3  fS @s|dZddlZddlZdddgZdjZdjZdjZd d ZGd dde Z ej ej d Z e d ZddeedeeeeDZejeddeddiejdeje jZddZejdZejdZddZddddd d!d"gZdd#d$d%d&d'd(d)d*d+d,d-d.g Zdeefd/d0ZGd1d2d2e Z!d3Z"e"d4Z#ejd5e"d6e#d7ej$ej%BZ&Gd8dde Z'Gd9dde'Z(dS):a. Here's a sample session to show how to use this module. At the moment, this is the only documentation. The Basics ---------- Importing is easy... >>> from http import cookies Most of the time you start by creating a cookie. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() Once you've created your Cookie, you can add values just as if it were a dictionary. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C["fig"] = "newton" >>> C["sugar"] = "wafer" >>> C.output() 'Set-Cookie: fig=newton\r\nSet-Cookie: sugar=wafer' Notice that the printable representation of a Cookie is the appropriate format for a Set-Cookie: header. This is the default behavior. You can change the header and printed attributes by using the .output() function >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C["rocky"] = "road" >>> C["rocky"]["path"] = "/cookie" >>> print(C.output(header="Cookie:")) Cookie: rocky=road; Path=/cookie >>> print(C.output(attrs=[], header="Cookie:")) Cookie: rocky=road The load() method of a Cookie extracts cookies from a string. In a CGI script, you would use this method to extract the cookies from the HTTP_COOKIE environment variable. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C.load("chips=ahoy; vienna=finger") >>> C.output() 'Set-Cookie: chips=ahoy\r\nSet-Cookie: vienna=finger' The load() method is darn-tootin smart about identifying cookies within a string. Escaped quotation marks, nested semicolons, and other such trickeries do not confuse it. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C.load('keebler="E=everybody; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;";') >>> print(C) Set-Cookie: keebler="E=everybody; L=\"Loves\"; fudge=\012;" Each element of the Cookie also supports all of the RFC 2109 Cookie attributes. Here's an example which sets the Path attribute. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C["oreo"] = "doublestuff" >>> C["oreo"]["path"] = "/" >>> print(C) Set-Cookie: oreo=doublestuff; Path=/ Each dictionary element has a 'value' attribute, which gives you back the value associated with the key. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C["twix"] = "none for you" >>> C["twix"].value 'none for you' The SimpleCookie expects that all values should be standard strings. Just to be sure, SimpleCookie invokes the str() builtin to convert the value to a string, when the values are set dictionary-style. >>> C = cookies.SimpleCookie() >>> C["number"] = 7 >>> C["string"] = "seven" >>> C["number"].value '7' >>> C["string"].value 'seven' >>> C.output() 'Set-Cookie: number=7\r\nSet-Cookie: string=seven' Finis. N CookieError BaseCookie SimpleCookiez;  cCs$ddl}d|}|j|tdddS)NrzvThe .%s setter is deprecated. The attribute will be read-only in future releases. Please use the set() method instead.) stacklevel)warningswarnDeprecationWarning)setterr msgr1/opt/alt/python36/lib64/python3.6/http/cookies.py_warn_deprecated_settersrc@s eZdZdS)rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rrrrrsz!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~:z ()/<=>?@[]{}cCsi|]}d||qS)z\%03or).0nrrr sr"z\"\z\\z[%s]+cCs*|dkst|r|Sd|jtdSdS)zQuote a string for use in a cookie header. If the string does not need to be double-quoted, then just return the string. Otherwise, surround the string in doublequotes and quote (with a \) special characters. Nr) _is_legal_key translate _Translator)strrrr_quotesrz\\[0-3][0-7][0-7]z[\\].cCsT|dkst|dkr|S|ddks0|ddkr4|S|dd}d}t|}g}xd|kod|knrJtj||}tj||}| r| r|j||dPd }}|r|jd}|r|jd}|o| s||kr |j||||j||d|d}qR|j||||jtt||d|dd|d}qRWt|S) Nrrr#r#) len _OctalPattsearch _QuotePattappendstartchrint _nulljoin)rirresZo_matchZq_matchjkrrr_unquotes6       $ r1ZMonZTueZWedZThuZFriZSatZSunZJanZFebZMarZAprZMayZJunZJulZAugZSepZOctZNovZDecc CsRddlm}m}|}|||\ }}}} } } } } }d|| ||||| | | fS)Nr)gmtimetimez#%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT)r3r2)ZfutureZ weekdaynameZ monthnamer2r3ZnowZyearZmonthZdayZhhZmmZssZwdyzrrr_getdates r6c @seZdZdZdddddddd d Zd d hZd dZeddZej ddZeddZ e j ddZ eddZ e j ddZ ddZ d4ddZ ddZejZdd Zd!d"Zd#d$Zefd%d&Zd'd(Zd)d*Zd5d,d-ZeZd.d/Zd6d0d1Zd7d2d3ZdS)8MorselaA class to hold ONE (key, value) pair. In a cookie, each such pair may have several attributes, so this class is used to keep the attributes associated with the appropriate key,value pair. This class also includes a coded_value attribute, which is used to hold the network representation of the value. This is most useful when Python objects are pickled for network transit. expiresZPathCommentZDomainzMax-AgeZSecureZHttpOnlyZVersion)r8pathcommentZdomainzmax-agesecurehttponlyversionr<r=cCs4d|_|_|_x|jD]}tj||dqWdS)Nr)_key_value _coded_value _reserveddict __setitem__)selfkeyrrr__init__&s zMorsel.__init__cCs|jS)N)r?)rErrrrF.sz Morsel.keycCstd||_dS)NrF)rr?)rErFrrrrF2scCs|jS)N)r@)rErrrvalue7sz Morsel.valuecCstd||_dS)NrH)rr@)rErHrrrrH;scCs|jS)N)rA)rErrr coded_value@szMorsel.coded_valuecCstd||_dS)NrI)rrA)rErIrrrrIDscCs2|j}||jkr td|ftj|||dS)NzInvalid attribute %r)lowerrBrrCrD)rEKVrrrrDIs zMorsel.__setitem__NcCs.|j}||jkr td|ftj|||S)NzInvalid attribute %r)rJrBrrC setdefault)rErFvalrrrrMOs zMorsel.setdefaultcCs>t|tstStj||o<|j|jko<|j|jko<|j|jkS)N) isinstancer7NotImplementedrC__eq__r@r?rA)rEmorselrrrrQUs     z Morsel.__eq__cCs$t}tj|||jj|j|S)N)r7rCupdate__dict__)rErRrrrcopy_s z Morsel.copycCsVi}x@t|jD]0\}}|j}||jkr:td|f|||<qWtj||dS)NzInvalid attribute %r)rCitemsrJrBrrS)rEvaluesdatarFrNrrrrSes  z Morsel.updatecCs|j|jkS)N)rJrB)rErKrrr isReservedKeynszMorsel.isReservedKeycCsh|tkr ddl}|jdtdd|j|jkr) __class__rr`)rErrr__repr__szMorsel.__repr__cCsd|j|jddS)Nz rz\")r`replace)rErarrr js_outputszMorsel.js_outputcCs(g}|j}|d|j|jf|dkr,|j}t|j}x|D]\}}|dkrPq>||krZq>|dkrt|tr|d|j|t|fq>|dkrt|tr|d|j||fq>|dkrt|t r|d|j|t |fq>||j kr|r|t |j|q>|d|j||fq>Wt |S)Nz%s=%srr8zmax-agez%s=%dr;) r(rFrIrBsortedrVrOr+r6rr_flags_semispacejoin)rEraresultr(rVrFrHrrrr`s,  zMorsel.OutputString)N)Nr_)N)N)rrr__doc__rBrirGpropertyrFr rHrIrDrMrQobject__ne__rUrSrYrZr[r\r^rc__str__rergr`rrrrr7s@        r7z,\w\d!#%&'~_`><@,:/\$\*\+\-\.\^\|\)\(\?\}\{\=z\[\]z \s* # Optional whitespace at start of cookie (?P # Start of group 'key' [a ]+? # Any word of at least one letter ) # End of group 'key' ( # Optional group: there may not be a value. \s*=\s* # Equal Sign (?P # Start of group 'val' "(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*" # Any doublequoted string | # or \w{3},\s[\w\d\s-]{9,11}\s[\d:]{8}\sGMT # Special case for "expires" attr | # or [a-]* # Any word or empty string ) # End of group 'val' )? # End of optional value group \s* # Any number of spaces. (\s+|;|$) # Ending either at space, semicolon, or EOS. c@sneZdZdZddZddZdddZd d Zd d ZdddZ e Z ddZ dddZ ddZ efddZdS)rz'A container class for a set of Morsels.cCs||fS)a real_value, coded_value = value_decode(STRING) Called prior to setting a cookie's value from the network representation. The VALUE is the value read from HTTP header. Override this function to modify the behavior of cookies. r)rErNrrr value_decodeszBaseCookie.value_decodecCst|}||fS)zreal_value, coded_value = value_encode(VALUE) Called prior to setting a cookie's value from the dictionary representation. The VALUE is the value being assigned. Override this function to modify the behavior of cookies. )r)rErNstrvalrrr value_encodeszBaseCookie.value_encodeNcCs|r|j|dS)N)load)rEinputrrrrGszBaseCookie.__init__cCs.|j|t}|j|||tj|||dS)z+Private method for setting a cookie's valueN)getr7r[rCrD)rErFZ real_valuerIMrrrZ__setszBaseCookie.__setcCs:t|trtj|||n|j|\}}|j|||dS)zDictionary style assignment.N)rOr7rCrDrs_BaseCookie__set)rErFrHrvalcvalrrrrDs zBaseCookie.__setitem__ Set-Cookie: cCs>g}t|j}x"|D]\}}|j|j||qW|j|S)z"Return a string suitable for HTTP.)rhrVr(rcjoin)rErarbseprkrVrFrHrrrrc s  zBaseCookie.outputcCsNg}t|j}x(|D] \}}|jd|t|jfqWd|jjt|fS)Nz%s=%sz<%s: %s>)rhrVr(reprrHrdr _spacejoin)rElrVrFrHrrrres  zBaseCookie.__repr__cCs:g}t|j}x |D]\}}|j|j|qWt|S)z(Return a string suitable for JavaScript.)rhrVr(rgr,)rErarkrVrFrHrrrrgs  zBaseCookie.js_outputcCs8t|tr|j|nx|jD]\}}|||<q WdS)zLoad cookies from a string (presumably HTTP_COOKIE) or from a dictionary. Loading cookies from a dictionary 'd' is equivalent to calling: map(Cookie.__setitem__, d.keys(), d.values()) N)rOr_BaseCookie__parse_stringrV)rEZrawdatarFrHrrrrt&s    zBaseCookie.loadcCspd}t|}g}d}d}d}xd|ko2|knr|j||} | sLP| jd| jd} } | jd}| ddkr|s~q |j|| dd| fq | jtjkr|sdS| dkr| jtjkr|j|| dfqdSn|j|| t | fq | dk r|j|| |j | fd}q dSq Wd} xF|D]>\} } } | |krH| | | <n| \}}|j | |||| } q*WdS) NrFr rrFrN$T) r$matchgroupendr(rJr7rBrir1rqrx)rErZpattr-rZ parsed_itemsZ morsel_seenZTYPE_ATTRIBUTEZ TYPE_KEYVALUErrFrHrwtpryrzrrrZ__parse_string4sF      zBaseCookie.__parse_string)N)Nr{r|)N)rrrrlrqrsrGrxrDrcrprergrt_CookiePatternrrrrrrs    c@s eZdZdZddZddZdS)rz SimpleCookie supports strings as cookie values. When setting the value using the dictionary assignment notation, SimpleCookie calls the builtin str() to convert the value to a string. Values received from HTTP are kept as strings. cCs t||fS)N)r1)rErNrrrrqxszSimpleCookie.value_decodecCst|}|t|fS)N)rr)rErNrrrrrrs{szSimpleCookie.value_encodeN)rrrrlrqrsrrrrrqs))rlrestring__all__r}r,rjrr ExceptionrZ ascii_lettersZdigitsrZZ_UnescapedCharsr[rangemapordrrScompileescape fullmatchrrr%r'r1Z _weekdaynameZ _monthnamer6rCr7Z_LegalKeyCharsZ_LegalValueCharsASCIIVERBOSErrrrrrrsF    2 J