#!/opt/alt/alt-nodejs16/root/usr/bin/node 'use strict' const packlist = require('../') const dirs = [] let doSort = false process.argv.slice(2).forEach(arg => { if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help') { console.log('usage: npm-packlist [-s --sort] [directory, directory, ...]') process.exit(0) } else if (arg === '-s' || arg === '--sort') { doSort = true } else { dirs.push(arg) } }) const sort = list => doSort ? list.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, 'en')) : list const main = async () => { if (!dirs.length) { const results = await packlist({ path: process.cwd() }) console.log(sort(results).join('\n')) } else { for (const dir of dirs) { console.group(`> ${dir}`) const results = await packlist({ path: dir }) console.log(sort(results).join('\n')) console.groupEnd() } } } // coverage disabled for catch handler because we don't need to test that main().catch(/* istanbul ignore next */(err) => { process.exitCode = 1 console.error(err.stack) })