bg):dZdZddlmZddlmZddlmZddZdS) abTop level package of Guppy, a library and programming environment currently providing in particular the Heapy subsystem, which supports object and heap memory sizing, profiling and debugging. What is exported is the following: hpy() Create an object that provides a Heapy entry point. Root() Create an object that provides a top level entry point. )hpyRoot) __version__)r)setsNcpt}|||jjj_|jjjS)aMain entry point to the Heapy system. Returns an object that provides a session context and will import required modules on demand. Some commononly used methods are: .heap() get a view of the current reachable heap .iso(obj..) get information about specific objects The optional argument, useful for debugging heapy itself, is: ht an alternative hiding tag )rguppyheapyView _hiding_tag_Use)htrs E/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/__init__.pyrrs. A ~*, ' 7= )N) __doc____all__guppy._versionrguppy.etc.Gluerrrrrrrsj   &&&&&&r