import asyncio import functools import random import sys import traceback import warnings from collections import defaultdict, deque from contextlib import suppress from http import HTTPStatus from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from itertools import cycle, islice from time import monotonic from types import TracebackType from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, DefaultDict, Dict, Iterator, List, Literal, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, cast, ) import attr from . import hdrs, helpers from .abc import AbstractResolver from .client_exceptions import ( ClientConnectionError, ClientConnectorCertificateError, ClientConnectorError, ClientConnectorSSLError, ClientHttpProxyError, ClientProxyConnectionError, ServerFingerprintMismatch, UnixClientConnectorError, cert_errors, ssl_errors, ) from .client_proto import ResponseHandler from .client_reqrep import ClientRequest, Fingerprint, _merge_ssl_params from .helpers import ceil_timeout, get_running_loop, is_ip_address, noop, sentinel from .locks import EventResultOrError from .resolver import DefaultResolver try: import ssl SSLContext = ssl.SSLContext except ImportError: # pragma: no cover ssl = None # type: ignore[assignment] SSLContext = object # type: ignore[misc,assignment] __all__ = ("BaseConnector", "TCPConnector", "UnixConnector", "NamedPipeConnector") if TYPE_CHECKING: from .client import ClientTimeout from .client_reqrep import ConnectionKey from .tracing import Trace class _DeprecationWaiter: __slots__ = ("_awaitable", "_awaited") def __init__(self, awaitable: Awaitable[Any]) -> None: self._awaitable = awaitable self._awaited = False def __await__(self) -> Any: self._awaited = True return self._awaitable.__await__() def __del__(self) -> None: if not self._awaited: warnings.warn( "Connector.close() is a coroutine, " "please use await connector.close()", DeprecationWarning, ) class Connection: _source_traceback = None _transport = None def __init__( self, connector: "BaseConnector", key: "ConnectionKey", protocol: ResponseHandler, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: self._key = key self._connector = connector self._loop = loop self._protocol: Optional[ResponseHandler] = protocol self._callbacks: List[Callable[[], None]] = [] if loop.get_debug(): self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Connection<{self._key}>" def __del__(self, _warnings: Any = warnings) -> None: if self._protocol is not None: kwargs = {"source": self} _warnings.warn(f"Unclosed connection {self!r}", ResourceWarning, **kwargs) if self._loop.is_closed(): return self._connector._release(self._key, self._protocol, should_close=True) context = {"client_connection": self, "message": "Unclosed connection"} if self._source_traceback is not None: context["source_traceback"] = self._source_traceback self._loop.call_exception_handler(context) def __bool__(self) -> Literal[True]: """Force subclasses to not be falsy, to make checks simpler.""" return True @property def loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop: warnings.warn( "connector.loop property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self._loop @property def transport(self) -> Optional[asyncio.Transport]: if self._protocol is None: return None return self._protocol.transport @property def protocol(self) -> Optional[ResponseHandler]: return self._protocol def add_callback(self, callback: Callable[[], None]) -> None: if callback is not None: self._callbacks.append(callback) def _notify_release(self) -> None: callbacks, self._callbacks = self._callbacks[:], [] for cb in callbacks: with suppress(Exception): cb() def close(self) -> None: self._notify_release() if self._protocol is not None: self._connector._release(self._key, self._protocol, should_close=True) self._protocol = None def release(self) -> None: self._notify_release() if self._protocol is not None: self._connector._release( self._key, self._protocol, should_close=self._protocol.should_close ) self._protocol = None @property def closed(self) -> bool: return self._protocol is None or not self._protocol.is_connected() class _TransportPlaceholder: """placeholder for BaseConnector.connect function""" def close(self) -> None: pass class BaseConnector: """Base connector class. keepalive_timeout - (optional) Keep-alive timeout. force_close - Set to True to force close and do reconnect after each request (and between redirects). limit - The total number of simultaneous connections. limit_per_host - Number of simultaneous connections to one host. enable_cleanup_closed - Enables clean-up closed ssl transports. Disabled by default. timeout_ceil_threshold - Trigger ceiling of timeout values when it's above timeout_ceil_threshold. loop - Optional event loop. """ _closed = True # prevent AttributeError in __del__ if ctor was failed _source_traceback = None # abort transport after 2 seconds (cleanup broken connections) _cleanup_closed_period = 2.0 def __init__( self, *, keepalive_timeout: Union[object, None, float] = sentinel, force_close: bool = False, limit: int = 100, limit_per_host: int = 0, enable_cleanup_closed: bool = False, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, timeout_ceil_threshold: float = 5, ) -> None: if force_close: if keepalive_timeout is not None and keepalive_timeout is not sentinel: raise ValueError( "keepalive_timeout cannot " "be set if force_close is True" ) else: if keepalive_timeout is sentinel: keepalive_timeout = 15.0 loop = get_running_loop(loop) self._timeout_ceil_threshold = timeout_ceil_threshold self._closed = False if loop.get_debug(): self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1)) self._conns: Dict[ConnectionKey, List[Tuple[ResponseHandler, float]]] = {} self._limit = limit self._limit_per_host = limit_per_host self._acquired: Set[ResponseHandler] = set() self._acquired_per_host: DefaultDict[ ConnectionKey, Set[ResponseHandler] ] = defaultdict(set) self._keepalive_timeout = cast(float, keepalive_timeout) self._force_close = force_close # {host_key: FIFO list of waiters} self._waiters = defaultdict(deque) # type: ignore[var-annotated] self._loop = loop self._factory = functools.partial(ResponseHandler, loop=loop) self.cookies = SimpleCookie() # start keep-alive connection cleanup task self._cleanup_handle: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None # start cleanup closed transports task self._cleanup_closed_handle: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None self._cleanup_closed_disabled = not enable_cleanup_closed self._cleanup_closed_transports: List[Optional[asyncio.Transport]] = [] self._cleanup_closed() def __del__(self, _warnings: Any = warnings) -> None: if self._closed: return if not self._conns: return conns = [repr(c) for c in self._conns.values()] self._close() kwargs = {"source": self} _warnings.warn(f"Unclosed connector {self!r}", ResourceWarning, **kwargs) context = { "connector": self, "connections": conns, "message": "Unclosed connector", } if self._source_traceback is not None: context["source_traceback"] = self._source_traceback self._loop.call_exception_handler(context) def __enter__(self) -> "BaseConnector": warnings.warn( '"with Connector():" is deprecated, ' 'use "async with Connector():" instead', DeprecationWarning, ) return self def __exit__(self, *exc: Any) -> None: self._close() async def __aenter__(self) -> "BaseConnector": return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None, exc_value: Optional[BaseException] = None, exc_traceback: Optional[TracebackType] = None, ) -> None: await self.close() @property def force_close(self) -> bool: """Ultimately close connection on releasing if True.""" return self._force_close @property def limit(self) -> int: """The total number for simultaneous connections. If limit is 0 the connector has no limit. The default limit size is 100. """ return self._limit @property def limit_per_host(self) -> int: """The limit for simultaneous connections to the same endpoint. Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple. """ return self._limit_per_host def _cleanup(self) -> None: """Cleanup unused transports.""" if self._cleanup_handle: self._cleanup_handle.cancel() # _cleanup_handle should be unset, otherwise _release() will not # recreate it ever! self._cleanup_handle = None now = self._loop.time() timeout = self._keepalive_timeout if self._conns: connections = {} deadline = now - timeout for key, conns in self._conns.items(): alive = [] for proto, use_time in conns: if proto.is_connected(): if use_time - deadline < 0: transport = proto.transport proto.close() if key.is_ssl and not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_transports.append(transport) else: alive.append((proto, use_time)) else: transport = proto.transport proto.close() if key.is_ssl and not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_transports.append(transport) if alive: connections[key] = alive self._conns = connections if self._conns: self._cleanup_handle = helpers.weakref_handle( self, "_cleanup", timeout, self._loop, timeout_ceil_threshold=self._timeout_ceil_threshold, ) def _drop_acquired_per_host( self, key: "ConnectionKey", val: ResponseHandler ) -> None: acquired_per_host = self._acquired_per_host if key not in acquired_per_host: return conns = acquired_per_host[key] conns.remove(val) if not conns: del self._acquired_per_host[key] def _cleanup_closed(self) -> None: """Double confirmation for transport close. Some broken ssl servers may leave socket open without proper close. """ if self._cleanup_closed_handle: self._cleanup_closed_handle.cancel() for transport in self._cleanup_closed_transports: if transport is not None: transport.abort() self._cleanup_closed_transports = [] if not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_handle = helpers.weakref_handle( self, "_cleanup_closed", self._cleanup_closed_period, self._loop, timeout_ceil_threshold=self._timeout_ceil_threshold, ) def close(self) -> Awaitable[None]: """Close all opened transports.""" self._close() return _DeprecationWaiter(noop()) def _close(self) -> None: if self._closed: return self._closed = True try: if self._loop.is_closed(): return # cancel cleanup task if self._cleanup_handle: self._cleanup_handle.cancel() # cancel cleanup close task if self._cleanup_closed_handle: self._cleanup_closed_handle.cancel() for data in self._conns.values(): for proto, t0 in data: proto.close() for proto in self._acquired: proto.close() for transport in self._cleanup_closed_transports: if transport is not None: transport.abort() finally: self._conns.clear() self._acquired.clear() self._waiters.clear() self._cleanup_handle = None self._cleanup_closed_transports.clear() self._cleanup_closed_handle = None @property def closed(self) -> bool: """Is connector closed. A readonly property. """ return self._closed def _available_connections(self, key: "ConnectionKey") -> int: """ Return number of available connections. The limit, limit_per_host and the connection key are taken into account. If it returns less than 1 means that there are no connections available. """ if self._limit: # total calc available connections available = self._limit - len(self._acquired) # check limit per host if ( self._limit_per_host and available > 0 and key in self._acquired_per_host ): acquired = self._acquired_per_host.get(key) assert acquired is not None available = self._limit_per_host - len(acquired) elif self._limit_per_host and key in self._acquired_per_host: # check limit per host acquired = self._acquired_per_host.get(key) assert acquired is not None available = self._limit_per_host - len(acquired) else: available = 1 return available async def connect( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout" ) -> Connection: """Get from pool or create new connection.""" key = req.connection_key available = self._available_connections(key) # Wait if there are no available connections or if there are/were # waiters (i.e. don't steal connection from a waiter about to wake up) if available <= 0 or key in self._waiters: fut = self._loop.create_future() # This connection will now count towards the limit. self._waiters[key].append(fut) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_connection_queued_start() try: await fut except BaseException as e: if key in self._waiters: # remove a waiter even if it was cancelled, normally it's # removed when it's notified try: self._waiters[key].remove(fut) except ValueError: # fut may no longer be in list pass raise e finally: if key in self._waiters and not self._waiters[key]: del self._waiters[key] if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_connection_queued_end() proto = self._get(key) if proto is None: placeholder = cast(ResponseHandler, _TransportPlaceholder()) self._acquired.add(placeholder) self._acquired_per_host[key].add(placeholder) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_connection_create_start() try: proto = await self._create_connection(req, traces, timeout) if self._closed: proto.close() raise ClientConnectionError("Connector is closed.") except BaseException: if not self._closed: self._acquired.remove(placeholder) self._drop_acquired_per_host(key, placeholder) self._release_waiter() raise else: if not self._closed: self._acquired.remove(placeholder) self._drop_acquired_per_host(key, placeholder) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_connection_create_end() else: if traces: # Acquire the connection to prevent race conditions with limits placeholder = cast(ResponseHandler, _TransportPlaceholder()) self._acquired.add(placeholder) self._acquired_per_host[key].add(placeholder) for trace in traces: await trace.send_connection_reuseconn() self._acquired.remove(placeholder) self._drop_acquired_per_host(key, placeholder) self._acquired.add(proto) self._acquired_per_host[key].add(proto) return Connection(self, key, proto, self._loop) def _get(self, key: "ConnectionKey") -> Optional[ResponseHandler]: try: conns = self._conns[key] except KeyError: return None t1 = self._loop.time() while conns: proto, t0 = conns.pop() if proto.is_connected(): if t1 - t0 > self._keepalive_timeout: transport = proto.transport proto.close() # only for SSL transports if key.is_ssl and not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_transports.append(transport) else: if not conns: # The very last connection was reclaimed: drop the key del self._conns[key] return proto else: transport = proto.transport proto.close() if key.is_ssl and not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_transports.append(transport) # No more connections: drop the key del self._conns[key] return None def _release_waiter(self) -> None: """ Iterates over all waiters until one to be released is found. The one to be released is not finished and belongs to a host that has available connections. """ if not self._waiters: return # Having the dict keys ordered this avoids to iterate # at the same order at each call. queues = list(self._waiters.keys()) random.shuffle(queues) for key in queues: if self._available_connections(key) < 1: continue waiters = self._waiters[key] while waiters: waiter = waiters.popleft() if not waiter.done(): waiter.set_result(None) return def _release_acquired(self, key: "ConnectionKey", proto: ResponseHandler) -> None: if self._closed: # acquired connection is already released on connector closing return try: self._acquired.remove(proto) self._drop_acquired_per_host(key, proto) except KeyError: # pragma: no cover # this may be result of undetermenistic order of objects # finalization due garbage collection. pass else: self._release_waiter() def _release( self, key: "ConnectionKey", protocol: ResponseHandler, *, should_close: bool = False, ) -> None: if self._closed: # acquired connection is already released on connector closing return self._release_acquired(key, protocol) if self._force_close: should_close = True if should_close or protocol.should_close: transport = protocol.transport protocol.close() if key.is_ssl and not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_transports.append(transport) else: conns = self._conns.get(key) if conns is None: conns = self._conns[key] = [] conns.append((protocol, self._loop.time())) if self._cleanup_handle is None: self._cleanup_handle = helpers.weakref_handle( self, "_cleanup", self._keepalive_timeout, self._loop, timeout_ceil_threshold=self._timeout_ceil_threshold, ) async def _create_connection( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout" ) -> ResponseHandler: raise NotImplementedError() class _DNSCacheTable: def __init__(self, ttl: Optional[float] = None) -> None: self._addrs_rr: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Tuple[Iterator[Dict[str, Any]], int]] = {} self._timestamps: Dict[Tuple[str, int], float] = {} self._ttl = ttl def __contains__(self, host: object) -> bool: return host in self._addrs_rr def add(self, key: Tuple[str, int], addrs: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: self._addrs_rr[key] = (cycle(addrs), len(addrs)) if self._ttl is not None: self._timestamps[key] = monotonic() def remove(self, key: Tuple[str, int]) -> None: self._addrs_rr.pop(key, None) if self._ttl is not None: self._timestamps.pop(key, None) def clear(self) -> None: self._addrs_rr.clear() self._timestamps.clear() def next_addrs(self, key: Tuple[str, int]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: loop, length = self._addrs_rr[key] addrs = list(islice(loop, length)) # Consume one more element to shift internal state of `cycle` next(loop) return addrs def expired(self, key: Tuple[str, int]) -> bool: if self._ttl is None: return False return self._timestamps[key] + self._ttl < monotonic() class TCPConnector(BaseConnector): """TCP connector. verify_ssl - Set to True to check ssl certifications. fingerprint - Pass the binary sha256 digest of the expected certificate in DER format to verify that the certificate the server presents matches. See also resolver - Enable DNS lookups and use this resolver use_dns_cache - Use memory cache for DNS lookups. ttl_dns_cache - Max seconds having cached a DNS entry, None forever. family - socket address family local_addr - local tuple of (host, port) to bind socket to keepalive_timeout - (optional) Keep-alive timeout. force_close - Set to True to force close and do reconnect after each request (and between redirects). limit - The total number of simultaneous connections. limit_per_host - Number of simultaneous connections to one host. enable_cleanup_closed - Enables clean-up closed ssl transports. Disabled by default. loop - Optional event loop. """ def __init__( self, *, verify_ssl: bool = True, fingerprint: Optional[bytes] = None, use_dns_cache: bool = True, ttl_dns_cache: Optional[int] = 10, family: int = 0, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, ssl: Union[bool, Fingerprint, SSLContext] = True, local_addr: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None, resolver: Optional[AbstractResolver] = None, keepalive_timeout: Union[None, float, object] = sentinel, force_close: bool = False, limit: int = 100, limit_per_host: int = 0, enable_cleanup_closed: bool = False, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, timeout_ceil_threshold: float = 5, ): super().__init__( keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, force_close=force_close, limit=limit, limit_per_host=limit_per_host, enable_cleanup_closed=enable_cleanup_closed, loop=loop, timeout_ceil_threshold=timeout_ceil_threshold, ) self._ssl = _merge_ssl_params(ssl, verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint) if resolver is None: resolver = DefaultResolver(loop=self._loop) self._resolver = resolver self._use_dns_cache = use_dns_cache self._cached_hosts = _DNSCacheTable(ttl=ttl_dns_cache) self._throttle_dns_events: Dict[Tuple[str, int], EventResultOrError] = {} self._family = family self._local_addr = local_addr def close(self) -> Awaitable[None]: """Close all ongoing DNS calls.""" for ev in self._throttle_dns_events.values(): ev.cancel() return super().close() @property def family(self) -> int: """Socket family like AF_INET.""" return self._family @property def use_dns_cache(self) -> bool: """True if local DNS caching is enabled.""" return self._use_dns_cache def clear_dns_cache( self, host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Remove specified host/port or clear all dns local cache.""" if host is not None and port is not None: self._cached_hosts.remove((host, port)) elif host is not None or port is not None: raise ValueError("either both host and port " "or none of them are allowed") else: self._cached_hosts.clear() async def _resolve_host( self, host: str, port: int, traces: Optional[List["Trace"]] = None ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if is_ip_address(host): return [ { "hostname": host, "host": host, "port": port, "family": self._family, "proto": 0, "flags": 0, } ] if not self._use_dns_cache: if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_resolvehost_start(host) res = await self._resolver.resolve(host, port, family=self._family) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_resolvehost_end(host) return res key = (host, port) if (key in self._cached_hosts) and (not self._cached_hosts.expired(key)): # get result early, before any await (#4014) result = self._cached_hosts.next_addrs(key) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_cache_hit(host) return result if key in self._throttle_dns_events: # get event early, before any await (#4014) event = self._throttle_dns_events[key] if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_cache_hit(host) await event.wait() else: # update dict early, before any await (#4014) self._throttle_dns_events[key] = EventResultOrError(self._loop) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_cache_miss(host) try: if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_resolvehost_start(host) addrs = await self._resolver.resolve(host, port, family=self._family) if traces: for trace in traces: await trace.send_dns_resolvehost_end(host) self._cached_hosts.add(key, addrs) self._throttle_dns_events[key].set() except BaseException as e: # any DNS exception, independently of the implementation # is set for the waiters to raise the same exception. self._throttle_dns_events[key].set(exc=e) raise finally: self._throttle_dns_events.pop(key) return self._cached_hosts.next_addrs(key) async def _create_connection( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout" ) -> ResponseHandler: """Create connection. Has same keyword arguments as BaseEventLoop.create_connection. """ if req.proxy: _, proto = await self._create_proxy_connection(req, traces, timeout) else: _, proto = await self._create_direct_connection(req, traces, timeout) return proto @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(None) def _make_ssl_context(verified: bool) -> SSLContext: if verified: return ssl.create_default_context() else: sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 sslcontext.check_hostname = False sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE try: sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION except AttributeError as attr_err: warnings.warn( "{!s}: The Python interpreter is compiled " "against OpenSSL < 1.0.0. Ref: " "" "#ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION".format(attr_err), ) sslcontext.set_default_verify_paths() return sslcontext def _get_ssl_context(self, req: ClientRequest) -> Optional[SSLContext]: """Logic to get the correct SSL context 0. if req.ssl is false, return None 1. if ssl_context is specified in req, use it 2. if _ssl_context is specified in self, use it 3. otherwise: 1. if verify_ssl is not specified in req, use self.ssl_context (will generate a default context according to self.verify_ssl) 2. if verify_ssl is True in req, generate a default SSL context 3. if verify_ssl is False in req, generate a SSL context that won't verify """ if req.is_ssl(): if ssl is None: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("SSL is not supported.") sslcontext = req.ssl if isinstance(sslcontext, ssl.SSLContext): return sslcontext if sslcontext is not True: # not verified or fingerprinted return self._make_ssl_context(False) sslcontext = self._ssl if isinstance(sslcontext, ssl.SSLContext): return sslcontext if sslcontext is not True: # not verified or fingerprinted return self._make_ssl_context(False) return self._make_ssl_context(True) else: return None def _get_fingerprint(self, req: ClientRequest) -> Optional["Fingerprint"]: ret = req.ssl if isinstance(ret, Fingerprint): return ret ret = self._ssl if isinstance(ret, Fingerprint): return ret return None async def _wrap_create_connection( self, *args: Any, req: ClientRequest, timeout: "ClientTimeout", client_error: Type[Exception] = ClientConnectorError, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[asyncio.Transport, ResponseHandler]: try: async with ceil_timeout( timeout.sock_connect, ceil_threshold=timeout.ceil_threshold ): return await self._loop.create_connection(*args, **kwargs) except cert_errors as exc: raise ClientConnectorCertificateError(req.connection_key, exc) from exc except ssl_errors as exc: raise ClientConnectorSSLError(req.connection_key, exc) from exc except OSError as exc: if exc.errno is None and isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise raise client_error(req.connection_key, exc) from exc def _fail_on_no_start_tls(self, req: "ClientRequest") -> None: """Raise a :py:exc:`RuntimeError` on missing ``start_tls()``. It is necessary for TLS-in-TLS so that it is possible to send HTTPS queries through HTTPS proxies. This doesn't affect regular HTTP requests, though. """ if not req.is_ssl(): return proxy_url = req.proxy assert proxy_url is not None if proxy_url.scheme != "https": return self._check_loop_for_start_tls() def _check_loop_for_start_tls(self) -> None: try: self._loop.start_tls except AttributeError as attr_exc: raise RuntimeError( "An HTTPS request is being sent through an HTTPS proxy. " "This needs support for TLS in TLS but it is not implemented " "in your runtime for the stdlib asyncio.\n\n" "Please upgrade to Python 3.11 or higher. For more details, " "please see:\n" "*\n" "*\n" "*" "client_advanced.html#proxy-support\n" "*\n", ) from attr_exc def _loop_supports_start_tls(self) -> bool: try: self._check_loop_for_start_tls() except RuntimeError: return False else: return True def _warn_about_tls_in_tls( self, underlying_transport: asyncio.Transport, req: ClientRequest, ) -> None: """Issue a warning if the requested URL has HTTPS scheme.""" if req.request_info.url.scheme != "https": return asyncio_supports_tls_in_tls = getattr( underlying_transport, "_start_tls_compatible", False, ) if asyncio_supports_tls_in_tls: return warnings.warn( "An HTTPS request is being sent through an HTTPS proxy. " "This support for TLS in TLS is known to be disabled " "in the stdlib asyncio (Python <3.11). This is why you'll probably see " "an error in the log below.\n\n" "It is possible to enable it via monkeypatching. " "For more details, see:\n" "*\n" "*\n\n" "You can temporarily patch this as follows:\n" "*\n" "*\n", RuntimeWarning, source=self, # Why `4`? At least 3 of the calls in the stack originate # from the methods in this class. stacklevel=3, ) async def _start_tls_connection( self, underlying_transport: asyncio.Transport, req: ClientRequest, timeout: "ClientTimeout", client_error: Type[Exception] = ClientConnectorError, ) -> Tuple[asyncio.BaseTransport, ResponseHandler]: """Wrap the raw TCP transport with TLS.""" tls_proto = self._factory() # Create a brand new proto for TLS # Safety of the `cast()` call here is based on the fact that # internally `_get_ssl_context()` only returns `None` when # `req.is_ssl()` evaluates to `False` which is never gonna happen # in this code path. Of course, it's rather fragile # maintainability-wise but this is to be solved separately. sslcontext = cast(ssl.SSLContext, self._get_ssl_context(req)) try: async with ceil_timeout( timeout.sock_connect, ceil_threshold=timeout.ceil_threshold ): try: tls_transport = await self._loop.start_tls( underlying_transport, tls_proto, sslcontext, server_hostname=req.server_hostname or,, ) except BaseException: # We need to close the underlying transport since # `start_tls()` probably failed before it had a # chance to do this: underlying_transport.close() raise except cert_errors as exc: raise ClientConnectorCertificateError(req.connection_key, exc) from exc except ssl_errors as exc: raise ClientConnectorSSLError(req.connection_key, exc) from exc except OSError as exc: if exc.errno is None and isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise raise client_error(req.connection_key, exc) from exc except TypeError as type_err: # Example cause looks like this: # TypeError: transport is not supported by start_tls() raise ClientConnectionError( "Cannot initialize a TLS-in-TLS connection to host " f"{!s}:{req.port:d} through an underlying connection " f"to an HTTPS proxy {req.proxy!s} ssl:{req.ssl or 'default'} " f"[{type_err!s}]" ) from type_err else: if tls_transport is None: msg = "Failed to start TLS (possibly caused by closing transport)" raise client_error(req.connection_key, OSError(msg)) tls_proto.connection_made( tls_transport ) # Kick the state machine of the new TLS protocol return tls_transport, tls_proto async def _create_direct_connection( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout", *, client_error: Type[Exception] = ClientConnectorError, ) -> Tuple[asyncio.Transport, ResponseHandler]: sslcontext = self._get_ssl_context(req) fingerprint = self._get_fingerprint(req) host = req.url.raw_host assert host is not None # Replace multiple trailing dots with a single one. # A trailing dot is only present for fully-qualified domain names. # See if host.endswith(".."): host = host.rstrip(".") + "." port = req.port assert port is not None host_resolved = asyncio.ensure_future( self._resolve_host(host, port, traces=traces), loop=self._loop ) try: # Cancelling this lookup should not cancel the underlying lookup # or else the cancel event will get broadcast to all the waiters # across all connections. hosts = await asyncio.shield(host_resolved) except asyncio.CancelledError: def drop_exception(fut: "asyncio.Future[List[Dict[str, Any]]]") -> None: with suppress(Exception, asyncio.CancelledError): fut.result() host_resolved.add_done_callback(drop_exception) raise except OSError as exc: if exc.errno is None and isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise # in case of proxy it is not ClientProxyConnectionError # it is problem of resolving proxy ip itself raise ClientConnectorError(req.connection_key, exc) from exc last_exc: Optional[Exception] = None for hinfo in hosts: host = hinfo["host"] port = hinfo["port"] # Strip trailing dots, certificates contain FQDN without dots. # See server_hostname = ( (req.server_hostname or hinfo["hostname"]).rstrip(".") if sslcontext else None ) try: transp, proto = await self._wrap_create_connection( self._factory, host, port, timeout=timeout, ssl=sslcontext, family=hinfo["family"], proto=hinfo["proto"], flags=hinfo["flags"], server_hostname=server_hostname, local_addr=self._local_addr, req=req, client_error=client_error, ) except ClientConnectorError as exc: last_exc = exc continue if req.is_ssl() and fingerprint: try: fingerprint.check(transp) except ServerFingerprintMismatch as exc: transp.close() if not self._cleanup_closed_disabled: self._cleanup_closed_transports.append(transp) last_exc = exc continue return transp, proto else: assert last_exc is not None raise last_exc async def _create_proxy_connection( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout" ) -> Tuple[asyncio.BaseTransport, ResponseHandler]: self._fail_on_no_start_tls(req) runtime_has_start_tls = self._loop_supports_start_tls() headers: Dict[str, str] = {} if req.proxy_headers is not None: headers = req.proxy_headers # type: ignore[assignment] headers[hdrs.HOST] = req.headers[hdrs.HOST] url = req.proxy assert url is not None proxy_req = ClientRequest( hdrs.METH_GET, url, headers=headers, auth=req.proxy_auth, loop=self._loop, ssl=req.ssl, ) # create connection to proxy server transport, proto = await self._create_direct_connection( proxy_req, [], timeout, client_error=ClientProxyConnectionError ) # Many HTTP proxies has buggy keepalive support. Let's not # reuse connection but close it after processing every # response. proto.force_close() auth = proxy_req.headers.pop(hdrs.AUTHORIZATION, None) if auth is not None: if not req.is_ssl(): req.headers[hdrs.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = auth else: proxy_req.headers[hdrs.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = auth if req.is_ssl(): if runtime_has_start_tls: self._warn_about_tls_in_tls(transport, req) # For HTTPS requests over HTTP proxy # we must notify proxy to tunnel connection # so we send CONNECT command: # CONNECT HTTP/1.1 # Host: # # next we must do TLS handshake and so on # to do this we must wrap raw socket into secure one # asyncio handles this perfectly proxy_req.method = hdrs.METH_CONNECT proxy_req.url = req.url key = attr.evolve( req.connection_key, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None, proxy_headers_hash=None ) conn = Connection(self, key, proto, self._loop) proxy_resp = await proxy_req.send(conn) try: protocol = conn._protocol assert protocol is not None # read_until_eof=True will ensure the connection isn't closed # once the response is received and processed allowing # START_TLS to work on the connection below. protocol.set_response_params( read_until_eof=runtime_has_start_tls, timeout_ceil_threshold=self._timeout_ceil_threshold, ) resp = await proxy_resp.start(conn) except BaseException: proxy_resp.close() conn.close() raise else: conn._protocol = None conn._transport = None try: if resp.status != 200: message = resp.reason if message is None: message = HTTPStatus(resp.status).phrase raise ClientHttpProxyError( proxy_resp.request_info, resp.history, status=resp.status, message=message, headers=resp.headers, ) if not runtime_has_start_tls: rawsock = transport.get_extra_info("socket", default=None) if rawsock is None: raise RuntimeError( "Transport does not expose socket instance" ) # Duplicate the socket, so now we can close proxy transport rawsock = rawsock.dup() except BaseException: # It shouldn't be closed in `finally` because it's fed to # `loop.start_tls()` and the docs say not to touch it after # passing there. transport.close() raise finally: if not runtime_has_start_tls: transport.close() if not runtime_has_start_tls: # HTTP proxy with support for upgrade to HTTPS sslcontext = self._get_ssl_context(req) return await self._wrap_create_connection( self._factory, timeout=timeout, ssl=sslcontext, sock=rawsock,, req=req, ) return await self._start_tls_connection( # Access the old transport for the last time before it's # closed and forgotten forever: transport, req=req, timeout=timeout, ) finally: proxy_resp.close() return transport, proto class UnixConnector(BaseConnector): """Unix socket connector. path - Unix socket path. keepalive_timeout - (optional) Keep-alive timeout. force_close - Set to True to force close and do reconnect after each request (and between redirects). limit - The total number of simultaneous connections. limit_per_host - Number of simultaneous connections to one host. loop - Optional event loop. """ def __init__( self, path: str, force_close: bool = False, keepalive_timeout: Union[object, float, None] = sentinel, limit: int = 100, limit_per_host: int = 0, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( force_close=force_close, keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, limit=limit, limit_per_host=limit_per_host, loop=loop, ) self._path = path @property def path(self) -> str: """Path to unix socket.""" return self._path async def _create_connection( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout" ) -> ResponseHandler: try: async with ceil_timeout( timeout.sock_connect, ceil_threshold=timeout.ceil_threshold ): _, proto = await self._loop.create_unix_connection( self._factory, self._path ) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno is None and isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise raise UnixClientConnectorError(self.path, req.connection_key, exc) from exc return proto class NamedPipeConnector(BaseConnector): """Named pipe connector. Only supported by the proactor event loop. See also: path - Windows named pipe path. keepalive_timeout - (optional) Keep-alive timeout. force_close - Set to True to force close and do reconnect after each request (and between redirects). limit - The total number of simultaneous connections. limit_per_host - Number of simultaneous connections to one host. loop - Optional event loop. """ def __init__( self, path: str, force_close: bool = False, keepalive_timeout: Union[object, float, None] = sentinel, limit: int = 100, limit_per_host: int = 0, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( force_close=force_close, keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, limit=limit, limit_per_host=limit_per_host, loop=loop, ) if not isinstance( self._loop, asyncio.ProactorEventLoop # type: ignore[attr-defined] ): raise RuntimeError( "Named Pipes only available in proactor " "loop under windows" ) self._path = path @property def path(self) -> str: """Path to the named pipe.""" return self._path async def _create_connection( self, req: ClientRequest, traces: List["Trace"], timeout: "ClientTimeout" ) -> ResponseHandler: try: async with ceil_timeout( timeout.sock_connect, ceil_threshold=timeout.ceil_threshold ): _, proto = await self._loop.create_pipe_connection( # type: ignore[attr-defined] self._factory, self._path ) # the drain is required so that the connection_made is called # and transport is set otherwise it is not set before the # `assert conn.transport is not None` # in's _request method await asyncio.sleep(0) # other option is to manually set transport like # `proto.transport = trans` except OSError as exc: if exc.errno is None and isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise raise ClientConnectorError(req.connection_key, exc) from exc return cast(ResponseHandler, proto)