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By default this will not replace existing files/folders in . Use --upgrade to replace existing packages in with new versions.)destmetavardefaulthelpz--user use_user_site store_truezInstall to the Python user install directory for your platform. Typically ~/.local/, or %APPDATA%\Python on Windows. (See the Python documentation for site.USER_BASE for full details.))r?actionrBz --no-user store_falsez--root root_pathz=Install everything relative to this alternate root directory.z--prefix prefix_pathzIInstallation prefix where lib, bin and other top-level folders are placedz-Uz --upgradeupgradezUpgrade all specified packages to the newest available version. The handling of dependencies depends on the upgrade-strategy used.z--upgrade-strategyupgrade_strategyzonly-if-neededeageraGDetermines how dependency upgrading should be handled [default: %default]. "eager" - dependencies are upgraded regardless of whether the currently installed version satisfies the requirements of the upgraded package(s). "only-if-needed" - are upgraded only when they do not satisfy the requirements of the upgraded package(s).)r?rAchoicesrBz--force-reinstallforce_reinstallz;Reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date.z-Iz--ignore-installedignore_installedzIgnore the installed packages, overwriting them. This can break your system if the existing package is of a different version or was installed with a different package manager!z --compilecompileTz'Compile Python source files to bytecode)rEr?rArBz --no-compilez.Do not compile Python source files to bytecode)rEr?rBz--no-warn-script-locationwarn_script_locationz0Do not warn when installing scripts outside PATHz--no-warn-conflictswarn_about_conflictsz%Do not warn about broken dependenciesr)cmd_opts add_optionr requirements constraintsno_depspreeditableadd_target_python_optionsrsrcignore_requires_pythonno_build_isolation use_pep517 no_use_pep517install_optionsglobal_options no_binary only_binary prefer_binaryrequire_hashes progress_barmake_option_group index_groupparserinsert_option_group)self index_optss r5 add_optionszInstallCommand.add_optionsQs   !8!:!:;;;   !7!9!9:::   !3!5!5666   !1!1222   !4!6!6777    % !  ,T];;;    % !       !     P !      % !    !1!1222    ) !    #$%w/G !     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Specify --upgrade to force replacement.zTarget directory %s already exists and is a link. pip will not automatically replace links, please remove if replacement is desired.)r rrpurelibplatlibdatarrrlistdirranyrwarningislinkrshutilrmtreeremovemove) rjr=rrI lib_dir_listscheme purelib_dir platlib_dirdata_dirlib_dirrtarget_item_dirrs @r5rz!InstallCommand._handle_target_dirsL : B_%9:::n n ; 7>>+ & & -    , , , 7>>+ & & -;++E+E    , , , 7>>( # # *    ) ) )# J JG 7++ J Jh&&7<<$77DIIII|CRC7HIIIII! "$',,z4"@"@7>>/223"!>+ !w~~o66!', !w}}_553 o6666 /222 BGLL$77IIII9 J J Jr7rcx t|S#t$rtdYdSwxYw)NzwError while checking for conflicts. Please file an issue on pip's issue tracker: exception)rjrs r5rz#InstallCommand._determine_conflicts sW *:66 6      N   44  s $99conflict_detailsrc H|\}\}}|s|sdSg}|dkr|dn|dksJ|d|D]N}||d}||D]5} d||| d} || 6O|D]W}||d}||D]>\} } } d ||| | | |dkrd nd } || ?Xtd |dS)Nlegacyzpip's legacy dependency resolver does not consider dependency conflicts when selecting packages. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.z 2020-resolverzpip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.rz@{name} {version} requires {requirement}, which is not installed.r)r1r requirementzg{name} {version} requires {requirement}, but {you} have {dep_name} {dep_version} which is incompatible.youzyou'll)r1rrdep_name dep_versionr )rrrcriticalr)rjrr package_setmissing conflictingparts project_namer dependencyrrrr-s r5rz$InstallCommand._warn_about_conflictss/?+ +g{ {  F x ' ' LL@     $6666 LL@   $ & &L!,/2G%l3 & & .&%# *1  W%%%% &( & &L!,/2G.9,.G & &*+sF&%# #% +"2o"E"E8  W%%%% &  %(()))))r7)r+N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__usagerlrrrstrintrr$r8rrrrrrrr7r5r;r;=s   0E]:]:]:]:~c6cccsccc\cJ4J4J0=4JHL4J 4J4J4J4Jl 12  / "    4* /4*CF4* 4*4*4*4*4*4*r7r;FrrrrrcHtd|||||}|j|jgS)Nr/)rrrrr)rrr)rrrrrrs r5rrOs;    F NFN ++r7c ltdtt||DS)Nc34K|]}t|VdSrr)rds r5rz)>  !r7rr)allsetrrs r5site_packages_writablerasF -4(KKKLL  r7rCrHr=rGrqc||stddS|rJ|rtdtrt dtddS|J|s|rtddSt jstd dSt|| rtd dStd dS) aZDetermine whether to do a user install based on the input options. If use_user_site is False, no additional checks are done. If use_user_site is True, it is checked for compatibility with other options. If use_user_site is None, the default behaviour depends on the environment, which is provided by the other arguments. Nz$Non-user install by explicit requestFzVCan not combine '--user' and '--prefix' as they imply different installation locationszZCan not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.z User install by explicit requestTz3Non-user install due to --prefix or --target optionz4Non-user install because user site-packages disabledrz0Non-user install because site-packages writeablezMDefaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable) rdebugrr&rsiteENABLE_USER_SITErinfo)rCrHr=rGrqs r5rrhs<" !M! ;<<<u   3  ! ! #6   7888t  j JKKKu   KLLLu9}EEE GHHHu KK  4r7rTrmc 6dttdttfd}g}|D]^}|j}t |}|rD|d|||_|rTt |}|rC|d|||sdStdd |) zIf any location-changing --install-option arguments were passed for requirements or on the command-line, then show a deprecation warning. option_namesr+cd|DS)Nc`g|]+}d|dd,S)z--{}rr)rreplace)rr1s r5rzSreject_location_related_install_options..format_options..s2OOO$ dll34455OOOr7r)rs r5format_optionsz?reject_location_related_install_options..format_optionssOO,OOOOr7z {!r} from {}z{!r} from command lineNzLocation-changing options found in --install-option: {}. This is unsupported, use pip-level options like --user, --prefix, --root, and --target instead.z; ) rr rr_rrrkeysrr)rTrmr! offendersrr_location_optionss r5rrsMPXc]PtCyPPPPI# %5/@@     %%"N#3#8#8#:#:;;[    /88     (//?O?T?T?V?V0W0WXX      3396$))I:N:N3O3O  r7rrusing_user_sitecg}|d|s8|d|t|n|d|dxxdz cc<|jtjkrid}d}t s-|s+||d|gn|||d trI|jtjkr4|j r-t|j d kr|d d | dzS) zrFormat an error message for an OSError It may occur anytime during the execution of the install command. z,Could not install packages due to an OSErrorz: .rrz"Consider using the `--user` optionzCheck the permissionsz or z. izHINT: This error might have occurred since this system does not have Windows Long Path support enabled. You can find information on how to enable this at r/) rr errnoEACCESr%extendlowerrENOENTfilenamelenrstrip)rrr%ruser_option_partpermissions_parts r5rrs E LL?@@@  T SZZ     S "IIIIII {el""?2')) +/ + LL$$**,,     LL) * * * U   K5< ' ' N (   # % %  ?    775>>   ! !D ((r7)FNNFN)NNNF)Or(rrrroptparserrtypingrrrpip._vendor.packaging.utilsrpip._internal.cacher pip._internal.clir pip._internal.cli.cmdoptionsr pip._internal.cli.req_commandr r rpip._internal.cli.status_codesrrpip._internal.exceptionsrrpip._internal.locationsrpip._internal.metadatar#pip._internal.models.format_controlrpip._internal.operations.checkrrpip._internal.reqrpip._internal.req.req_installrpip._internal.req.req_trackerrpip._internal.utils.compatr"pip._internal.utils.distutils_argsrpip._internal.utils.filesystemrpip._internal.utils.loggingrpip._internal.utils.miscr r!r"r#pip._internal.utils.temp_dirr$pip._internal.utils.virtualenvr%r&pip._internal.wheel_builderr'r(r)rrr9r;r8r rrrrrrrr7r5rJs{  ********++++++++++999999******((((((;;;;;; :9999999DDDDDDDD......222222======SSSSSSSS000000<<<<<<AAAAAA......CCCCCC<<<<<<111111 766666 8   ] ?U    O*O*O*O*O*'O*O*O*f ,, , 3-, 3-, , SM ,  #Y ,,,,$#$4"& $# ::D>:#: :} :  :  ::::z$)*$5=d3i5H$ $$$$N6) 6)$(6);?6)6)6)6)6)6)6)r7