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Warning is a dictionary with the following keys and values: - message: str - warning message with placeholders for additional context - context: dict - additional context for the message messagez?Installation will be performed via DirectAdmin CustomBuild tool suexec_modulezmod_suexec is not installed. It is recommended to use mod_suexec with mod_lsapi. It is also required for CRIU to work. Please see %(url)s for more information.url1]context)rr2r+)r,warningss r! _get_warningszLsapiInstaller._get_warningsst;= 77 l OOY(ij k k k $"5 5 5 OOD !&'Z[   r cg}tr|dddidd|jvr|dddidd|jvr|dddid|S) a` Get a list of possible blockers that may disable module in Wizard UI. :return: List of blockers to be shown in UI. Blocker is a dictionary with the following keys and values: - message: str - blocker message with placeholders for additional context - context: dict - additional context for the message z|The server is running under Litespeed. mod_lsapi works with the Apache server only. Please see %(url)s for the requirements.r_r`ra ruid2_modulezcmod_ruid2 is enabled, it is not compatible with mod_lsapi. Please see %(url)s for the requirements.mpm_itk_modulezaMPM ITK is enabled, it is not compatible with mod_lsapi. Please see %(url)s for the requirements.)r r2r+)r,blockerss r! _get_blockerszLsapiInstaller._get_blockerss  ! !  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