ó Àfc@s_ddljjZddlmZddlmZddlm Z dejfd„ƒYZdS(iÿÿÿÿN(tDistutilsSetupError(tlog(tnewer_pairwise_groupt build_clibcBseZdZd„ZRS(sv Override the default build_clib behaviour to do the following: 1. Implement a rudimentary timestamp-based dependency system so 'compile()' doesn't run every time. 2. Add more keys to the 'build_info' dictionary: * obj_deps - specify dependencies for each object compiled. this should be a dictionary mapping a key with the source filename to a list of dependencies. Use an empty string for global dependencies. * cflags - specify a list of additional flags to pass to the compiler. c Cs4x-|D]%\}}|jdƒ}|dksDt|ttfƒ rWtd|ƒ‚nt|ƒ}tjd|ƒ|jdtƒƒ}t|tƒsªtd|ƒ‚ng}|jdtƒƒ}t|ttfƒsítd|ƒ‚nx{|D]s}|g} | j |ƒ|j|tƒƒ} t| ttfƒsMtd|ƒ‚n| j | ƒ|j | ƒqôW|j j |d|j ƒ} t|| ƒggfkr|jdƒ} |jd ƒ} |jd ƒ}|j j|d|j d| d | d |d |jƒ}n|j j| |d|jd |jƒqWdS( Ntsourcessfin 'libraries' option (library '%s'), 'sources' must be present and must be a list of source filenamessbuilding '%s' librarytobj_depss\in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), 'obj_deps' must be a dictionary of type 'source: list'tt output_dirtmacrost include_dirstcflagstextra_postargstdebug(tgettNonet isinstancetlistttupleRRtinfotdicttextendtappendtcompilertobject_filenamest build_tempRtcompileR tcreate_static_libR(tselft librariestlib_namet build_infoRRt dependenciest global_depstsourcetsrc_depst extra_depstexpected_objectsRR R tobjects((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_clib.pytbuild_librariess`"               (t__name__t __module__t__doc__R&(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_clib.pyRs( tdistutils.command.build_clibtcommandRtorigtdistutils.errorsRt distutilsRtsetuptools.dep_utilR(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_clib.pyts