bg:ddgZdadZdZdS)set_run_validatorsget_run_validatorsTcRt|tstd|adS)z Set whether or not validators are run. By default, they are run. .. deprecated:: 21.3.0 It will not be removed, but it also will not be moved to new ``attrs`` namespace. Use `attrs.validators.set_disabled()` instead. z'run' must be bool.N) isinstancebool TypeError_run_validators)runs C/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/attr/_config.pyrr s. c4 /-...OOOctS)z Return whether or not validators are run. .. deprecated:: 21.3.0 It will not be removed, but it also will not be moved to new ``attrs`` namespace. Use `attrs.validators.get_disabled()` instead. )rr r rrs  r N)__all__rrrr r r rs? !5 6   r