bg=dZddlmZmZmZddlmZgdZdZej seD]Z ee e e <eZ dSgZ dS)a This disables builtin functions (and one exception class) which are removed from Python 3.3. This module is designed to be used like this:: from future.builtins.disabled import * This disables the following obsolete Py2 builtin functions:: apply, cmp, coerce, execfile, file, input, long, raw_input, reduce, reload, unicode, xrange We don't hack __builtin__, which is very fragile because it contaminates imported modules too. Instead, we just create new functions with the same names as the obsolete builtins from Python 2 which raise NameError exceptions when called. Note that both ``input()`` and ``raw_input()`` are among the disabled functions (in this module). Although ``input()`` exists as a builtin in Python 3, the Python 2 ``input()`` builtin is unsafe to use because it can lead to shell injection. Therefore we shadow it by default upon ``from future.builtins.disabled import *``, in case someone forgets to import our replacement ``input()`` somehow and expects Python 3 semantics. See the ``future.builtins.misc`` module for a working version of ``input`` with Python 3 semantics. (Note that callable() is not among the functions disabled; this was reintroduced into Python 3.2.) This exception class is also disabled: StandardError )divisionabsolute_importprint_function)utils)applychrcmpcoerceexecfilefileinputlong raw_inputreducereloadunicodexrange StandardErrorcfd}|S)z2 Returns a function that cannot be called cHtd)zy A function disabled by the ``future`` module. This function is no longer a builtin in Python 3. z)obsolete Python 2 builtin {0} is disabled) NameErrorformat)argskwargsnames i/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/future/builtins/disabled.pydisabledz#disabled_function..disabled4s" CJJ4PPQQQ)rrs` rdisabled_functionr 0s(RRRRR OrN) __doc__ __future__rrrfuturerOBSOLETE_BUILTINSr PY3fnamelocals__all__rrrr)s##JA@@@@@@@@@;;;    y"33++E22GGGGGGr