Re| @sddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddl m Z ddl m Z ddl mZdd lmZdd lmZd d d dhZerddlmZddlmZGdddeZdS))absolute_importN) WheelCache) cmdoptions)Command)SUCCESS) FormatControl)freeze) stdlib_pkgs)MYPY_CHECK_RUNNINGpip setuptoolsZ distributewheel)Values)Listc@s:eZdZdZdZd ZddZddZdS) FreezeCommandzx Output installed packages in requirements format. packages are listed in a case-insensitive sorted order. z %prog [options]ext://sys.stderrc Cs;|jjdddddddgdd d d |jjd d dddddgddd d|jjddddddddd d|jjdddddddd d|jjtj|jjdddddd djdjt|jjdddddd d |jjd!|jdS)"Nz-rz --requirementdest requirementsactionappenddefaultmetavarfilehelpz}Use the order in the given requirements file and its comments when generating output. This option can be used multiple times.z-fz --find-links find_linksURLzs