_thread_mutex_lock failed: %dlscapi_ungrab_sock_slot: apr_thread_mutex_lock failed: %dLSAPI_CONNECTIONS_KEY%s lsapi starter failed to initialize; stopping httpd/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/starter.c%s lsapi starter died, restarting the server%s apr_global_mutex_child_init error for pipe mutexsulsphp: uid:(%u); gid:(%u); cmd:(%s); CRIU: pid:(%d) restored from images%s Can't connect to CRIU. Please check that CRIU service is running.sulsphp: uid:(%u); gid:(%u); cmd:(%s); CRIU: Failed restore from images - ignore%s Can't set ownership of %s %s%s Can't create pipe between starter and module%s Can't install SIGTERM handler%s Can't install SIGHUP handler%s Can't install SIGUSR1 handler%s Can't install GRACEFUL_STOP handler%s Can't install SIGPIPE handler%s Can't install SIGCHLD handler%s can't install signal handler, exiting now%s current user is not root, exiting nowCan't open sulsphp log file %s: %s. Using the default pathLength of the sulsphp log file path is too long (%zu). Max length (%zu). Using the default pathCan't open default sulsphp log file %s: %s.getpwuid: couldn't determine user name from uid %d, you probably need to modify the User directivesetgid: unable to set group id to Group %dinitgroups: unable to set groups for User %s and Group %d%s Can't set group privs, exiting now%s Can't chdir to %s, exiting now%s Can't chroot to %s, exiting now%s Can't chdir to new root, exiting now%s unable to change uid to %ld, exiting now%s Starter use hashing structures against transmission over pipe %s Starter use transmission over pipe against hashing structures %s Starter main loop: leave due to server restart%s STARTER: client pipe is NOT ready%s STARTER: just before waiting for spawnCmd on starter pipe%s STARTER: restart condition found on waiting for spawnCmd%s STARTER: timeout exceeded on waiting for spawnCmd%s STARTER hostname received: %s%s STARTER: not found hash in table for: %s%s STARTER: timeout exceeded on waiting for response write%s STARTER send not found to client: %s%s STARTER: timeout exceeded on waiting for hashed spawnCmd read%s STARTER: command received for: %s%s STARTER: info to hash table is written for: %s%s STARTER: result size of storage : %i bytes%s STARTER: found hash in table for: %s%s STARTER: send found to client: %s%s STARTER: %s: interrupted due to server restart %s Starter fetch failed: leave due to server restart%s Starter timeout exceeded on waiting for notify write %s Starter before notify: leave due to server restart%s can't send notify from selfstarter%s STARTER notify sent to the client: error on writing hashed spawnCmd into starter pipe: error on waiting for writing command into starter pipe: timeout exceeded on waiting for reading from client pipe: error on reading HASHED_FLAG from client pipe: error on writing command into starter pipe: error on writing spawnCmd into starter pipe: timeout exceeded on waiting for reading Notify from client pipe: timeout exceeded on waiting for writing command into starter pipe: error on waiting on reading from client pipe: timeout on waiting for writing into starter pipe is exceeded: apr_file_read_2 on read_pipe failed: error on waiting for reading Notify from client pipe: error on waiting for writing into starter pipe%s can't get pipe mutex due to Apache restart%s CLIENT: spawnCmd is sent to starter%s CLIENT: hostname is sent to starter%s CLIENT: starter response received: info is NOT cached for %s%s CLIENT: cached mode spawnCmd is sent to starter for: %s%s CLIENT: starter response received: info is ALREADY cached for %s%s CLIENT notify is received for: %s%s can't send SIGHUP to selflsapi-pipe[ERROR %s:%d] [ERROR] waiting for spawnCmd readreading of spawnCmdreading of hostnamewaiting for response writewriting isHashed=0 flagreading hashed spawnCmdwriting isHashed=1 flag%s Can't create %s %sselfstarter socket dir%s Selfstarter %d started%s%s%ssulsphp_log%s STARTER: spawnCmd received%s STARTER: %d: on %s%s Selfstarter %d stopped%s Create selfstarter error: Apache restart detected%s pipe mutex lock failed: %d%s can't release pipe mutex%s Backend spawn failed%slsapi-util: /opt/altPWD%s prepare_env failed: %ssulsphp :%s invalid uid:(%u)lsphp/usr/local/bin/opt/cpanel/opt/cloudlinux/builddir/build/BUILD/ea-apache24-mod_lsapi-1.1/src/liblscapi-util/sulsphp.c%s could not get user info uid:(%u)%s user mismatch (%s instead of %s)%s uid:%u; gid:%u; invalid command (%s)%s cannot run as forbidden uid (%u/%s)%s cannot run as forbidden gid (%u/%s)%s uid:%u; gid:%u; getcwd failed%s uid:%u; gid:%u; cannot get docroot information (%s)%s uid:%u; gid:%u; Error spawn_backend_lsphpsulsphp:/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/utils/lsapi_sentry.pyPATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin/opt/cloudlinux/venv/bin/python3/var/log/mod_lsa;P `4pH\pPp,0``P|P@\0xpp  8 `T @ P  0 0L h 0 P  , `H d P  8 PT p 0 `  4 0P pl `$8L`tt`(lp0h00 `t |     P xP,lP 0@D#t#%&T01=?(?@P@TA BFX FtpFU@VW,@X`YZb`d0dPd pd d8 dL e e pi0!ih!k! l!`l!l"l$" m@"mp"m"o"qL#P&`'Е`(@(P(`((zRx $حFJ w?:*3$"D\(p$ uHh@Hj MpFBA I(G0~ (A ABBC D8`@H8A0D (A ABBI D8`@H8A0D(A ABBTP0h\Lk I K E R F D[ OA'FIB E(D0A8GHFHVaAMAP_RB 8A0A(B BBBH AJYAbHPALMZAlA_BAD]A[ GQ QROA(EKG0y AAF  (5FGD ^CB( 5FGD ^CB($ 5FGD ^CB(P45FGD ^CB|H4EnlREL7Eq2El,Hc4FRA A ABC hAB<hPEJXIECtLEF0EKD } CAK aCA`NEHNEHREL REL4PTENPNEHl/EiTEN LEFTIECRELRELREL0TTENLTENhPEJ5Eo45EoX7Eq|.Eh(6FGD _CB /Ei</EiX/Eit/Ei/Ei+Ee+Ee0HEBd0Ejx/Ei8/EiT0Ejp3Em3Em0EjD9FKK u ABD x ABE m ABH  6HY G M, (4HY G KL H` Tt ` l x FBE B(A0A8GFmeBMGYBDfMCCAK` 8A0A(B BBBD aHHCARnCCARWGZBo CCAN jAHDtAHA( 4E G ` H ` H @ FBB A(C0DPa 0A(A BBBE @ tFID Q ABI K ABB ZAB@d FID Q ABI K ABB ZAB$ ,oEIG UCA$ thEIG NCA$ qEIG WCAH pFGD D(D0Q (D ABBE n(D ABB4l 8^FID Q ABI jAB0 `REIG N AAK _AA4 FID Q ABI MABH mFGD D(D0Q (D ABBE k(D ABB<\ lFID G0N  AABD w AAB 8 4FBB B(A0A8G  L J B  N M FO { C P KW B 8A0A(B BBBH M C C AO t H H AN  C C AK ~ C C AK u L M HO X I T AP  L M HO D l D GGGGGGGGCCAK  L [ B D J S CW  J S LN i J S LN X N R JN X F K QZ i  J S CE D  N F FE  G Y A LHDHPFEE E(I0D8DPl 8C0A(B BBBB H@FEE E(K0G8GPc 8A0A(B BBBE $(EID AAL/FJB B(D0A8GV 8A0A(B BBBH 0EAG m GAN dGA,8FID  ABJ <h|FBJ D(D0J (A BBBE ,9HQ Q(E0IhHlFBB B(A0A8G L@LB/BOBHBAB[Bk 8A0A(B BBBD 08LBDA Os  AABC l,AC P J 8 FLD C(G0U (D ABBB h( FBB B(A0A8G L@LBBOBHBAB[Bg 8A0A(B BBBH 4X FGA A(N0(C ABB$ FBB E(A0D8G p I Q I I  h K B  B L E u M ^ D a M a D ` 8A0A(B BBBD 8,] FBB B(A0A8J6^QB%IVK+ 8A0A(B BBBE O[A~LcA MJ NVWFSRVFbGIhIT #=BBB B(A0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBE SXP`XXBPd%HN|%QT%BAD G0q  AABE ]8K@[8A0`8M@Y8B0O8K@[8A0<'%X'BBB B(A0A8H Q DN[ANqHȁHЁKLI^Bx 8A0A(B BBBA *EY4*MFID h ABJ AAB*(FBB B(A0A8G L@LFF^FPFAFF^FOFAFLFKF[FAFFFFiFBFFMFMFEGSFDFFFaFBF`FPFJFHGSFIFbFHFAFeFOFZFBF 8A0A(B BBBH ~FFFeFAFWFHFiFAFeFOF^FAFKFNFYFBF\FVFHFBFCFMFZFBFUFPFJFHGlFGFbFOFJFgFOFWFAFoFZFPFAFJFMFZFBFGFMFZFBFJFPFOFHGSFUFOF[FAF\8FED D(D0J (A ABBI W (A ABBC D(F ABB8,H8fFBD D(G0 (F ABBD 0h|9FIA G@i  AABA L9xFEB B(D0A8Do 8A0A(B BBBG T;FBB B(A0A8G@j 8D0A(B BBBD ^H_PHHA@TD;FBB B(A0A8G L@LA 8A0A(B BBBH h(CsBBE B(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBB _FYAjHWAMFmuxI!7a'Sޥ["GT8PH(|g.8E^`\W.o 6[ig#X;*(PyYkފ=3~;SZ=AHu׎%# "犨^/_U rw.LB\/qsInLxTFSvDi,{T-"ɛrdD.5p Eϫkvcy̓M1,Y{q)8XubRi"H}WV%pF%cet%#Pfs-p{O:mogC`=(B.]Ҹa! 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