bgbGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGdd eZGd d eZGd d eZ GddeZ Gdde Z dS)ceZdZdZdZegZdS) FrozenErrorz A frozen/immutable instance or attribute have been attempted to be modified. It mirrors the behavior of ``namedtuples`` by using the same error message and subclassing `AttributeError`. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 zcan't set attributeN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__msgargsF/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/attr/exceptions.pyrrs& C 5DDDr rceZdZdZdS)FrozenInstanceErrorz\ A frozen instance has been attempted to be modified. .. versionadded:: 16.1.0 Nrrrrr r r rrr rceZdZdZdS)FrozenAttributeErrorz] A frozen attribute has been attempted to be modified. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 Nrr r r rrrr rceZdZdZdS)AttrsAttributeNotFoundErrorzo An *attrs* function couldn't find an attribute that the user asked for. .. versionadded:: 16.2.0 Nrr r r rr#rr rceZdZdZdS)NotAnAttrsClassErrorze A non-*attrs* class has been passed into an *attrs* function. .. versionadded:: 16.2.0 Nrr r r rr+rr rceZdZdZdS)DefaultAlreadySetErrorz A default has been set when defining the field and is attempted to be reset using the decorator. .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 Nrr r r rr3r rceZdZdZdS)UnannotatedAttributeErrorzq A class with ``auto_attribs=True`` has a field without a type annotation. .. versionadded:: 17.3.0 Nrr r r rr<rr rceZdZdZdS)PythonTooOldErrorz| It was attempted to use an *attrs* feature that requires a newer Python version. .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 Nrr r r rrDrr rc(eZdZdZfdZdZxZS)NotCallableErrorzx A field requiring a callable has been set with a value that is not callable. .. versionadded:: 19.2.0 cvtt|||||_||_dSN)super TypeError__init__rvalue)selfrr% __class__s r r$zNotCallableError.__init__Us5 i''U333 r c*t|jSr!)strr)r&s r __str__zNotCallableError.__str__Zs48}}r )rrrrr$r* __classcell__)r's@r rrMsQ r rN) AttributeErrorrrr ValueErrorrr RuntimeErrorrrrr#rr r r r/s     .   +;*:\  yr