bgtdZddlmZmZmZddlZddlmZejs!ej Z ej Z ddl mZejZgdZdSddlZej Z ej Z ejZejZgZdS)a This module is designed to be used as follows:: from future.builtins.iterators import * And then, for example:: for i in range(10**15): pass for (a, b) in zip(range(10**15), range(-10**15, 0)): pass Note that this is standard Python 3 code, plus some imports that do nothing on Python 3. The iterators this brings in are:: - ``range`` - ``filter`` - ``map`` - ``zip`` On Python 2, ``range`` is a pure-Python backport of Python 3's ``range`` iterator with slicing support. The other iterators (``filter``, ``map``, ``zip``) are from the ``itertools`` module on Python 2. On Python 3 these are available in the module namespace but not exported for * imports via __all__ (zero no namespace pollution). Note that these are also available in the standard library ``future_builtins`` module on Python 2 -- but not Python 3, so using the standard library version is not portable, nor anywhere near complete. )divisionabsolute_importprint_functionN)utils)newrange)filtermaprangezip)__doc__ __future__rrr itertoolsfuturerPY3ifilterrimapr future.typesrr izipr __all__builtinsj/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/future/builtins/iterators.pyrs  DA@@@@@@@@@ y   F .C...... .C///GGGOOO _F ,C NE ,CGGGr