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If 'subcalls' is True, also records for each function statistics separated according to its current caller. If 'builtins' is True, records the time spent in built-in functions separately from their caller. getstats() -> list of profiler_entry objects Return all information collected by the profiler. Each profiler_entry is a tuple-like object with the following attributes: code code object callcount how many times this was called reccallcount how many times called recursively totaltime total time in this entry inlinetime inline time in this entry (not in subcalls) calls details of the calls The calls attribute is either None or a list of profiler_subentry objects: code called code object callcount how many times this is called reccallcount how many times this is called recursively totaltime total time spent in this call inlinetime inline time (not in further subcalls) Profiler(timer=None, timeunit=None, subcalls=True, builtins=True) Builds a profiler object using the specified timer function. The default timer is a fast built-in one based on real time. For custom timer functions returning integers, timeunit can be a float specifying a scale (i.e. how long each integer unit is, in seconds). ?; Pp(XTfld0kDXlvJ\tfI)8zRx $00FJ w?:*3$"D8 (\@ET0u8H@W8D0uAEHE[ A(vFDD dAB,BFD D0 AAB(EMA  AAA zRx   ,x)4 4@BED A(G@(A ABB$;ADA rAATEN$EAAA AAHD2UBEB E(A0A8Gp38A0A(B BBB;{Mj4LFBD D(D0q(A ABBNALEPKE}04EnL)EG0A(lFDA ABGNU'&< Ufv P (< < o`  > 0  0 oo ooR o7<  0@P`p 0@P`p()(*( *(((H*(((x*(((*()(*#)$,3(+,)`+4)$ +:)@ T) @ |))D )~()))~(k)@$/A GA$3a1P(_lsprof.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.8.17-2.module_el8.9.0+3633+e453b53a.x86_64.debugF,7zXZִF!t/M]?Eh=ڊ2N+O> .G'di҂Xzh.֒>zS3$n*]b6os=" ɧGƦ`8S@>OBV-$Q/uՎhbU| u z_{j톮ɷ5Cb@s>]}:\MwZg)D6hȑhZIOwVk}t;d9ej7҂/ÖeS,mPN0sy Qbg JBjEPcVmXhq& itSrI"69H0 ?DP{Z@#S,Or. GH AEޣ9B%m ie0cL[=f<221N;Oɼ#(y *O_LtjuM;Y&ac H iSכI dQs )y:m N=Jnÿ a;4jc1笖tHW=STKaVUC,}\Ǡ]W#vp9N49B4{ɒ7<:}3'tX%Zy'x>2cE)d,I i- >h@ @` `D `D  H``D$ D`DtI(