Ѡg NddlZddlZddlZGddeZdZd dZdZdS) Nc eZdZdZddefdZdS)ExternalProgramFailedzCException class for errors related to externally executed commands.messagec<t||dS)N) Exception__init__)selfrs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python27-cllib-3.4.22-1.el8.cloudlinux.x86_64/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clcommon/utils_cmd.pyr zExternalProgramFailed.__init__s4)))))N)r)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__strr r r rr s:MM********r rctj|s)td|dt jddSdS)z6 Checks if command is present and exits if no zCommand not found: ()N)ospathexistsprintsysexit)cmdnames r check_commandrsO 7>>' " " /W///000  r FTc `d|} |r tjn tj}|r tjn tj}tj||tj|d||5}|s|\} } n||\} } |j} dddn #1swxYwYn4#t$r'} t|dt| | d} ~ wwxYw|r| | | fS| dkr+|std|t| pd|d | | S) a[ Runs external process and returns output :param cmd: command and arguments as a list :param env_data: environment data for process :param return_full_output: if true, returns (ret_code, std_out, std_err) @return: process stdout if is_full_output==False else - cortege (ret_code, std_out, std_err) without any checking  T)stdinstdoutstderr close_fdsenvtextNz. Cannot run command: rz Error during command execution: zoutput of the command:  ) join subprocessPIPESTDOUTDEVNULLPopen communicate returncodeOSErrorrr) cmdenv_datareturn_full_outputstd_inconvert_to_strcmd_line std_err_obj stdin_argprocstd_outstd_errr.oserrs r run_commandr<sxx}}H);RjooAR '-EJOO:3E   ?   ) <#'#3#3#5#5 #'#3#3F#;#; J ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) # ; ;s5zz ; ;    ,7G++Q '(U8(U(UVV V'JJXJJJJ  Ns<AC0:B6* C6B::C=B:>C C3 "C..C3c4g}||||tj|tjd5}|\}}|j}dddn #1swxYwY||fS)z Executes supplied utility with supplied parameters :param util_path: Executable file to run path :param params: utility parameters :return: Cortege (ret_code, utility_stdout) T)r!r%N)appendextendr(r,r)r-r.strip) util_pathparamsargsr8r!_retcodes r exec_utilityrFGs DKK KK  $zT B B B"d$$&& /""""""""""""""" FLLNN ""sA99A=A=)NFNT)rrr(rrrr<rFrr r rGs *****I*** ))))X # # # # #r