B ‘–ReÀ-ã@sddZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlm Z ddl Tddl m Z Gdd„de ƒZ dS) zhdistutils.command.register Implements the Distutils 'register' command (register with the repository). éN)Úwarn)Ú PyPIRCCommand)Ú*)Úlogc@sŽeZdZdZejddgZejdddgZddd „fgZd d „Zd d „Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Zdd„Zdd„Zddd„ZdS) Úregisterz7register the distribution with the Python package index)zlist-classifiersNz list the valid Trove classifiers)ÚstrictNzBWill stop the registering if the meta-data are not fully compliantÚverifyzlist-classifiersrÚcheckcCsdS)NT©)Úselfr r úœ/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python37-setuptools-58.3.0-4.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/register.pyÚózregister.cCst |¡d|_d|_dS)Nr)rÚinitialize_optionsÚlist_classifiersr)r r r r rs zregister.initialize_optionscCs*t |¡d|jfddœ}||jjd<dS)Nr)ré)rÚrestructuredtextr )rÚfinalize_optionsrÚ distributionÚcommand_options)r Ú check_optionsr r r r$s zregister.finalize_optionscCsX| ¡| ¡x| ¡D]}| |¡qW|jr<| ¡n|jrL| ¡n| ¡dS)N) rÚ _set_configÚget_sub_commandsÚ run_commandÚdry_runÚverify_metadatarÚ classifiersÚ send_metadata)r Úcmd_namer r r Úrun+s  z register.runcCs8tdtƒ|j d¡}| ¡|j|_d|_| ¡dS)zDeprecated API.zddistutils.command.register.check_metadata is deprecated, use the check command insteadr rN)rÚPendingDeprecationWarningrÚget_command_objÚensure_finalizedrrr)r r r r r Úcheck_metadata:s zregister.check_metadatacCsz| ¡}|ikr@|d|_|d|_|d|_|d|_d|_n6|jd|jfkr^td|jƒ‚|jdkrp|j|_d|_d S) z: Reads the configuration file and set attributes. ÚusernameÚpasswordÚ repositoryÚrealmTÚpypiz%s not found in .pypircFN)Ú _read_pypircr$r%r&r'Ú has_configÚDEFAULT_REPOSITORYÚ ValueError)r Úconfigr r r rDs     zregister._set_configcCs*|jd}tj |¡}t | |¡¡dS)z8 Fetch the list of classifiers from the server. z?:action=list_classifiersN)r&ÚurllibÚrequestÚurlopenrÚinfoÚ_read_pypi_response)r ÚurlÚresponser r r rUs  zregister.classifierscCs&| | d¡¡\}}t d||¡dS)zF Send the metadata to the package index server to be checked. rzServer response (%s): %sN)Úpost_to_serverÚbuild_post_datarr1)r ÚcodeÚresultr r r r\szregister.verify_metadatac Cs|jrd}|j}|j}n d}d}}d ¡}x:||krf| dtj¡tƒ}|sTd}q.||kr.tdƒq.W|dkr|x|s‚tdƒ}qtWx|s–t   d¡}q†Wt j   ¡}t j  |j¡d }| |j|||¡| | d ¡|¡\}}| d ||ftj¡|d kr|jr||j_nj| d tj¡| d| ¡tj¡d}x&| ¡dkr\tdƒ}|s8d}q8W| ¡dkr| ||¡n„|dkr¬ddi} d| d<| d<| d<d| d<x| dsÊtdƒ| d<q°Wx‚| d| dkrNx| dsþt   d¡| d<qâWx| dst   d¡| d<qW| d| dkrÎd| d<d| d<tdƒqÎWx| dsltdƒ| d<qRW| | ¡\}}|d kr–t d ||¡nt d¡t d ¡nT|d!krdd"i} d| d<x| dsâtd#ƒ| d<qÈW| | ¡\}}t d ||¡dS)$a_ Send the metadata to the package index server. Well, do the following: 1. figure who the user is, and then 2. send the data as a Basic auth'ed POST. First we try to read the username/password from $HOME/.pypirc, which is a ConfigParser-formatted file with a section [distutils] containing username and password entries (both in clear text). Eg: [distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] username: fred password: sekrit Otherwise, to figure who the user is, we offer the user three choices: 1. use existing login, 2. register as a new user, or 3. set the password to a random string and email the user. Ú1ÚxÚz1 2 3 4zâWe need to know who you are, so please choose either: 1. use your existing login, 2. register as a new user, 3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or 4. quit Your selection [default 1]: z&Please choose one of the four options!z Username: z Password: rZsubmitzServer response (%s): %séÈzAI can store your PyPI login so future submissions will be faster.z (the login will be stored in %s)ÚXZynzSave your login (y/N)?ÚnÚyÚ2z:actionÚuserÚnamer%ÚemailNZconfirmz Confirm: z!Password and confirm don't match!z EMail: z"You will receive an email shortly.z7Follow the instructions in it to complete registration.Ú3Zpassword_resetzYour email address: )r*r$r%ÚsplitÚannouncerÚINFOÚinputÚprintÚgetpassr.r/ÚHTTPPasswordMgrÚparseÚurlparser&Ú add_passwordr'r5r6rÚ _get_rc_fileÚlowerÚ _store_pypircr1) r Úchoicer$r%ÚchoicesÚauthÚhostr7r8Údatar r r rcsŒ                     zregister.send_metadatacCs|jj}|d| ¡| ¡| ¡| ¡| ¡| ¡| ¡|  ¡|  ¡|  ¡|  ¡|  ¡| ¡| ¡| ¡dœ}|ds„|ds„|drŒd|d<|S)Nz1.0)z:actionÚmetadata_versionrBÚversionÚsummaryZ home_pageÚauthorÚ author_emailÚlicenseÚ descriptionÚkeywordsÚplatformrÚ download_urlÚprovidesÚrequiresÚ obsoletesrarbrcz1.1rW)rÚmetadataÚget_nameÚ get_versionÚget_descriptionÚget_urlÚ get_contactÚget_contact_emailÚ get_licenceÚget_long_descriptionÚ get_keywordsÚ get_platformsÚget_classifiersÚget_download_urlÚ get_providesÚ get_requiresÚ get_obsoletes)r ÚactionÚmetarVr r r r6Ýs* zregister.build_post_dataNc Csüd|kr$| d|d|jftj¡d}d|}|d}t ¡}xŽ| ¡D]‚\}}t|ƒtgƒtdƒfkrp|g}xZ|D]R}t|ƒ}|  |¡|  d|¡|  d¡|  |¡|rv|d d krv|  d ¡qvWqJW|  |¡|  d ¡|  ¡  d ¡}d |tt |ƒƒdœ} t j |j|| ¡} t j t jj|d¡} d}y|  | ¡} Wnxt jjk rˆ} z"|jrl| j ¡}| j| jf} Wdd} ~ XYnJt jjk rº} zdt| ƒf} Wdd} ~ XYnX|jrÎ| | ¡}d} |jrød  d|df¡}| |tj¡| S)zC Post a query to the server, and return a string response. rBzRegistering %s to %sz3--------------GHSKFJDLGDS7543FJKLFHRE75642756743254z --z--r z* Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"z éÿÿÿÿú Ú zutf-8z/multipart/form-data; boundary=%s; charset=utf-8)z Content-typezContent-length)Ú password_mgrr;Niô)r<ÚOKzK---------------------------------------------------------------------------)rFr&rrGÚioÚStringIOÚitemsÚtypeÚstrÚwriteÚgetvalueÚencodeÚlenr.r/ÚRequestÚ build_openerÚHTTPBasicAuthHandlerÚopenÚerrorÚ HTTPErrorÚ show_responseÚfpÚreadr7ÚmsgÚURLErrorr2Újoin)r rVrTÚboundaryZ sep_boundaryZ end_boundaryÚbodyÚkeyÚvalueÚheadersÚreqÚopenerr8Úerr r r r5ùsV         zregister.post_to_server)N)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__r]rÚ user_optionsÚboolean_optionsÚ sub_commandsrrrr#rrrrr6r5r r r r rs"  zr)Ú__doc__rJr{Ú urllib.parser.Úurllib.requestÚwarningsrÚdistutils.corerÚdistutils.errorsÚ distutilsrrr r r r Ús