g8dZddlZdZdedefdZd ded efd ZdS) z This module serves as a collection of functions needed by various cloudlinux-* utilities. It should not include any functions specific to a one single utility as to not pollute it with unnecessary imports. NzAvailable values for optiondatareturnc|dr#|dd\}}d|zd|idS|tr5|dd\}}|dzd |idSd |iS) z Replacing params in a data string to display an error message for humans. :param data: error's data for show message :return: a dictionary suitable for UI z-- z %%(param)s param)resultcontext:z: %%(available_options)savailable_optionsr ) startswithsplit VALUES_STRstrip)rrtexts py/cli_utils.pyreplace_paramsrs tMjja(( t'$.GU;KLLL z""Ajja(( e!;;/?AA A d Fis_json is_prettyc|rM|r&ttj|dddSttj|ddSt|dS)z Print specified dictionary :param data_dict: data dictionary to print :param is_json: True - print in JSON, False - in text :param is_pretty: True - pretty json print, False - none (default) :return: None T)indent sort_keys)rN)printjsondumps) data_dictrrs rprint_dictionaryr'sr  9 $*YqDAAA B B B B B $*Y$777 8 8 8 8 8 ir)FF)__doc__rrstrdictrboolrrrr%st  + "$r