WMDR2zC:\Users\tlu\Desktop\HP_Consumer\Edna\Official Release\20230310_Xmax0.3\HP_Edna_103C8A6E_230310\103C8A6E_230310_V01_A1.bin4F 5 f(  7 #*L|o Z??+DŽ[+DŽ[ #@Z#?j0gG'0_}v2y{;P $Z$?j@ m f  ~&= w  +T  % 1 1 &3C3'  <rrr 2 U,qi ,  ,  2 Ńd ,y , , > ! m  > hx > | l> |l ' w2 Uqi, , ,   2 d,y ,  ,  > !m > hx  > | l > | l (  3'( 1) <%  *,&+[q# \Bċ(IB9 # B qp`("/sF ckip<[! 495fPN)1 4 qml/%hb&XDu$};  3hK6^X+5.IS` c I'd&6vd#- e*  1- e+   1 .e , 1 [)- C332 Y~e2Y Y~e Y/3/0 bff2 Y~e2Y Y~e.Y 0%m .\(cDg@=  ; P ^ yj/  ϙx3{33 1 0 1 0 /0|L!|L0-3&.3& |SW~  e~nP ~  D   y^/j  x3{ϙ33    0  @z\' - bc t  @`)  , ( 1& 1  ' ' 1 2 =]`-Hs2s] #]qȌHs2s^ =]`-Hs2s] #]qȌHs2s^ =`-2 #q2 =`-2 #q  ގFeFe ގFeFe  46(  ' ELELEL'  @  1 , 1(,-j2 @0y}Eke623w6@&145w 6e6 3@?B 5\@(? ' '  ?F *0 `  O~Z   B !B" hF.{ "amplifier_gain": 17.5, "amplifier_model": "CS35L51", "client_name": "LabSuite", "client_tuning_name": "20230310_A1_Ldown_Xmax0p3_official", "client_version": "6.68.0", "feature_blocks": "Convert Q Format to Sample Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Voltage, Convert Q Format to Sample Current, Mix, Protect Lite, Convert Sample to Q Format Left, Convert Sample to Q Format Right, Convert Sample to Q Format Left Cal, Convert Sample to Q Format Right Cal, Crossover Filter, Equalizer", "internal_buffer_size": 32, "platform": "halo", "platform_id": 1236, "project_id": "0x106680", "sample_rate": 48000, "signal_chain": "CS35L51 Mono Superset", "signal_chain_version": "10.0", "snapshot_id": "0x280310", "tuning_id": "0x061110", "deploy_group": "full", "checksum": "-1793190461" }