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Methods: close(): Stop the profiler and close the log files. fileno(): Returns the file descriptor of the log file. runcall(): Run a single function call with profiling enabled. runcode(): Execute a code object with profiling enabled. start(): Install the profiler and return. stop(): Remove the profiler. Attributes (read-only): closed: True if the profiler has already been closed. frametimings: True if ENTER/EXIT events collect timing information. lineevents: True if line events are reported to the profiler. linetimings: True if line events collect timing information.stop() Remove this profiler from the current thread.start() Install this profiler for the current thread.runcode(code, globals[, locals]) Execute a code object while collecting profile data. If locals is omitted, globals is used for the locals as well.runcall(callable[, args[, kw]]) -> callable() Profile a specific function call, returning the result of that call.close() Shut down this profiler and close the log files, even if its active.addinfo(key, value) Insert an ADD_INFO record into the log.fileno() -> file descriptor Returns the file descriptor for the log file, if open. Raises ValueError if the log file is closed.close() Close the log file, preventing additional records from being read.F:` F 7`a E)a G$` E@#XI:FIG%g G@:g E#IG4(G0(G4(F8f G0`f G9g E`1e E@0@e H9e H`9d G(%h a +i @i h GX(02 b k `j j GA$3a1EE GA$3p1113#7EGA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: gcc-annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! 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