dddͭdd˱d˱{död̶ödödö1d*r iu x { ~   > w memheap.cqueue.cqw.camssheap.cDALSysLogEvent.cdog_hal_common.cudog_hal_root.cdog_hb.cdog_virtual_root.cerr_inject_crash.cerr_qdi.cerr_qdi_pdr_records.cpd_mon.cprocinfo_qdi.cprocinfo_qdi_client_root.crcecb.crcevt_common.crcxh.csys_m.csys_m_smsm_mpss.ctms_utils_task_qurt.ctms_utils_msg.cglink_core_internal.cglink_core_full_xport.cglink_channel_migration.cglink_api.cglink_core_if.cglink_core_intent.cglink_os_utils_dal.cglink_ssr.cxport_smem.cxport_smem_devcfg.csmem_log.cspinlock_stm.csmp2p.csmp2p_internal.csmp2p_dal.csmp2p_qdi_driver.cdiagpkt.cdiag.cdiagbuf.cdiagdiag_common.cdiaglog.cevent.cdiagmm.cdiagcomm_cmd.cdiagcomm_sio.cdiagcomm_io.cdiagcomm_ctrl.cdiagcomm_cfg.cdiag_mode.cdiag_qshrink4.cdiag_qdi.cdiagbuf_mpd_common.cdiagcomm_io_socket.cdiag_diagID.cdiag_early_log.cmsg_api.cdiagcomm_smd.cdiagcomm_io_udp.cdiag_f3_trace.cdiagbuffer.ctimer.ctimer_qdi.ctimetick_sclk64.ctimer_client.ctimer_client_root_init.cxport_smem_spss.cDALInterruptController.cClockDriver.cClockQDI.cIPCC_OSQ6.crcinit_term.crcinit_workloop.crcinit_init.crcinit_dal.crcinit_qurt.cqmi_csi_target.cumemheap_lite.crcesn.cchipinfoclk_regimeclk_regime_imagepostinitdalsysdalsys_glbctxt_timerdiagDIAG_PRI_ORDERdiag_f3_tracediag_f3_trace_devcfgdiag_startupdog_hal_rootdog_hb_initdog_qdierr_inject_crash_initerr_log_ssrerr_qdi_late_initerr_smem_logerr_timestamp_smemerr_wdog_fbitegencbctxtinitglinkglink_ssrimage_uuidimage_versipc_routeripccosalpd_mon_rootpd_wlanprng_mutex_initprng_qdi_initprocinfoprocinfo_qdi_clientqmi_fwqmi_fw_servicesmemsmem_logsmem_qdi_driversmem_spin_lock_stmsmp2psmp2p_qdi_driversys_m_initsys_m_rootsys_m_smsm_inittimetimerTIMER_PRI_ORDERtimer_drv_inittimer_inittimer_post_inittimer_qditimer_tasktlmm_core_inittms_utilsulog_backendutimetickxport_smemdefaultbusywaitnpaqmp_msg_clientvcskernel_msa_initdiag_f3_trace_nvcfgtimer_clientusleeperr_initdsmicbarbsiosmdxport_smdxport_uart_hdlcpd_dump_rootipc_router_userqmigpiointrlctimer_slave1_tasktimer_slave2_tasktimer_slave3_task˅_Pԅ˅Յ%}=ԅЉ؉\ԅ(0;h<ԅpxgy9ԅw@@7ƈ)eREԅ@H7gi 8NԅL ԅЋ؋ڈ#bYapRԅYbfT.YԅhpYbrg] aԅzq dԅ1pkԅ@Hb?v ȅԅnԅЍ؍]ϳ|tԅ Y݆Ά5mrԅ`hb݆}>`ԅK0n@ԅQXԅ8@bȱ hԅbϱ `ԅȏЏՅ Ȓ"ԅ^ԅڈ!|iЋԅȐАr$b&$4Pԅ2\ԅ`h:4ԅJ3 ԅbXZ ԅ (Xa" ԅhp1upԅA|u< ԅ0ԅHPfPԅ" ԅؓmoLԅ (#Czԅhp‡" xԅbӇU2 ԅއF1ԅHPbDV(ԅE5ԅؕ{ (@M ԅ`h>#4U (ԅH.dm ԅH> ԅ8@QcuH Xԅ˅SԼ xԅؗbsl Xԅ (lG `ԅhpy+<nԅt ԅ˅Յ<Ȋ )T7L܋Y0fřz L(Άt݆L܏H!ؐ&(2l:JX0axuȒ|X0‡ȔӇއT,t#.>HHSb0lxyH8QC_IMAGE_VERSION_STRING=WLAN.HK.{01E6C70A-33F9-4C2E-8F95-639BFC649B5B}_20240508_03385018_xml#2$FW6etHZӾl~3"V,Gu>dɜ@ۿRdv!0&gv4DUJüXџn|ك1 w.fT@R+:dN_vm|$ÿ6H ;Z*^lO}~l .ǟ䩐 2ZLKy^hh ?z.ĕ*8FkzTHYb-name: %sdog_hb.cdoghbdog_hbssr:shutdownssr:ackProcess (Virtual Dog) starvation: %s, pings: %dTask starvation: %s, ping: %d, triage with owner(d.dump 0x%x)/dev/dogMPSS:Stopped %s (ASID: %u) grace timerdog_virtual_root.cMPSS:Started %s (ASID: %u) grace timerMPSS:User PD %s (ASID: %u) not started by TMS/PD_MONUser-PD grace timer expired for %s (ASID: %d)gHgg|gPgggggDynamic EIC: This should be SFR in kernel log and coredump.err.aux_msgMSG: %s tms_eiceic_crash_enableeic_crash_typeeic_crash_delayERR_FATAL_EXCEPTION_REENTRANCYSFR Init: wdog or kernel error suspected.%s:%d:err_smem_ver.%u.%u: QC Image Version : %s Image Variant : %s %s Registers: SP : 0x%08x FP : 0x%08x PC : 0x%08x SSR : 0x%08x BADVA : 0x%08x LR : 0x%08x StackDump from:0x%08x to: 0x%08x: %08x QC Image Version: %s Image Variant : %s %s:%lu Err Message : No value param0 : %luparam0 :zero, param1 : %luparam1 :zero, param2 : %luparam2 :zero Thread ID : 0x%08x Thread name : %s Process ID : 0x%08x Process name :%s err_fallback_ex_hdlrERR_FATAL reentrancy violation, remove cb until resolved :Excep :0 Exception detected PName:%s TName:%s Failed to copy exception_msgMPSS:User Process crashed: %serr_qdi.c%s:%d %s /dev/err_qdi_pderr_qdi_internalerr_qdi_dalcfgpd_timeout_exit_msecthreshold_timeout_secnum_pdr_recordsgen_cb_ctxt%PD_MON:Kernel User PD exit complete PD_MON:Process Public Proxy PD_MON:Process Private Proxy PD_MON:UserPD exit complete Respawn User PD pd_mon_restart_dalcfgpd_mon_restart_enable/dev/procinfomsm/RCXH_RCINITRCXH_RCINIT_TASKRCXH_RCINIT_TASK_ENDRCXH_RCINIT_TASK_RESTARTrci:ifcb:0rci:ifcb:1rci:ifcb:2rci:ifcb:3rci:ifcb:4rci:ifcb:5rci:ifcb:6rci:ifcb:7rci:tfcb:0rci:tfcb:1rci:tfcb:2rci:tfcb:3rci:tfcb:4rci:tfcb:5rci:tfcb:6rci:tfcb:7rci:init:0rci:init:1rci:init:2rci:init:3rci:init:4rci:init:5rci:init:6rci:init:7rci:term:0rci:term:1rci:term:2rci:term:3rci:term:4rci:term:5rci:term:6rci:term:7RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_0RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_1RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_2RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_3RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_4RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_5RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_6RCINIT_SWE_INIT_GROUP_7RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_0RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_1RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_2RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_3RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_4RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_5RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_6RCINIT_SWE_TERM_GROUP_7ʳճ zǴundefMPSS:Throw check task # %lx %s %s#%drcxh.c*MPSS:Throw unwind task # %lx %s %s#%dMPSS:Catch task # %lx check %sMPSS:Caught task # %lx %stermgroupssys_m:xpu_errorsys_m:shutdown_stm_cleanupsys_m_smsmslave-kernelmaster-kernelsys_m_listen/ssr:wcnss:after_powerupssr:wcnss:before_shutdownssr:modem:after_powerupssr:modem:after_shutdownssr:esoc0:after_powerupssr:esoc0:after_shutdowntms_diagimage_idwlan_pd_1wlan_pd_28<<<<<<<<<<<<<X<8<<0,MPSS:Task %s started: Prio: 0x%lxtms_utils_task_qurt.cȹP(8(D0HL`ĞОpx8@PPEo9ChipIdOverrideHWREVNUM_PHYS_ADDRHWREVNUM_OFFSETPARTNUM_BMSKPARTNUM_SHFTVERSION_ID_BMSKVERSION_ID_SHFTQUALCOMM_MFG_ID_BMSKQUALCOMM_MFG_ID_SHFTSOC_HW_VERSION_PHYS_ADDRSOC_HW_VERSION_OFFSETMAJOR_VERSION_BMSKMAJOR_VERSION_SHFTMINOR_VERSION_BMSKMINOR_VERSION_SHFTFAMILY_NUMBER_BMSKFAMILY_NUMBER_SHFTDEVICE_NUMBER_BMSKDEVICE_NUMBER_SHFTIsRemotableDalVersionInfoINTERRUPT_CONFIG_DATAUINTERRUPT_CONTROLLERDEFAULT_FREQUENCYQTIMER_BASEQTIMER_OFFSETQTIMER_FRAMEQTIMER_AC_OFFSETQTIMER_INTVECTNUMdiag_early_log_controldiag_early_log_maskdiag_early_log_mask_sizediag_early_event_maskdiag_early_event_mask_sizediag_early_message_arraydiag_early_message_array_sizediag_f3_trace_controldiag_f3_trace_detailf3trace_devcfg_versioneic_crash_enableeic_crash_typeeic_crash_delaypd_timeout_cb_msecpd_timeout_exit_msecthreshold_timeout_secnum_pdrs_logconfigproc_infoxals_infopd_mon_restart_enablepd_mon_dump_disabletcsr_base_nametcsr_basemutex_offsetswonce_offsetsinterrupt_infoimage_idremote_procsCORE_TOP_CSRP`p"2? L\l$7J]"2? L\l$7J]i]x]6n   ]6n 0  ]+DZuZ1PF\ ipz $p   p  /dev/core/systemdrivers/chipinfo/qcn6122diag_early_log_config/dev/core/mproc/glink/ssr/dev/core/mproc/ipc_router/dev/core/mproc/smem/dev/core/mproc/smp2p/dev/core/mproc/glink/xport_smem؅ˀd|@@hAA B(UM0PhO(UMUTEX_DIAGBUF_BUF_CSaab0bPbtbbbblclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclcc$cDcjnoopomtttt nnnqtlm`m|qtttttttttttttttttttttoXoqpr nqlmmnl4rtttttthrmTnolnttxr0mDqrlq|?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?????????????????????~>~q  PPPPP<[\[[(\d\\\]@]P]]]]@]8^[4uw|hu v v}~~~~~~4uX~h~x~~~~~~xwxw~~~~%llu: 0x%016llX: <...>0x%08X 0x%016XllulldllxllX%02X %c<--->- %02X, %04X, %8X, %EGXcdefgimnopstux osal_create_thread() failed since we reached maximum thread count Tpttpdd/clk/cputimer_clk_client,`lx<<<<<<$<0DP\h<<t<<<</dev/timerstimer_client_root_init: qdi_open failed+SP_CNOC_SP_SCSR_REGS  4H\p(<PdInterrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt data. Could not Unregister Interrupt %dInterrupt Controller: Failed to unregister : Interrupt was not registered for %dInterruptDone: QuRT failed to ACK the interrupt %d, with RC %dInterrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not Disable interrupt %d.Interrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not clear %dInterrupt Controller: Could not clear interrupt %d in QURTInterrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt %d. Could not get its status.Interrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not set the trigger for %dInterrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not get its pending status for %d.Interrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not get enabled status for %d.Interrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not get pending status for %d.Interrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt data Could not get the trigger for %dInterrupt Controller: Invalid interrupt. Could not Register InterruptInterruptController_RegisterISR : Interrupt vector %d already registered and active!InterruptController_RegisterISR : Could not set Interrupt trigger for interrupt %dInterruptController: Failed to allocated memory of size %d for ISTDataInterruptController_RegisterISR : Interrupt Vector %d could not be registered for private ISTInterrupt Controller: Qurt Could not set the trigger for interrupt %dInterruptController: Failed to allocated memory of size %d for IST stack%sIST%dInterrupt Controller: Interrupt does not have a client registered for %dInterrupt Controller:Could not set the trigger using qurt API for %dINTERRUPT_CONFIG_DATAInterruptController: Failed to allocated memory of size %d for interrupt data structureInterruptController: Failed to allocated memory of size %d for interrupt state tableUINTERRUPT_CONTROLLERDEVICE_NUMBER_BMSKDEVICE_NUMBER_SHFTFAMILY_NUMBER_BMSKFAMILY_NUMBER_SHFTPARTNUM_BMSKPARTNUM_SHFTMAJOR_VERSION_BMSKMAJOR_VERSION_SHFTMINOR_VERSION_BMSKMINOR_VERSION_SHFTVERSION_ID_BMSKVERSION_ID_SHFTHWREVNUM_OFFSETSOC_HW_VERSION_OFFSETChipIdOverrideUNKNOWNIPQ5010IPQ5018IPQ5028IPQ5000IPQ0509IPQ0518'p/p7p?pGpOp8$HLPTXDLtDltChipInfo L X      @ L X d p |   ....../$/8/Unable to find client(%x) in clients(%x).Unable to remove ref count for clock[%s]: client: %sUnable to remove ref count for source[%s]: client: %sClock domain root did not turn off after all domain clocks are offUnable to find client(%x) for source: %s.Unable to find client(%x) for power domain: %s.,CLOCK,ON,ENABLED,RESET,REF COUNT,FREQ CONFIG,FREQ CALC,VOLTAGE,SOURCE,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%u,%u,%d,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%u,-1,%d,%s,POWER DOMAIN,ON,ENABLED,REF COUNT,%s,%d,%d,%dUnable to allocate %lu bytes for %s frequency plan.Unable to get clock id for root NPA node clock.Unable to enable root NPA node clock.INTERNALClockStubConfigCLOCK_GLOBAL_FLAG_STUB_API set - stubbing out on RUMI.CLOCK_GLOBAL_FLAG_STUB_API set - stubbing out on Virtio.DALSYS_SyncCreate failed.Clock_InitBases failed.Clock_Attach failed on INTERNAL client.Clock_InitSourcesSoft failed.Clock_InitDFSDomains failed.Clock_InitTarget failed.Unable to allocate %lu bytes for Clock DFS array.Unable to map mux input to source for DFS domain.DFS frequency exceeds known max. Assuming Turbo.`/)p`30'Cannot turn on source[%s] that hasn't been configured.Source[%s] requires calibration, but no calibration config.Failed to calibrate source[%s].Unable to enable source[%s] voteUnable to enable source[%s]Not enough space to aggregate voltage request.@NxClockDALS= (2*kMinChunkSize-1) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion qurtos_magic_num[pHeap->qurtos_magic_num_index] == 0x77777777 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion pHeap->qurtos_magic_num == 0x77777777 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion pHeap->block_header_guard == 0xAAAA failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion pBlock->header_guard == 0xAAAA failedHeap 0x%x Deinit Unsuccessful, used bytes is %dIn task 0x%x, Assertion qurtos_heap_ptr->qurtos_magic_num == qurtos_magic_num[qurtos_heap_ptr->qurtos_magic_num_index] failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion freeBlock->forw_offset > 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion qurtos_heap_ptr->total_bytes >= qurtos_heap_ptr->used_bytes failed NULL ptr occurenaces in qurtos_free()In task 0x%x, Assertion qurtos_heap_ptr->first_block failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion BOUNDARY_CHECK(theBlock, qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion MEMHEAP_VERIFY_HEADER(theBlock, qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !theBlock->free_flag failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion theBlock->forw_offset >= sizeBlockHeader failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion theBlock->extra < kMinChunkSize failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion FRD_OFFSET_CHECK(theBlock, qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion (theBlock->forw_offset - sizeBlockHeader - theBlock->extra) <= qurtos_heap_ptr->used_bytes failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion MEMHEAP_VERIFY_HEADER(nextFreeBlock, qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_hdr_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_hdr_ptr->forw_offset != 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !((block_hdr_ptr->forw_offset)%kMinChunkSize) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_ptr->forw_offset != 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion FRD_OFFSET_CHECK(block_ptr, qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !((block_ptr->forw_offset)%kMinChunkSize) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion MEMHEAP_VERIFY_HEADER(block_ptr, qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion MEMHEAP_VERIFY_HEADER(nextBlkPtr,qurtos_heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion qurtos_heap_ptr->next_block->forw_offset > 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion followingBlock->forw_offset > 0 failedIllegal request to drive A1 bus attribute for memory mapping 7J8J9J@@could not get vtlb statistics... total entries count %d, base %p error in sorting.. walk %p no permission to kill, process with client handle %x already terminating... ERROR: PROCESS SPAWN FAILED %s . S/]'](]= ^l4^O^^^found vpool idx %d /frpc/could not take out image of asid %d from virt mem adding process mem to our own process virt pool... pageno %x pages %x could not add pages 0x%x count 0x%x to virt pool for asid %d qurtos_user_loader.copener 0x%x for asid %d user app init failed to create non-writable map for process space to the stitched image data...virt addr: 0x%x ppn: 0x%x FATAL ERROR in QuRT OS: %s:%d qurtos_kernel.c;?;?XjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjXjjjjXjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjXjjXjXjXjXjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj0k8kjjjjjjjjj@kHkjjjjjjqurtos_local_client: unknown method %d, client handle %d kernelqurtos_local_client.cuuvvPvu0vQDI_UNLINK on 0x%08x returned %d! Only zero or -ve (on error) expected qurtos_qdi.cQDI handle table exhausted -- all %d handles in use Nuttt tqurtos_sclkdMemory allocation failed qurtos_sclk.cQURT system-clock daemon started Zt~~~~~~~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HP~~~~~~~~~~~~~(~~~(~~~~p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(~~|(~(~(~~~Dl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~\~8~~~@L~~~~~~~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~L~~~~HUnable to free all mappings from user client -- giving up adding to ramfs list ... list %x freeing ramfs listnode, current node %x, curr_ppage %x curr_vpage %x could not unmap memory for ramfs object qurtos_user_client.c%s unknown method %d qurtos_user_client_invocationNULL alloc for reaper list node HLOS_PHYSPOOLwalking through from proxy.. h|,؇@ܐmemory.cIllegal request to drive A1 bus attribute for memory region vma node : self: %x, next %x MEM_MAPPING_VIRT_RANDOM: cannot allocate region with requested phys_addr=%x000 failed to allocate virtual memory with MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_RAND + PADDR failed to create mmap with MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_RAND+PADDR failed to allocate physical memory with MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL size=%x000 failed to allocate virtual memory with MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL failed to create mmap with MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL MEM_MAPPING_PHYS_CONTIGUOUS pageno_phys=%x MEM_MAPPING_PHYS_CONTIGUOUS: cannot allocate region with requested phys_addr=%x000 MEM_MAPPING_PHYS_CONTIGUOUS: cannot specify virt address for MEM_REGION_SHARED type failed to allocate virtual memory with MEM_MAPPING_PHYS_CONTIGUOUS failed to create mmap with MEM_MAPPING_PHYS_CONTIGUOUS MEM_MAPPING_NONE: MEM_REGION_SHARED not supported failed to allocate virtual memory with MEM_MAPPING_NONE MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_FIXED: valid virtual address is required to create region MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_FIXED: MEM_REGION_SHARED not supported MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_FIXED: no corresponding vma exists, given virt_addr=%x000 MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_FIXED: cannot allocate region with requested phys_addr=%x000 MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_FIXED: cannot allocate physical memory for virt page 0x%x MEM_MAPPING_VIRTUAL_FIXED: cannot mmap physical memory for virt page 0x%x MEM_MAPPING_IDEMPOTENT: cannot specify MEM_REGION_SHARED type MEM_MAPPING_IDEMPOTENT: failed with phys_addr=%x000 MEM_MAPPING_IDEMPOTENT: failed virt_addr=%x000 MEM_MAPPING_IDEMPOTENT: failed to create mmap virt_addr=%x000 !!! WARNING: virtual memory area still in use, delete vma node 0x%x FAILED .... seaching memlist returns %d qdi handle does not correspond to mem_region object static mem with paddr %x not mapped neither in space 0x%x nor qurtos space... While reclaiming %x000-%xfff, %x does not match static mapping While reclaiming %x000-%xfff, %x mapping exceeds reclaim area While reclaiming %x000-%xfff, region free returned %d ^2p]@5Ц6Ц:ЦWarn: forget_pages pool=%x first_page=%x last_page=%x Warn: forget_pages pool=%x ent_start=%x ent_end=%x Warn: forget_pages pool=%x first_page=%x last_page=%x alloc_count=%x Warn: forget_pages pool=%x first_page=%x last_page=%x free_count=%x Warn: forget_pages pool=%x, cannot get mem_t Warn: add_global (%x,%x) overlaps (%x,%x) QuRTOS heap init: start %p size 0x%x Fatal Error: QURTOS out of heap! Thread create: can't copy, entry 0x%x Thread create: prio out of range, entry 0x%x Thread create: can't allocate pTcb.. entry 0x%x Thread create: can't allocate guest-OS resources - stack.. entry:%x Thread create: process terminating.. Thread create: can't allocate guest-OS resources - thread info structure.. Thread create: can't write back thread ID.. Cannot fetch attributes -- thread %x doesn't exist cannot fetch attributes no access to guest-os User process cannot fetch attributes of guest-OS thread User process cannot fetch attributes of thread in a different user process Error filling in attribute field not sufficient size of stack for qurtos thread... qurtos_thread.c-L1L>LfLrLDReaper tried closing a bad QDI handle reaper processing captured thread %x Reaper got exit on client handle %d reaper processing exiting thread %x reaper (8GHFIJKMLcould not allocate temp structure to hold thread debug info copying back buffer %x , size %x xph`XPH@8( 00process_kill_capture_count: %x process exit (client handle 0x%x): tcb 0x%x -> cfg 0x%x -- has not been captured process_kill_capture_count: %x, tmp: %x, retrycount:%x ProcessReaperCan't queue to process reaper - running dangerously inline mem_pool_mmap: zero length request qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unaligned FIXED virtual address %p qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unable to get FIXED virtual address %p, size %x000 qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unable to get ANON mapping, size %x000 qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unaligned PHYSADDR %x%p qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: overflow in PHYSADDR %x%p, size %x000 qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: fd %d does not support mmap qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unable to get virtual address, size %x000 qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unable to allocate region object qurtos_qdi_mmap_impl: unable to map %p -> %x%p, size %x000 qurtos_named_memsection_lookup: No named memsection found for the name %s qurtos_named_memsection_lookup: Request offset exceeds memsection bounds qurtos_named_memsection_lookup: Request exceeds memsection bounds cache mode is %x client handle %d does not support mmap / mprotect / munmap mmap: client handle does not support mmap qurt_proc_cb_tCallbacks not executed, could not get stack for callbacksremoving from proxy obj %x proxy itself is here %x object_0x%x found existing obj ... bumped cnt to %d freeing_from_proxy_ref_object:_0x%x cleaned up PROXY object ... uInitializing callback frameowrk for client_handle %d... client handle %d does not support qdi callbacks worker woke up, nothing in queue..QURT Timer service was initialized. Timer doesn't exist, 0x%x if ( QURT_TIMER_MAGIC != timer->magic ) <PFailed to register with QURT sclk driver qurtos_timer_server.cqurt_timerCliQURT Timer Driver client started Client timer node is NULL Client timer node is not valid, magic: 0x%x Client ticks is NULL P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\pXXX|XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@@Invalid QDI handle %d, method %d                                        4 X l   +-#0,;:_hjltzL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!!!!!!! "d !d !!!!D"T#!!#!T!!T\""""""""""#""""(#""T#"""""|# 00000000000000000000000000000000  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~abortarithmetic errorinvalid executable codeinterruptioninvalid storage accesstermination requestsignal # -- terminating YE*EAE*E*E*E0E*E*EfE*E*E*E}E!!!!!!!!!!nanNANinfINF0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef0?u<7~YnYnu<7~@@.falsetrue??@X"4@
J ̲ \I @ Ѕ  @/@J@Jobsolete.cb0d(c0kc05d068d07hd09d0;d0XHe0\e0f00f0pf0f0f0g0Xg0g0g0g0hh0h0h0(i0hi0qi0ui0Hj0j0j0 k0k0k0l0Pl0l0m0xm0m0 n0v pn0w n0 o0 0o0 `o0 o0 o0Uo0p0Hp0p0p0p0q0Hq0q0 r0r0r0Xs0 s0 s0 t0 xt0 t0Au:i u:@u:hu:u:\u:u:u:v:@v:hv:v:+v:uv:v:w:8w:`wBwB%wBJwBKxBe(xGi@xGmXxGSpxGXxGg yGxyGyGyGyRyczcgHzcohzczczczce{tp@{t`{{{S{r|P|x|[|~||(}H}p}g}}~~H~~~~0xiMӁW ӁjXӁxӁӁȀӁӁ ӁPӁYp܁a܁{ȁ܁F܁܁(܁X܁o HpbB$H,p,,,,#,3(,AH,Dh,`,:>!Tdd d3HdexddІd?d7@ddzЇzzHz`zz>Z؈ax0`8ehȊ-w@0؋Ȃ Ȃ@Ȃ܂_܂dЌ܂܂ ܂H܂h܂܂܂܂܂q0܂Pxi(8PpyPV\(@XpmKАO0 V` e u    ` ))iX8q8;8Г@8@@H@@@ؔ@[@d @@@~@ȕQQ)0Q0HQ`QQ_QQXQQ]p0pBXppp p Hp pp* p p p 0p Xp pC p8 pW p\ 8p`pp؛p#8p[pppzz@zpzzНz z> 0zA `zE zI zM zQ zT Pz] za ze zh zl @zp pz z ؠz z 8z hz z& ȡz+ z (z hz z z z @zwpzz Уzz0z`zzzz0 z7Pz?zXz_zz@zpzzЦz"0L@M`SW 4PNp_ب% . h @ h. K O ]   H  Px0Hȫi8X8p7CD(Y`\]p8`#9AG P PN &Hxز0` Pд   P   D @p@ǃ0ǃPǃǃǃǃ иǃ3ǃփ8փhփփփփ8:pغ<0`**?0?p??F?TjbT@s}}\н}Z(PhaؾH5{V8`AHpP Y@`~X!!H!x8GM ` 8  98i p5IZg ) ` SZi8> X &ÄCÄ Äj0τ`-M8Sh Z (`?(E`^HXdj(t`444444 4(4*444BVBMCY0gZ@y`yxyyyyyKy<(yHy`yy"yy(PhT%&'(@Xp0@HD`HxRSÅIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion BOUNDARY_CHECK_SECTIONS((mem_block_header_type*)(temp->nextPtr), heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !(INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk)) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_ptr->forw_offset != 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion FRD_OFFSET_CHECK_SECTIONS(block_ptr, heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !((block_ptr->forw_offset)%kMinChunkSize) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_USED_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_used, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion magic_num_index < MAX_HEAP_INIT failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_mem_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_mem_size failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_mem_size >= (2*kMinBlockSize-1) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion ret_value == OSAL_SUCCESS failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion ret_value == OSAL_SUCCESS failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion OSAL_SUCCESS == osal_delete_crit_sect((osal_crit_sect_t*)&(heap_ptr->memheap_crit_sect)) failedHeap 0x%x Deinit Unsuccessful, used bytes is %dIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->magic_num == magic_num[heap_ptr->magic_num_index] failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion freeBlock->forw_offset > 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->total_bytes >= heap_ptr->used_bytes failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr != NULL failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->magic_num == magic_num[heap_ptr->magic_num_index] failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->first_block failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion BOUNDARY_CHECK_SECTIONS(theBlock, heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion FRD_OFFSET_CHECK_SECTIONS(theBlock, heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_USED_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_used, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion theBlock->forw_offset >= sizeof(freeBlockList) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion theBlock->extra <= MEMHEAP_MAX_EXTRA failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !theBlock->free_flag failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion (theBlock->forw_offset - sizeBlockHeader - theBlock->extra) <= heap_ptr->used_bytes failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->total_bytes >= heap_ptr->used_bytes failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion BOUNDARY_CHECK_SECTIONS(nextFreeBlock, heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion FRD_OFFSET_CHECK_SECTIONS(pblk,heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_USED_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_used, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_hdr_ptr->forw_offset != 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !((block_hdr_ptr->forw_offset)%kMinChunkSize) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_iter_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion out_block_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion buf failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion num_blocks >= 1 failedAssertion ret == QURT_EOK failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion ret_value == OSAL_SUCCESS failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion ret_value == OSAL_SUCCESS failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion block_ptr failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion size >= sizeof(freeBlockList) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !(INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk)) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion BOUNDARY_CHECK_SECTIONS((mem_block_header_type*)(temp->nextPtr), heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !(INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk)) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion BOUNDARY_CHECK_SECTIONS((mem_block_header_type*)(temp->nextPtr), heap_ptr) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->first_block failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion !INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_USED_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_used, pblk) failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion heap_ptr->next_block->forw_offset > 0 failedIn task 0x%x, Assertion followingBlock->forw_offset > 0 failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion link_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion link_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_link_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_delete_ptr != NULL failedAssertion link_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_delete_ptr != NULL failedAssertion link_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion q_ptr != NULL failedAssertion compare_func != NULL failedAssertion (uint32*)qw != NULL failedAssertion (uint32*)qw != NULL failedAssertion (uint32*)qw != NULL failedAssertion (uint32*)qw1 != NULL failedAssertion (uint32*)qw2 != NULL failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion !(INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk)) failedAssertion !(INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk2)) failedAssertion !(INTEGRITY_CHECK_ON_FREE_HEADER(heap_ptr->magic_num_free, pblk)) failedAssertion ret == QURT_EOK failedAssertion ret == QURT_EOK failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedDog cannot register with DALDog bark interrupt cannot register with DALDog defer_kick_timer def failedDog defer_kick_timer set failedDog startup_grace_timer def failedDog startup_grace_timer set failedDOG detects stalled initialization, triage with IMAGE OWNERDOG BARK island Starvation %d %d %dDOG BARK Starvation %d %d %dInvalid input for Virtual dog HB monitorcalloc failedIncorrect DOG HB device typeDOG_HB detects starvation of Process (Virtual Dog), check coredump.err.aux_msgDOG_HB detects starvation of task, check coredump.err.aux_msgqurt_qdi_devname_register failedVirtual dog Could not register onspawn callback with QURTDOG_QDI: malloc failedqurt_qdi_copy_from_user() failedqurt_qdi_handle_create_from_obj_t() faileddog_hb_register_qurt failedDog startup grace Timer def failedDog startup grace Timer set failedUser-PD grace timer expired, check coredump.err.aux_msgDynamic EIC: this should not be kernel log SFRCrash injected via DiagQDI layer Misbehaved, Shouldn't reach here USER PD crashed, PD_exit is stuck, check coredump.err.aux_msgQDI layer Misbehaved, Shouldn't reach here Release Handle not found in the listSystem critical USER Process crashed, coredump.err.aux_msg has more detailsRegistration of Late Notification for PD exit timeout timer failedPDR Disabled, USER Process crashed, coredump.err.aux_msg has more detailsUser PDR thrashing. PID : %u, Num PDRs : %u, Timeout : %uclient handle not setproxy creation failed while spawning new processqurt_event_register failedCould not create QURT tls keyCould not register onspawn callback with QURTclient handle not set by onspawn_cbcould not complete public proxy clean upcould not complete private proxy clean upCould not set QURT tls keyQDI layer Misbehaved, Shouldn't reach here Release called with empty client listRelease Handle not found in the listqurt_qdi_devname_register failed %dcalloc failedQDI layer Misbehaved, Shouldn't reach here QDI layer Misbehaved, Shouldn't reach here procinfo_qdi_client_init failedAssertion 0 failedRCECB client callback runtime exceeded, data = %dno resource, pool expansion exhaustedno resource, pool expansion exhaustedUncaught exception by RCXH task # %xUncaught exception by RCXH task # %xUncaught exception by RCXH task # %xUncaught exception by RCXH task # %xUncaught exception by RCXH task # %xCould not register qurt fatal notification handlersmp2p_write returning invalid codesmp2p_modify_ex returning invalid codeSYS_M cannot set SMP2P bitSys_m cannot create outbound SMP2PSys_m cannot wait outbound SMP2PSys_m cannot listen on SMP2PSYS_M cannot set SMP2P bitSys_m cannot wait for SMP2Pidx is invalid = %dAPPS force stopFailed to Launch task, details in aux_msgTMS ULOG TLS key create failedAssertion cs_created failedAssertion cs_created failedAssertion link_notif_data failedAssertion remote_host < GLINK_NUM_HOSTS failedAssertion remote_host < GLINK_NUM_HOSTS failedAssertion ch_ctx->ref_count > 0 failedAssertion ch_ctx->magic == GLINK_CHANNEL_CTX_MAGIC failedAssertion valid_open_call != NULL failedAssertion link_notif_data_param && if_ptr->glink_core_priv failedAssertion best_xport && priority_param failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion xport_ctx->tx_ctx != NULL failedAssertion open_ch_ctx->pintents->cur_read_intent == intent_ptr failedAssertion data failedAssertion intent_ptr->data failedAssertion offset + size <= intent_ptr->pkt_sz failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion status == GLINK_STATUS_SUCCESS failedAssertion negotiated_xport failedAssertion status == GLINK_STATUS_SUCCESS failedAssertion status == GLINK_STATUS_SUCCESS failedAssertion negotiated_xport failedAssertion open_ch_ctx->local_state == GLINK_LOCAL_CH_OPENING failedAssertion ch_name && existing_ch_ctx_param failedAssertion status == GLINK_STATUS_SUCCESS failedAssertion dummy_ch_ctx failedAssertion xport_ctx != NULL failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion GLINK_STATUS_SUCCESS == status failedAssertion open_ch_ctx->local_state == GLINK_LOCAL_CH_OPENING failedAssertion open_ch_ctx->local_state == GLINK_LOCAL_CH_CLOSING failedAssertion intent_ptr failedAssertion xport_ctx->version_indx >= 0 failedAssertion ver failedAssertion rm_intent != NULL failedAssertion lc_intent != NULL failedAssertion open_ch_ctx->pintents->cur_read_intent->iid == liid failedAssertion result == size failedAssertion status == DAL_SUCCESS failedAssertion status == DAL_SUCCESS failedAssertion status == DAL_SUCCESS failedAssertion status == DAL_SUCCESS failedAssertion thread_info failedAssertion DAL_SUCCESS == result failedAssertion DAL_SUCCESS == result failedAssertion DAL_SUCCESS == result failedAssertion DAL_SUCCESS == result failedAssertion DAL_SUCCESS == result failedAssertion thread_info failedAssertion pkt_priv != NULL failedAssertion buffer != NULL failedAssertion pkt_priv != NULL failedAssertion pkt_priv != NULL failedAssertion pkt_priv != NULL failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion frag_data != NULL failedAssertion tmpptr != NULL failedAssertion xport_smem_ctx != NULL failedAssertion xport_smem_version failedInteger overflow while doing addition(0x%X, 0x%X).Assertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedInteger overflow while doing roundup64(0x%X).Assertion smem_params.buffer != NULL failedAssertion smem_params.buffer != NULL failedCannot get DALProp handle dal_result=%d.Cannot get proc_info DAL prop dal_result=%d.Cannot get remote_procs DAL prop dal_result=%d.Invalid number of remote subsytems %d.xport_smem_devcfg_configs memory alloc failed size=%d.xport_smem_devcfg_qos_configs memory alloc failed size=%d.Assertion smem_params.buffer != NULL failedBad pointer from smem_alloc.Spinlock STM clear callback registration with err_cb_enable is failed(err=%d).Spinlock STM clear callback registration with SYS_M_SHUTDOWN_STM_CLEANUP is failed.Assertion smp2p_info[i].cs failedAssertion smp2p_log_cs failedAssertion SMP2P_STATUS_SUCCESS == status failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion smem_status == SMEM_STATUS_SUCCESS || smem_status == SMEM_STATUS_NOT_FOUND failedAssertion smem_status == SMEM_STATUS_SUCCESS || smem_status == SMEM_STATUS_NOT_FOUND failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion smp2p_info[dest].header_rx failedAssertion smem_status == SMEM_STATUS_SUCCESS || smem_status == SMEM_STATUS_NOT_FOUND failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedsmp2p_target_init: Cannot get DALProp handle.smp2p_target_init: Cannot get proc_info DAL prop.Assertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedsmp2p_register_interrupt: IPCC Handle creation failed!smp2p_register_interrupt: SMP2P ISR for host %d failed to register.smp2p_lock_cs_init: Critical section creation failedsmp2p_target_init_interrupts: Cannot get DALProp handle.smp2p_target_init_interrupts: Cannot get interrupt_info DAL prop.smp2p_target_init_interrupts: DevCfg invalid destination=%d, i=%d.Assertion qdi_context failedBuffer overrun on packet at 0x%xInvalid pointer used for diag bufferingdiagpkt_delayrspid_mutex_init FailedAssertion data_pkt_len >= DIAGCOMM_CTRL_MSG_HDR_SIZE failedAssertion (data_pkt_len - DIAGCOMM_CTRL_MSG_HDR_SIZE) >= msg_pkt_ptr->data_len failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion pkt_ptr != NULL failedAssertion pkt_ptr->command_code == DIAG_SUBSYS_CMD_VER_2_F failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion hdr->tag failedDelayed Reponse DCI Tag Not FoundBuffer overrun on packet at 0x%xInvalid pointer used for diag bufferingAssertion osal_thread_self () == diag_task_tcb failedAssertion osal_thread_self () == diag_task_tcb faileddiag_malloc returned NULLBuffer overrun on packet at 0x%xInvalid pointer used for diag bufferingTable registered with function ptr as NULLMalloc failed in command registration for master table 0x%x of %d bytesNULL pointer is returned while allocating memory for master table entry at location 0x%xMalloc failure in diagpkt_tbl_reg for client table : %p and size : %dAssertion list_item && compare_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedmalloc failed for diag_task_tcb, requested size %dAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion (rx_dci->start) == DIAG_ASYNC_CONTROL_CHAR failedAssertion (rx_dci->version) == DIAG_CONSUMER_API_VER_1 failedAssertion (rx_dci->cmd_len) == (received_length) failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedInvalid ULog Assertion pad_len2 < 4 failedAssertion pad_len1 < 4 faileddiagbuf_shorten: temp_length (%d) > DIAGBUF_SIZE (%d)Assertion curr_length < DIAGBUF_SIZE faileddiagbuf_check_overrun_pattern: Log %04X : pri %derror fatal in diagbuf_check_overrun_patternAssertion conn != NULL failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr != NULL failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr->buf_used >= tx_param->params.len failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr != NULL failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr != NULL failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr != NULL failedAssertion l_tx_mode != NULL failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedtx_mode_ptr invalid for ch_type %d port_type %d Assertion 0 failedAssertion outbound_used < DIAG_SEND_BUF_SIZE_CMD failedAssertion outbound_used < DIAG_SEND_BUF_SIZE_DATA_DCI failedAssertion item_ptr_dci != NULL faileddiagbuf_drain: Buffer corruption. diagbuf_tail (%d)Assertion osal_thread_self() == diag_task_tcb failedRing buffer corrupt! iHead = %d, iTail = %ddiagbuf_tail 0x%x is not 4 multipleAssertion curr_upd != NULL faileddiagbuf_tail 0x%x is not 4 multipleAssertion current_tail_index < current_buff_size failedAssertion current_tail_index < current_buff_size failedRing buffer corrupt! - 1Assertion current_tail < 2 * current_buff_size failedAssertion (current_tail == 0) || (current_tail == current_buff_size) failedcurrent_tail 0x%x is not 4 multipleRing buffer corrupt! - 2 current_head = %dAssertion current_tail < 2 * current_buff_size failedcurrent_tail 0x%x is not 4 multipleStatus byte corrupt! - status = %dRing buffer corrupt! - 4 current_head = %dAssertion current_tail < 2 * current_buff_size failedAssertion current_tail_index < current_buff_size failedcurrent_tail 0x%x is not 4 multipleAssertion current_tail < 2 * current_buff_size failedAssertion current_tail_index < current_buff_size failedRing buffer corrupt! - 5 current_head = %d, current_tail = %dcurrent_tail 0x%x is not 4 multipleAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val faileddiagbuf_alloc_internal: buffer_used (%d) > DIAGBUF_SIZE (%d)Assertion iHead < 2 * DIAGBUF_SIZE failedAssertion iTail < 2 * DIAGBUF_SIZE failedAssertion iHeadIdx < DIAGBUF_SIZE failedAssertion iTailIdx < DIAGBUF_SIZE failedAssertion (iHead == 0) || (iHead == DIAGBUF_SIZE) failedAssertion iHeadIdx == 0 failedAssertion iHead < 2 * DIAGBUF_SIZE failedAssertion DIAGBUFFER_TEST_IS_VALID_ID(buf_id) failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val faileddiagbuf_hdr1 = NULL, desc->state %dAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedevent_q_get returned NULL!Assertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedevent_q_get returned NULL!Assertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion (port_type == DIAGCOMM_PORT_REMOTE_PROC) || (port_type == DIAGCOMM_PORT_REMOTE_PROC) failedAssertion channel <= DIAGCOMM_PORT_NUM_LAST failedAssertion (port_type == DIAGCOMM_PORT_REMOTE_PROC) || (port_type == DIAGCOMM_PORT_REMOTE_PROC) failedAssertion channel <= DIAGCOMM_PORT_NUM_LAST failedAssertion DIAGCOMM_PORT_1 == port_num || DIAGCOMM_PORT_2 == port_num failedAssertion conn !=NULL failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion conn !=NULL failedAssertion ptr failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr != NULL failedAssertion DIAG_EOK == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAttempt to send more bytes than AP accepts, num_bytes %d port_num %dAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedError seen when sending data: %dAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion osal_thread_self() == diag_task_tcb failedAssertion 0 failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == ret failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == ret failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == ret failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedCreate task failed! Out of memory! stacksize requested: %dCreate task failed! Out of memory! task_tcb size requested: %dCreate task failed!Assertion conn != NULL && buf != NULL failedAssertion NULL != ctrl_conn->buf failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion index < MAX_MSG_V4_SSID_UAM_TABLE_ENTRY failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr!= NULL failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr!= NULL failedAssertion tx_mode_ptr != NULL failedAssertion OSAL_SUCCESS == return_val failedAssertion total_pkt_length failedAssertion 0 failedIllegal time type in F3 trace processingCopied more bytes than buffer sizeCannot register ISRtimer_init: Could not obtain a Dal Interrupt Handletimer_drv_group_delete: Passed group poiinter is NULLtimer_drv_group_delete : group not found in listtimer_drv_group_set_deferrable: Passed group poiinter is NULLtimer_undefer called more than timer defer = 0x%xtimer_defer and undefer calls do not match, ref_cnt=0x%xMaximum possible chunks %d are overMaximum possible chunks %d are overCorruption in the chunk, allocated_cnt = %d, num_timers=%d, timer_index=%dTimer got corrupted. timer_state 0x%x, cid: 0x%x, tid: 0x%x timer_get_clnt_int_timers: timer is NULLtimer_drv_def_priority: timer is NULLCan't set signals to NULL task. T=%x S=%xtimer_drv_def2_priority: timer pointer is NULLtimer_drv_reg: timer pointer is NULLtimer_drv_set_64: timer pointer is NULLSignal cannot be of rex type.Signal cannot be of rex type.timer_drv_pause: timer pointer is NULLtimer_drv_resume: timer pointer is NULL Timer must have an ext timer, timer_ptr=0x%x timer_ext=0x%xtimer_drv_get_64: timer pointer is NULLtimer_drv_is_active: timer pointer is NULLtimer_drv_expires_at_64: timer pointer is NULLtimer_drv_get_start_64: timer pointer is NULLTimer corruption. state: 0x%x3- Priority timers should not have been binnedNo Shim Cb func. Call timer_set_remote_process_timer_handler()callback type seems to be corrupted, timer: 0x%x, callback_type: %d, func obj: 0x%xcallback fn = 0x%x took %d ticks, err thre = %d ticksSignal type cannot be rex typeProcessing of callback fn = 0x%x took 0x%x ticks, threshold = 0x%x tickstimer_get_timetick_handle: DalTimetick_Attach failedtimer_bin_remove: timer(0x%x)->bin is NULLNotify_obj NULL means corruption happened; i=%dSignal type cannot be rex typeInvalid Notify type 0x%x, may be corruptionNo Shim Cb func. Call timer_set_remote_process_timer_handler()1- Priority timers should not have been binnedtimer_bin_create_between: No free binsMaximum possible groups %d are overIncorrect free group index : %dtimer_define: NULL value in timer=ox%x or status=0x%xqurt_malloc returned NULL2- Priority timers should not have been binnedRemoving int_timer which is not activeProcessIdx %d >= %d client_timer=0x%xMemory allocation failed for Timer user PD queue dataMax Processes %d reachedAssertion hTimetickSclk64Handle != NULL failedInvalid parameters passed timer=0x%x; tcb=0x%x; func=0x%xTimer system not initializedTimer system not initializedtimer 0x%x is NULL for timer_set_64timer 0x%x is NULL for timer_set_absolutetimer_client_root_init :qdi_open failed xport_smem_notify_spss_ctrl_info_alloc: Failed to map sp_scsr region[result: %d][pBasePtr: 0x%x].xport_smem_notify_spss_ctrl_info_alloc: Failed to attach HWIO DalDevice[result: %d]InterruptController Fatal error allocating IST dataInterrupt Controller: could not t spawn an IST thread for interrupt registration for interrupt %dInterruptController Fatal error allocating stackInterruptController failed in ISTInterruptController failed to deregister interrupt %dInterruptController failed to register interrupt %dInterrupt Controller: the interrupt is already being processed from the QURT KernelInterrupt Controller: Interrupt does not have a client registered for interrupt %dInterruptController Unhandled Event!!! Event: %d Function: %d Vector: %dInterrupt Controller: could not allocate data for InterruptControllerInterrupt Controller: could not get configuration data for DeviceInterrupt Controller: Target Config data is corrupt.Interrupt Controller: could not allocate state data for InterruptControllerInterrupt Controller: Max IRQ number is corrupt.Error fatal in IPCC driver!Bailout timer expire group %xinitializationworker event initfn triggerinitfnspawn eventinitfnspawn qurt stackinitfnspawn eventinitfnspawn eventclient does not meet requirementsstatic resource allocation failurercinit_worker triggerdefault policy not availableworker event creationworker create event initfnworker work loop registrationworker work loop event additionworker ackdaltask context creationdaltask event creationdaltask work loop registrationdaltask work loop event additiondaltask work loop startRCINIT failed to launch QuRT task. Check coredump.err.aux_msgAssertion sig->signal failedMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionMemheap AssertionRCESN client callback runtime exceeded