ReT"GddeZdS)c<eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d S) BaseReporterz?Delegate class to provider progress reporting for the resolver.cdS)z-Called before the resolution actually starts.N)selfs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python311-pip-21.3.1-3.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/reporters.pystartingzBaseReporter.startingcdS)zYCalled before each round of resolution starts. The index is zero-based. Nr)rindexs rstarting_roundzBaseReporter.starting_roundr r cdS)zCalled before each round of resolution ends. This is NOT called if the resolution ends at this round. Use `ending` if you want to report finalization. The index is zero-based. Nr)rr states r ending_roundzBaseReporter.ending_round r r cdS)z/Called before the resolution ends successfully.Nr)rrs rendingzBaseReporter.endingr r cdS)aCalled when adding a new requirement into the resolve criteria. :param requirement: The additional requirement to be applied to filter the available candidaites. :param parent: The candidate that requires ``requirement`` as a dependency, or None if ``requirement`` is one of the root requirements passed in from ``Resolver.resolve()``. Nr)r requirementparents radding_requirementzBaseReporter.adding_requirementr r cdS)z6Called when rejecting a candidate during backtracking.Nrr candidates r backtrackingzBaseReporter.backtracking!r r cdS)z9Called when adding a candidate to the potential solution.Nrrs rpinningzBaseReporter.pinning$r r N) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rr rrrrrrr rrrsII<<<      >>>   EEEHHHHHr rN)objectrrr rr"sC$H$H$H$H$H6$H$H$H$H$Hr