--TEST-- __serialize() mechanism (007): handle __destruct of returned data --SKIPIF-- = 90000) { echo "skip requires php < 9.0 when testing that the deprecation has no impact on igbinary functionality\n"; } ?> --FILE-- = 80200) { require_once __DIR__ . '/php82_suppress_dynamic_properties_warning.inc'; } class DestructorThrows { public function __construct(string $val) { $this->val = $val; } public function __destruct() { echo "DestructorThrows called val=$this->val\n"; throw new RuntimeException($this->val); } } class Xyz { public $Xyz; public function __serialize() { return [new DestructorThrows($this->Xyz)]; } public function __unserialize(array $data) { $this->Xyz = $data[0]; } public function __destruct() { // should not be called echo "Called destruct prop=$this->Xyz\n"; } } $test = new Xyz; $test->Xyz = 'Xyz'; try { var_dump(bin2hex($s = igbinary_serialize($test))); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { echo "message={$e->getMessage()}\n"; } unset($test); $test = new Xyz; $test->Xyz = ''; try { var_dump(bin2hex($s = igbinary_serialize($test))); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { echo "message={$e->getMessage()}\n"; } ?> --EXPECT-- DestructorThrows called val=Xyz message=Xyz DestructorThrows called val= Called destruct prop=Xyz message= Called destruct prop=