bgEdZdZdS)sf[guppy.gsl.TextRecordingInter)}(appends](KHeapy Profile Browser K KVersionKhK0.1 KhKAuthorKhKSverker Nilsson KhKEmailKhK KhKLicenseKhKMIT KCopyright (c) 2005--2008K.S. Nilsson Computer System ABLinkoping, SwedenK e tag_configs}(Kspacing1K fonttimesKboldKhhhK boldKhhhK Ktabs(G@AcenterG@Tleftthh Kh)hKKh+hhK italicKh+hhK Kh+h#Kh#u _gsl_titleAbout Heapy Profile Browser_gsl_tk_geometry400x200ub.s*v*guppy.gsl.TextRecordingInter)}(appends](KMenus KrClick on the dotted line at the top of a menu to "tear it off": a separate window containing the menu is created. K File Menu K KNew Profile BrowserKh KCreate a new browser K Kwindow with the same Kh Kfile as the one Kh Kopened in the current Kh K window. K h K Open ProfileK h KOpen a profile data Kh Kfile in the current Kh Kwindow. Data files Kh Kcan be created with Kh K Stat.dump K. K h K Close WindowK h KClose the current Kh Kwindow (exits from Tk Kh Kif it was the last Kh Kbrowser window). K h K Clear CacheK h KClear the sample Kh Kcache, releasing its Kh Kmemory. The cache Kh Kwill be automatically Kh Kfilled again when Kh K needed. Kh K This command is aK Kh K kind of temporary /Kh&Kh K experimental feature.Kh&Kh K I think the cacheKh&Kh K handling should beKh&Kh K made automatic andKh&Kh K less memoryKh&Kh K consuming. Kh&K Pane Menu K h KShow Control PanelK h KShow the control panel K h Kpane. Kh K Show GraphKh KShow the graph pane. Kh K Show TableKh KShow the table pane. K Graph Menu Kh K Bars / LinesKh KChoose whether the graph Kh Kshould be displayed using Kh Kbars or lines. Kh K When using bars, the sampleKh&Kh K value (size or count) forKh&Kh K different kinds of objectsKh&Kh K will be stacked on top ofKh&Kh K each other so the totalKh&Kh K height represents the totalKh&Kh K value of a sample. WhenKh&Kh K using lines, each lineKh&Kh K represents the value for aKh&Kh K single kind of object. TheKh&Kh K 10 largest values are shownKh&Kh K in each sample point. EachKh&Kh K kind has a particular color,Kh&Kh K choosen arbitrary but it isKh&Kh K always the same color forKh&Kh K the same kind. The remaingKh&Kh K kinds, if any, are shown inKh&Kh K black. Kh&Kh K Size / CountKh Kh8Kh Kshould display the size of Kh Kobjects of a particular kind Kh Kor the number of objects of Kh K that kind. Kh K'(Note that this affects only the graph,Kh&Kh K(the table will still choose size or kindKh&Kh K'as it were choosen in the table menu.) Kh&K Table Menu KHeader submenu KXTThis menu has a choice of header for each column of the table. The data of each column is determined by the header of that column, as well as the headers of previous columns. So if you change the first column header (A/B), the data in that column will change as well as the data under the next header (Size/Count) and the ones that follow. Kh KA / BKh KUse the sample at the A Kh Kor B marker in the graph. Kh Kh&Kh KThe kinds of objectsKh&Kh Kshown in the table underKh&Kh Kthis column are takenKh&Kh Kfrom the 10 largestKh&Kh Ksample values at thatKh&Kh Kpoint, in the same orderKh&Kh Kas they are shown in theKh&Kh Kgraph. The ordering inKh&Kh Kthe graph depends on theKh&Kh Kchoice of count or sizeKh&Kh Kin the graph menu.Kh&Kh KHowever, the table mayKh&Kh Kshow count or sizeKh&Kh Kindependent from theKh&Kh Kchoice in the graph. Kh&Kh KhMKh KShow the size or count of Kh Kthe kinds of objects in Kh Keach row, taken from Kh Kthose choosen in the A / Kh K B column. Kh K%A:Tot / %B:TotKh KShow percentage of the Kh KSize / Count column, Kh Krelative to the total Kh K(size or count) at either Kh Kthe A or B sample point. Kh KCumul /Kh KShow either a cumulative Kh KK A-B / B-AKh Ksum of the Size / Count Kh Kcolumn, or the difference Kh K A-B or B-A. Kh KThe cumulative sum isKh&Kh Ktaken by summing from theKh&Kh Kfirst table row down toKh&Kh Kthe last row. Kh&Kh KhoKh KhpKh Kprevious field, relative Kh Kto either the A or B Kh Ktotal. Kh KKindKh KShows the kind of Kh Kobjects. This is Kh Kcurrently the only Kh Kalternative for this Kh Kcolumn. The kind shown Kh Kcorresponds to the color Kh Kshown in the A / B Kh Kcolumn. A special kind is Kh K which summarizes Kh Kthe remaining data if Kh Kthere were more than 10 Kh Kdifferent kinds in the Kh K sample. KScrollbar submenu Kh KAuto / On / OffKh KChoose a scrollbar mode. Kh KThe usual setting is Auto Kh Kwhich shows the scrollbar Kh Konly when needed. K Window Menu K qThis menu lists the names of all open windows. Selecting one brings it to the top, deiconifying it if necessary. K Help Menu Kh KAboutKh K#Version, author, email, copyright. Kh KHelpKh KOpen this help window. KPanes KThere are 3 panes in the main window shown by default. At the top is the Control Panel, at the bottom left the Graph and at the bottom right the Table. KControl Panel Pane KlThis contains controls for the graph and the markers. It also has a quick-exit button and a collect button. KX / Y axis control KThe two frames in the Control Panel having an X or Y button in the top left corner control each axis of the graph. The X, horizontal, axis shows the sample point. The Y axis shows either the size or count, as choosen in the Graph menu. Kh K X / Y ButtonKh KBrings up a menu, currently K h Kcontaining some buttons K h Kthat can also be accessed K h Kdirectly in the panel. K!h K Grid buttonK!h KSelect if the graph should K h Kshow grid lines. K!h K Range buttonsK!h KChange the range that is K h KhwK- / +K h Kshown in the displayed K h Kportion of the graph. For K h Keach time + or - is pressed K h Kthe range will be stepped K h Kup or down in the sequence K h K(1, 2, 5) and multiples K h K thereoff. K!h K Range fieldK!h KThe current range is shown K h Khere, and a new range can K h Kbe entered by writing to K h Kthis field and pressing K h KEnter. The format is an K h Kinteger that may be K h Kfollowed by a multiplier, K h KK, M, G, or T, meaning that K h Kthe value is multipled by K h K1000, 1E6, 1E9, or 1E12 K h Krespectively. The maximum K h Krange is 1T. KA / B sample control KEach of the frames showing A or B in the top left corner controls one of the sample markers. The current position is shown in the bottom left corner.K"(This is currently not an entry field - TODO - but the marker may be moved long distances by directly dragging it in the Graph frame.)Kh&K#h KhK#h KStep the marker one step to K$h Kthe left (-) or to the right K$h K(+). K$h KThe table will be updated toKh&K$h Kshow new data if it was setKh&K$h Kto show such data that wereKh&K$h Kdependent on the markerKh&K$h Kmoved. Kh&K$h KThe graph will show the newKh&K$h Kmarker position. If theKh&K$h Kmarker was outside of theKh&K$h Kdisplayed portion of theKh&K$h Kgraph, the graph will scrollKh&K$h Kso the marker becomesKh&K$h K visible. Kh&K%h K Track buttonK%h KPress to set the marker to K$h Kthe last sample in the file K$h Kand stay at the end as new K$h Ksamples are added. (New K$h Ksamples are periodically K$h Kread from the end of the K$h Kfile when auto-collect is K$h Kselected via the Collect K$h K button.) K$h KTracking is turned off whenKh&K$h Kthe marker is manuallyKh&K$h KhKh&K Exit button KEExits the program, a shortcut for the Exit command in the File menu. KCollect button KvWhen selected, the browser will collect new samples from the current file, and will continue to do this periodically. K"K%j>hK&(jjj%htu _gsl_titleHelp for Heapy Profile Browserub.N)abouthelpe/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/pbhelp.pyrs AsAr