e f%@s9dZdgZddlmZGdddeZdS)z.Base class for MIME multipart/* type messages. MIMEMultipart)MIMEBasec@s+eZdZdZdddddZdS)rz.Base class for MIME multipart/* type messages.ZmixedNcKs`tj|d||g|_|rFx|D]}|j|q,Wn|r\|j|ndS)aCreates a multipart/* type message. By default, creates a multipart/mixed message, with proper Content-Type and MIME-Version headers. _subtype is the subtype of the multipart content type, defaulting to `mixed'. boundary is the multipart boundary string. By default it is calculated as needed. _subparts is a sequence of initial subparts for the payload. It must be an iterable object, such as a list. You can always attach new subparts to the message by using the attach() method. Additional parameters for the Content-Type header are taken from the keyword arguments (or passed into the _params argument). Z multipartN)r__init__Z_payloadZattachZ set_boundary)selfZ_subtypeboundaryZ _subpartsZ_paramspr9/opt/alt/python34/lib64/python3.4/email/mime/multipart.pyrs  zMIMEMultipart.__init__)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrr r s N)r __all__Zemail.mime.baserrrrrr s