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No more than %dIP versions mismatch in gateway addressesYou do not have enough privileges to use this traceroute method.max hops cannot be more than 255no more than 10 probes per hopbad wait specifications `%g,%g,%g' usedtoo big packetlen %d specifiedIP version mismatch in addresses specifiedtraceroute to %s (%s), %u hops max, %zu byte packetsThe full packet length (default is the length of an IP header plus 40). Can be ignored or increased to a minimal allowed valueStart from the %s hop (instead from 1)Route packets through the specified gateway (maximum 8 for IPv4 and 127 for IPv6)Use ICMP ECHO for traceroutingUse TCP SYN for tracerouting (default port is 80)Specify a network interface to operate withSet the max number of hops (max TTL to be reached). Default is 30Set the number of probes to be tried simultaneously (default is 16)Do not resolve IP addresses to their domain namesSet the destination port to use. It is either initial udp port value for "default" method (incremented by each probe, default is 33434), or initial seq for "icmp" (incremented as well, default from 1), or some constant destination port for other methods (with default of 80 for "tcp", 53 for "udp", etc.)Set the TOS (IPv4 type of service) or TC (IPv6 traffic class) value for outgoing packetsUse specified %s for IPv6 packetsWait for a probe no more than HERE (default 3) times longer than a response from the same hop, or no more than NEAR (default 10) times than some next hop, or MAX (default 5.0) seconds (float point values allowed too)Set the number of probes per each hop. Default is 3Bypass the normal routing and send directly to a host on an attached networkUse source %s for outgoing packetsMinimal time interval between probes (default 0). If the value is more than 10, then it specifies a number in milliseconds, else it is a number of seconds (float point values allowed too)Show ICMP extensions (if present), including MPLSPerform AS path lookups in routing registries and print results directly after the corresponding addressesUse specified module (either builtin or external) for traceroute operations. Most methods have their shortcuts (`-I' means `-M icmp' etc.)Use module-specific option %s for the traceroute module. Several %s allowed, separated by comma. If %s is "help", print info about available optionsUse source port %s for outgoing packets. Implies `-N 1'Set firewall mark for outgoing packetsUse UDP to particular port for tracerouting (instead of increasing the port per each probe), default port is 53Use UDPLITE for tracerouting (default dest port is 53)Use DCCP Request for tracerouting (default port is 33434)Use raw packet of protocol %s for traceroutingDiscover MTU along the path being traced. Implies `-F -N 1'Guess the number of hops in the backward path and print if it differshvhhxxhx(8УУ6MbP?$@whois.radb.netnicname!!RA_SERVERRA_SERVICE%s/%s: %s %s route:route6:origin:finsetsockopt SO_REUSEADDRecnsacktimestampswindow_scalingimpossiblesynSet tcp flag ACK,FIN,RST,pshPSH,urgURG,eceECE,cwrCWRflagsUse sack,timestamps,window_scaling option for tcpsysctlreusemssinfoSet tcp flag SYN (default if no other tcp flags specified)Set tcp flags exactly to value %sSend syn packet with tcp flags ECE and CWR (for Explicit Congestion Notification, rfc3168)Use current sysctl (/proc/sys/net/*) setting for the tcp options and ecn. Always set by default (with "syn") if nothing else specifiedAllow to reuse local port numbers for the huge workloads (SO_REUSEADDR)Use value of %s for maxseg tcp option (when syn)Print tcp flags of final tcp replies when target host is reached. Useful to determine whether an application listens the port etc./proc/sys/net/iptcpconnserviceSet DCCP service code to %s (default is 1885957735)optionkeywordBad option `%c%c' (argc %d)Bad %s `%s' (argc %d)OptionKeyword %s %s+ %s %s ... ' %s . %s %sUsage: %sCommand line options:%s %s { %s } [ %s ] [ -%s ] [ +%s ] [ +/-%s ] [ %s ... [ %sUsage:Options: Arguments:POSIXLY_CORRECTBad %s `%s' (with arg `%s') (argc %d)Cannot handle `%s' %s with arg `%s' (argc %d)Cannot handle `%s' %s (argc %d)%s `%s' (argc %d): Only one of: %s may be specified.%s `%s' (argc %d) requires an argument: `%s'Anyway `%s' must be specified. Only one of these may be specified: %s Incorrect argument list set in program source: more than one optional area.`%s' (argc %d): arguments are not allowedOne of these must be specified: %s Specify "%s" missing argument.Specify "%s" and other missing arguments.Incorrect argument list set: first arg cannot be `accompanied with previous'.Arg "%s" must be specified because "%s" `%s' is used.Cannot handle "%s" cmdline arg `%s' on position %d (argc %d)Extra arg `%s' (position %d, argc %d);@bHfpj jXjdk k$ k8 0kP wwwww0xxPy`z|D}p}}}~$ PPx@PP`$X` pP 0d P ` @ Ў@ \ А  8 L 0d P ( T l 0 P P< p У `@`\x8Lp@дh`й`p@PнT0(0t $P|pp`@ T<`\0P`(p<PdxpzRx s/D$4]PFJ w?:*3$"\b@t0t <,t}aAE pABFH OCB8ltLIA  DBK I ABD (@ukEDD` AAC 0w"De\wH0[ E |w wDEq J C0$xEAG b AAG LAA(xEAD  CAD (tyzEEJ0z AAH <y"Pd,dyLDJ _ ABA @zOP|znIA wABFH KABBb {DBBB B(A0A8GY \AzQ _AS K I KY 8A0A(B BBBA `~FBB B(A0D8FPO 8A0A(B BBBH D8H0A(B BBB~W8 04AECG b AAE DCA0DPFID D0  AABA x̀RAP G m A \HD D LMHDkHb܁"aa$a<(PāFEAD r DAA |6 e|(xEAJ0e AAI 0,FFA G0  AABI ,AAGHH<)AAGw AAF DM\AeEYD0 BHA Ip   AABH zRx p$_ $xKEo L C A F$8+E PćES M AJ (tELXS AAA 8$FBA A(D0O (A ABBE 4oAHF x CAE D AAA (AC M A @D9EXlLlL4EDG@kHHP_HA@j AAA |CEX C bLFIE B(A0C8G 8A0A(B BBBH ( J\< ]A FBB B(I0K8DJQD# 8C0A(B BBBD ( ECDPu AAE  TH F A  ЕH | D ( D_EAF` AAK , xH | D H zH X H d `EG{ AH H <FED C(D0j (C ABBH x (E ABBA L FBB B(D0A8G + 8A0A(B BBBC $ @ 8 LiEL J AA H\ }FIH D(F0o (F ABBE V(A ABB ̠ 0 ȠcFAA Dp=  AABC 8 FLA D(Dp (A ABBI $, xAC C E 8T `FBI A(Dp< (A ABBH  " f fES ,Ef @ WAA D0j  AABE D CABF0L XFKD D`  AABA  $K A @ qAF y AAE x AAN DCA e 0 4,sKAD K AAC FAAH8@t^FOA D(Dp (A ABBD (|{ECL` AAE "d<BGE H(A0A (A BBBA HЯ%BEB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA `G A @|xBDA P CBL F JKM lCBL?BEE B(G0I8N R 8A0A(B BBBH (lAAD0R AAF (<8lAAD0R AAF (h|lAAD0R AAF  AM` AD (DIGC AB0 ȸBDC Gp  AABA 0@t BDA J  AABG 0tPFDA D0-  AABH ,̻ANAG  AAJ `LFBB B(A0D8J 8A0A(B BBBC (wK] H LH. 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