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TrNros r6count_towards_summaryz BaseReport.count_towards_summarys trKc.|j |j\}}}|SdS)a**Experimental** The head line shown with longrepr output for this report, more commonly during traceback representation during failures:: ________ ________ In the example above, the head_line is "". .. note:: This function is considered **experimental**, so beware that it is subject to changes even in patch releases. N)r=)rIrlinenodomains r6 head_linezBaseReport.head_lines$ = $%)] "FFFMtrKconfigcF|j||\}}}|S)N)reportr)hookpytest_report_teststatus)rIr _category_shortverboses r6_get_verbose_wordzBaseReport._get_verbose_words2%+[%I%I&J& & " 67rKc t|S)zReturn the contents of this report as a dict of builtin entries, suitable for serialization. This was originally the serialize_report() function from xdist (ca03269). Experimental method. )_report_to_jsonros r6_to_jsonzBaseReport._to_jsonst$$$rKcls reportdictc0t|}|di|S)aCreate either a TestReport or CollectReport, depending on the calling class. It is the callers responsibility to know which class to pass here. This was originally the serialize_report() function from xdist (ca03269). Experimental method. rN)_report_kwargs_from_json)rrkwargss r6 _from_jsonzBaseReport._from_jsons#**55s}}V}}rK)*__name__ __module__ __qualname__r rU__annotations__rintrr BaseExceptionrr rrJrrOr rRr r^propertyrfrpruryboolr{rrrrrr"rrr classmethodrr8objectrrNrKr6r9r9;sU 3-uS(3-456666 mM*E#sC-,@#|S5c?#### KKK 5555!S!T!!!! 3 3    n(&3&8E#s(O+D&&&&  c   X     X  3   X  3   X ((((X(((((X())))X)****X* t   X 8C=X( %$sCx.%%%% R d3;.? 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FrNrNr@r=keywordsrBrAr>r<z$Literal['setup', 'call', 'teardown']r?durationstartstopuser_propertiesrDc  ||_||_||_||_||_||_t | pg|_t ||_||_ | |_ | |_ |j | dSrF)r@r=rrBr>r<listrr?rrrrGrH) rIr@r=rrBr>r<r?rrrrextras r6rJzTestReport.__init__s$ 9A ,4  !   $O$9r:: X  ( "   U#####rKcdd|jj|j|j|jS)Nz <{} {!r} when={!r} outcome={!r}>)r1 __class__rr@r<rBros r6__repr__zTestReport.__repr__9s.188 N #T[$)T\   rKitemcallzCallInfo[None]c x|j}|dksJ|j}|j}|j}d|jD}|j}g} |jsd} d} n t |tsd} |} nt |jtj rd} | } | Jd|jj rC| dd\} }|Jtj| |d z| jf} nut#| j| j| jf} nSd} |jd kr||} n0|||jd d  } |jD]#\}}}| d|d||f$||j|j|| | || ||||j S)zCreate and fill a TestReport with standard item and call info. :param item: The item. :param call: The call info. collectci|]}|dS)rN)rkxs r6 z1TestReport.from_item_and_call..Ks000QAq000rKr{Nrrz=There should always be a traceback entry for skipping a test.rrtbstyleauto)stylez Captured  )r)r<rrrrexcinfo isinstancervaluer% Exception _getreprcrash_use_item_location reportinfoosrmessagerUpathr repr_failure_repr_failure_pyr getoption_report_sectionsappendr@r=r)rrrr<rrrrrr?rBr>rrrTrwhenrLr]s r6from_item_and_callzTestReport.from_item_and_call>syy    = y00$-000,| >FG Hg}55 ""GM4>:: #))++MMR"MM=3B!%!2!22A2!6JD$+++!yq!)CHH #AF QXqyAHH"9&&#0099HH#44t{'<'.serialize_repr_entrysr!%((**,, 6 6JCuj)) 6'.u55S "5kk2DAA rK reprtracebackc\tj|}fd|jD|d<|S)Nc&g|] }|SrNrN)rkrrs r6 zE_report_to_json..serialize_repr_traceback..s2! ! ! ()  # #! ! ! rK reprentries)rrr)rrrs r6serialize_repr_tracebackz1_report_to_json..serialize_repr_tracebacksJ#M22! ! ! ! -:-F! ! ! } rK reprcrashc2|tj|SdSrF)rr)rs r6serialize_repr_crashz-_report_to_json..serialize_repr_crashs   %i00 04rKrepcX|jJtt|j}|j|j|jd}t |trDg|d<|jD]6\}}}|d |||f7nd|d<|S)N)rrr?chain) r>rrrrr?rrrr)rr>rrepr_traceback repr_crash descriptionrrs r6serialize_exception_longreprz5_report_to_json..serialize_exception_longreprs|''' s|44--h.@AA55h6LMM )" "  h 2 3 3 # F7O;C>  7 Kw&&00@@,,Z88# #F7O rKrRr>rN)rrrrrUrrr rr9rGcopyrSr>rrPathLiker)rrr3r\rrrs @@@r6rrsY/0 c3h $sCx.,- $sCx. !*c3h. Av --( 6?O 4 4 1 O[: :  198@@AjMM00AjMM*  agr{ + + i$((AdGG X  AdG HrKrc" fd fd}dttttffd}drddvrddvr|dd}|dd}ddrQg}ddD]0\}}}||||||f1t |} nt || } dd D] } | j|  | d<S) zReturn **kwargs that can be used to construct a TestReport or CollectReport instance. This was originally the serialize_report() function from xdist (ca03269). c|d}|d}|dkr~d}d}d}|drtd i|d}|drtd i|d}|drt|dd}t|d||||d }n2|d krt |d}nt |t |S) Nrrr reprfuncargs reprfileloc reprlocalslinesr)rr rrrrrN)rrrrrrr)rr entry_typer rr reprentryrs r6deserialize_repr_entryz8_report_kwargs_from_json..deserialize_repr_entry%s&!'  $ $LKJN# D+CCd>.BCC M" F.EEm1DEE L! E'\(:7(CDD ;D7m)%'7m <<<II, , ,'W 66II +J J O O OrKcJfd|dD|d<tdi|S)Nc&g|] }|SrNrN)rkrrs r6rzP_report_kwargs_from_json..deserialize_repr_traceback..As2. . . *+ " "1 % %. . . rKrrNr)repr_traceback_dictrs r6deserialize_repr_tracebackz<_report_kwargs_from_json..deserialize_repr_traceback@sM. . . . /B=/Q. . . 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