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Write the strings to the file. Note that newlines are not added. The sequence can be any iterable object producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string.close(): explicitly release resources held.write(s) -- Write a string to the file Note (hack:) writing None resets the bufferseek(position) -- set the current position seek(position, mode) -- mode 0: absolute; 1: relative; 2: relative to EOFtruncate(): truncate the file at the current position.tell() -- get the current position.reset() -- Reset the file position to the beginningreadlines() -- Read all linesreadline() -- Read one lineread([s]) -- Read s characters, or the rest of the stringisatty(): always returns 0getvalue([use_pos]) -- Get the string value. If use_pos is specified and is a true value, then the string returned will include only the text up to the current file position. flush(): does nothing.A simple fast partial StringIO replacement. This module provides a simple useful replacement for the StringIO module that is written in C. It does not provide the full generality of StringIO, but it provides enough for most applications and is especially useful in conjunction with the pickle module. Usage: from cStringIO import StringIO an_output_stream=StringIO() an_output_stream.write(some_stuff) ... value=an_output_stream.getvalue() an_input_stream=StringIO(a_string) spam=an_input_stream.readline() spam=an_input_stream.read(5) an_input_stream.seek(0) # OK, start over spam=an_input_stream.read() # and read it all If someone else wants to provide a more complete implementation, go for it. :-) cStringIO.c,v 1.29 1999/06/15 14:10:27 jim Exp )p! &% L `N o.,@ [/%D a/)@D j/`% D .p*C .@"C ."C q/%`C . $`B w/( C /+B |/A /0/[/%D a/)@D j/`% D .p*C .@"C ."C q/%`C . $`B w/( C /+B |/ A .+B /'@ /p/I/ !`@ -H `L /8!@ -J @J `L GA$3a1xe. 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GA*FORTIFYGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS GA*GOW*GA*cf_protectionGA+omit_frame_pointerGA+stack_clashGA!stack_realign GA*FORTIFYpGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONScStringIO.so-2.7.18-9.el8.x86_64.debugw]p7zXZִF!t/1]?Eh=ڊ2N 2TɖBMK2mIr6/wՖ*h:ES7¼$kQ%ŗUI[ MzP6~^3‰Mu!N2݅@,o%H :BTY^jm*Ժ6P:M{"Ȼփ!Q n_',t8s๾MLԶh3m/cj=e5~`2Q SwYǖ+ۺ>#<_XY_JEFf:i %J$zEŹRq&+fu؍(BATu!4/UT'cZSUPU=^0y=S, 5팑E5IIy Z/hsѱp3(~Rga_AOCe4rq&?9Gg`u6:+)N|+o ð,Ц&$ s5"5ʅVUl}@%YBH5Pk->d]}(뚁Fq\ǬbZc˘k S[ ,`ߵ͋{{viU3d`.߲rɆWnhX?P~IZ.>-6v#3pӂ {Jcn02lG(cCE((4؜2Qhx~Ia8!' -e3j&D w%PuzbߞvK!HĞTB)jv84pX:siHPmT #rWWG*XSMAnA1.X>Hv8uh@V#s3)gYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.note.gnu.property.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu.build.attributes.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 88$o``4( 0HH@8o dEo `TP P ( ^Bxxhxxcnw}X.X. 2h.h.0011\`5`5 h< h<p< p<x< x<< <> >@ @ O OO`OH 0R,\RtV(