bgdZddlmZejr^ddlmZddlmZmZm Z ddl m Z m Zddl Z e jZeZddlmZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd l m!Z!e"Z#e#fd Z gdZ$dSddl%Z%e%jZe%j Z e%j Z e%jZe%jZe%jZe%jZe%jZe%j Z e%jZe%jZej&re%jZe%jZgZ$dSdd lmZdd lmZddgZ$dS)a A module that brings in equivalents of various modified Python 3 builtins into Py2. Has no effect on Py3. The builtin functions are: - ``ascii`` (from Py2's future_builtins module) - ``hex`` (from Py2's future_builtins module) - ``oct`` (from Py2's future_builtins module) - ``chr`` (equivalent to ``unichr`` on Py2) - ``input`` (equivalent to ``raw_input`` on Py2) - ``next`` (calls ``__next__`` if it exists, else ``next`` method) - ``open`` (equivalent to on Py2) - ``super`` (backport of Py3's magic zero-argument super() function - ``round`` (new "Banker's Rounding" behaviour from Py3) - ``max`` (new default option from Py3.4) - ``min`` (new default option from Py3.4) ``isinstance`` is also currently exported for backwards compatibility with v0.8.2, although this has been deprecated since v0.9. input() ------- Like the new ``input()`` function from Python 3 (without eval()), except that it returns bytes. Equivalent to Python 2's ``raw_input()``. Warning: By default, importing this module *removes* the old Python 2 input() function entirely from ``__builtin__`` for safety. This is because forgetting to import the new ``input`` from ``future`` might otherwise lead to a security vulnerability (shell injection) on Python 2. To restore it, you can retrieve it yourself from ``__builtin__._old_input``. Fortunately, ``input()`` seems to be seldom used in the wild in Python 2... )utils)open)asciiocthex)unichrpowN)newnext)newround)newsuper)newmax)newmin)newintct|trt|}t|trt|}t|trt|} |tkrt ||St |||S#t $r7|tkrt |dz|cYSt |dz||cYSwxYw)z pow(x, y[, z]) -> number With two arguments, equivalent to x**y. With three arguments, equivalent to (x**y) % z, but may be more efficient (e.g. for ints). y) isinstancerlong _SENTINEL _builtin_pow ValueError)xyzs e/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/future/builtins/misc.pyr r Fs a  QA a  QA a  QA 0I~~#Aq)))#Aq!,,, 0 0 0I~~#AbD!,,,,,#AbD!Q/////  0s.B B(CCC) rchrrinputrnextrrr roundsupermaxminr r)'__doc__futurerPY2iorfuture_builtinsrrr __builtin__rrr rr raw_inputrfuture.builtins.newnextr rfuture.builtins.newroundr rfuture.builtins.newsuperr rfuture.builtins.new_min_maxr rrr future.types.newintrobjectr__all__builtins PY34_PLUSrr3s&&P 9P!//////////>>>>>>>>'J E777777::::::::::::999999999999******I0000<>>>GGGOOO NE ,C ,C NE =D$J ,C =D ,C NE NE !ll============%.r2