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d „ Z d S( sÅ Xcode-ninja wrapper project file generator.
This updates the data structures passed to the Xcode gyp generator to build
with ninja instead. The Xcode project itself is transformed into a list of
executable targets, each with a build step to build with ninja, and a target
with every source and resource file. This appears to sidestep some of the
major performance headaches experienced using complex projects and large number
of targets within Xcode.
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output_stringt gyp_namet namet workspace_filet
input_filet input_stringt output_file( ( sm /opt/alt/alt-nodejs8/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_ninja.pyt _WriteWorkspace s6
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