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Options are parsed at run-time and do not need to be in the alias table. warning(line %d): alias %s contains an "=". Options are parsed at run-time and do not need to be in the alias table. %s:%d: warning: duplicate aliases %s and %s found for standard %s and converter %s %s:%d: warning: duplicate aliases %s and %s found for standard tag %s between converter %s and converter %s %s:%d: error: Alias %s and %s cannot both be the default alias for standard tag %s and converter %s %s: warning: alias %s not found %s:%d: error: cannot start an alias with a space %s:%d: error: alias needs to start with a converter name %s:%d: error: official tags already added %s:%d: error: Missing start of tag group %s:%d: error: Missing end of tag group %s:%d: error: too many converters %s:%d: error: duplicate converter %s found! %s:%d: warning: Too many aliases defined for all converters %s:%d: error: alias table needs to start a list of standard tags Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html error in command line argument "%s" usage: %s [-options] [convrtrs.txt] read convrtrs.txt and create icudt64l_cnvalias.icu options: -h or -? or --help this usage text -v or --verbose prints out extra information about the alias table -q or --quiet do not display warnings and progress -c or --copyright include a copyright notice -d or --destdir destination directory, followed by the path -s or --sourcedir source directory, followed by the path gencnval: unable to open input file %s gencnval: unable to open output file - error %s %s: warning: tag %s does not have a default alias for %s %s: error: Too many alias lists gencnval: error finishing output file - %s CvAl;x,\|<l,4x\T\\zRx /D0$Dh0FJ w?:*3$"lp 4({BHD D(D0^(A ABB@pBBE A(C0D@a 0D(A BBBC H!BEB B(A0A8DP< 8D0A(B BBBF LBBB B(A0A8Dp^ xd[AB `xN[AWp 8A0A(B BBBA {xbDIpK xBQ ,FAH HG I AA T  BBB B(A0A8H Q D 8A0A(B BBBI (dXFDH BABPl FBB B(A0D8I 8A0A(B BBBA DeFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB,@@[  @ (2@`M`hM`o@8@0@ 8 P`0 @( @x o @oop @pM`@@ @0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@@@@@@ @0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@@@@@@$3@h$3@?)3@v13@c;3@dC3@sM3@qQ  GA$3h864@@ GA$3h864@@@@ GA$3h864@@ GA$3h864@@@@GA$3a1@/@GA$3a1/@/@ GA$3p864/@/@GA$gcc 8.3.1 20190507 GA*GOWDGA*GA!stack_clashGA*cf_protectionGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS GA*FORTIFYGA*GA! 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