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The function is called with no arguments after the first prompt has been printed and just before readline starts reading input characters.set_startup_hook([function]) -> None Set or remove the function invoked by the rl_startup_hook callback. The function is called with no arguments just before readline prints the first prompt.set_completion_display_matches_hook([function]) -> None Set or remove the completion display function. The function is called as function(substitution, [matches], longest_match_length) once each time matches need to be displayed.get_completer_delims() -> string get the word delimiters for completionreplace_history_item(pos, line) -> None replaces history item given by its position with contents of lineremove_history_item(pos) -> None remove history item given by its positionadd_history(string) -> None add an item to the history bufferset_auto_history(enabled) -> None Enables or disables automatic history.set_completer_delims(string) -> None set the word delimiters for completionget_endidx() -> int get the ending index of the completion scopeget_begidx() -> int get the beginning index of the completion scopeget_completion_type() -> int Get the type of completion being attempted.get_completer() -> function Returns current completer function.set_completer([function]) -> None Set or remove the completer function. The function is called as function(text, state), for state in 0, 1, 2, ..., until it returns a non-string. It should return the next possible completion starting with 'text'.get_history_length() -> int return the maximum number of lines that will be written to the history file.set_history_length(length) -> None set the maximal number of lines which will be written to the history file. A negative length is used to inhibit history truncation.get_current_history_length() -> integer return the current (not the maximum) length of history.get_history_item() -> string return the current contents of history item at index.append_history_file(nelements[, filename]) -> None Append the last nelements items of the history list to file. The default filename is ~/.history.write_history_file([filename]) -> None Save a readline history file. The default filename is ~/.history.read_history_file([filename]) -> None Load a readline history file. The default filename is ~/.history.read_init_file([filename]) -> None Execute a readline initialization file. The default filename is the last filename used.redisplay() -> None Change what's displayed on the screen to reflect the current contents of the line buffer.insert_text(string) -> None Insert text into the line buffer at the cursor position.get_line_buffer() -> string return the current contents of the line buffer.parse_and_bind(string) -> None Execute the init line provided in the string argument.Importing this module enables command line editing using GNU readline.KVC m K9l KC`l KBk PKB`k ;K=Aj %KB@`j K>?i J:`i K>i J7@h K.?g L8f L6`f %L?f 9L7e DL6@e OLpGd JY7d dL<@d J >c J=`c pL:c M9b LU9@a L%9@` Ln6` Lm 0m pFFHGA$3a1'yJreadline.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.6.8-69.el8_10.alma.1.x86_64.debugv=7zXZִF!t/G]?Eh=ڊ2NU Um [Ɗ~p"G/ZsHs'\s8Zk[A"""KE)JH JSbk3;DՁUxMV qZOZBXK٣:3s`6Q$= XJ<|r4v0;UD.^T{PM"?i (-xgတq?D3@$/xtq^q'4(\+',-%|ꅃRuHʄur ɉ/\6MzxGj]20bډ(rS;8>DalX6Hvċ^h ޛbRX,I!0EoКpퟕݧY5T`\EB2>naAҸ;ȰF`Ã>lMWlpؖ <5C_|؋I=_ZqhPq$Nj堪,/f)Kb ^?+lVbJŰYq7!*[Dw(rt0rX{)HU`&cIå Ew*mSb?Qӧ+,urPC4 jWB*OHڟ͍q0؏஛8UŠ&ejdE/0@V|Tg[YΡgy^HTie`~_~bL2^l<+ׅq>&Eӡdh84-pb.tG'ߓ]Ŧ7Kcm; @gFy~''_Vlحj:8O%s<ݲ # El<`Ă&izlJ_CPE+{5eϤŨsz#9Ic*/h|7nU:WMWuݣ>/!tLY*fI[oKcM&5f,u#V!үX72TOriD3+fA