/* globals config, dirname, package, basename, yes, prompt */ const fs = require('fs/promises') const path = require('path') const validateLicense = require('validate-npm-package-license') const validateName = require('validate-npm-package-name') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const semver = require('semver') // more popular packages should go here, maybe? const isTestPkg = (p) => !!p.match(/^(expresso|mocha|tap|coffee-script|coco|streamline)$/) const invalid = (msg) => Object.assign(new Error(msg), { notValid: true }) const readDeps = (test, excluded) => async () => { const dirs = await fs.readdir('node_modules').catch(() => null) if (!dirs) { return } const deps = {} for (const dir of dirs) { if (dir.match(/^\./) || test !== isTestPkg(dir) || excluded[dir]) { continue } const dp = path.join(dirname, 'node_modules', dir, 'package.json') const p = await fs.readFile(dp, 'utf8').then((d) => JSON.parse(d)).catch(() => null) if (!p || !p.version || p?._requiredBy?.some((r) => r === '#USER')) { continue } deps[dir] = config.get('save-exact') ? p.version : config.get('save-prefix') + p.version } return deps } const getConfig = (key) => { // dots take precedence over dashes const def = config?.defaults?.[`init.${key}`] const val = config.get(`init.${key}`) return (val !== def && val) ? val : config.get(`init-${key.replace(/\./g, '-')}`) } const getName = () => { const rawName = package.name || basename let name = rawName .replace(/^node-|[.-]js$/g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .replace(/ /g, '-') .toLowerCase() let spec try { spec = npa(name) } catch { spec = {} } let scope = config.get('scope') if (scope) { if (scope.charAt(0) !== '@') { scope = '@' + scope } if (spec.scope) { name = scope + '/' + spec.name.split('/')[1] } else { name = scope + '/' + name } } return name } const name = getName() exports.name = yes ? name : prompt('package name', name, (data) => { const its = validateName(data) if (its.validForNewPackages) { return data } const errors = (its.errors || []).concat(its.warnings || []) return invalid(`Sorry, ${errors.join(' and ')}.`) }) const version = package.version || getConfig('version') || '1.0.0' exports.version = yes ? version : prompt('version', version, (v) => { if (semver.valid(v)) { return v } return invalid(`Invalid version: "${v}"`) }) if (!package.description) { exports.description = yes ? '' : prompt('description') } if (!package.main) { exports.main = async () => { const files = await fs.readdir(dirname) .then(list => list.filter((f) => f.match(/\.js$/))) .catch(() => []) let index if (files.includes('index.js')) { index = 'index.js' } else if (files.includes('main.js')) { index = 'main.js' } else if (files.includes(basename + '.js')) { index = basename + '.js' } else { index = files[0] || 'index.js' } return yes ? index : prompt('entry point', index) } } if (!package.bin) { exports.bin = async () => { try { const d = await fs.readdir(path.resolve(dirname, 'bin')) // just take the first js file we find there, or nada let r = d.find(f => f.match(/\.js$/)) if (r) { r = `bin/${r}` } return r } catch { // no bins } } } exports.directories = async () => { const dirs = await fs.readdir(dirname) const res = dirs.reduce((acc, d) => { if (/^examples?$/.test(d)) { acc.example = d } else if (/^tests?$/.test(d)) { acc.test = d } else if (/^docs?$/.test(d)) { acc.doc = d } else if (d === 'man') { acc.man = d } else if (d === 'lib') { acc.lib = d } return acc }, {}) return Object.keys(res).length === 0 ? undefined : res } if (!package.dependencies) { exports.dependencies = readDeps(false, package.devDependencies || {}) } if (!package.devDependencies) { exports.devDependencies = readDeps(true, package.dependencies || {}) } // MUST have a test script! if (!package.scripts) { const scripts = package.scripts || {} const notest = 'echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1' exports.scripts = async () => { const d = await fs.readdir(path.join(dirname, 'node_modules')).catch(() => []) // check to see what framework is in use, if any let command if (!scripts.test || scripts.test === notest) { const commands = { tap: 'tap test/*.js', expresso: 'expresso test', mocha: 'mocha', } for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(commands)) { if (d.includes(k)) { command = v } } } const promptArgs = ['test command', (t) => t || notest] if (command) { promptArgs.splice(1, 0, command) } scripts.test = yes ? command || notest : prompt(...promptArgs) return scripts } } if (!package.repository) { exports.repository = async () => { const gconf = await fs.readFile('.git/config', 'utf8').catch(() => '') const lines = gconf.split(/\r?\n/) let url const i = lines.indexOf('[remote "origin"]') if (i !== -1) { url = gconf[i + 1] if (!url.match(/^\s*url =/)) { url = gconf[i + 2] } if (!url.match(/^\s*url =/)) { url = null } else { url = url.replace(/^\s*url = /, '') } } if (url && url.match(/^git@github.com:/)) { url = url.replace(/^git@github.com:/, 'https://github.com/') } return yes ? url || '' : prompt('git repository', url || undefined) } } if (!package.keywords) { exports.keywords = yes ? '' : prompt('keywords', (data) => { if (!data) { return } if (Array.isArray(data)) { data = data.join(' ') } if (typeof data !== 'string') { return data } return data.split(/[\s,]+/) }) } if (!package.author) { const authorName = getConfig('author.name') exports.author = authorName ? { name: authorName, email: getConfig('author.email'), url: getConfig('author.url'), } : yes ? '' : prompt('author') } const license = package.license || getConfig('license') || 'ISC' exports.license = yes ? license : prompt('license', license, (data) => { const its = validateLicense(data) if (its.validForNewPackages) { return data } const errors = (its.errors || []).concat(its.warnings || []) return invalid(`Sorry, ${errors.join(' and ')}.`) })