bg-ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZGddeZ e Z e Z e Z e Z ee e e e Z d?dZed ed d Zejd ZedddddZeedr#edejejefdZejdZedddddZ ddlZedejdZn #e$rYnwxYw ddlZededZ ededZ!ed ed!Z"ed"d"e#d$Z#nJ#e$rB dd%l$m%Z%ed d&Z"ed"d"e#d'Z#n #e$rYnwxYwYnwxYw dd(l&m'Z'n #e$r dd(l(m'Z'n #e$rdZ'YnwxYwYnwxYwe'r*ed) d*Z)ed+,d-Z*ed.ejd/Z+ed0d0e1d2Z,ed+e3d4Z- ddl.Z.d5Z/ed6ee0f3d7Z1d8Z2n #e$rYnwxYw ddl3Z3ed9d9e3j4#d:Z5ed;e3j4d<Z6n #e$rYnwxYw ddl7Z8ed=d=e8j9j:#e8j;<fd>Z=dS#e$rYdSwxYw)@N) str_types) FormatErrorcNeZdZdZiZd dZdZd dZeeZ dZ dZ dS) FormatCheckera A ``format`` property checker. JSON Schema does not mandate that the ``format`` property actually do any validation. If validation is desired however, instances of this class can be hooked into validators to enable format validation. `FormatChecker` objects always return ``True`` when asked about formats that they do not know how to validate. To check a custom format using a function that takes an instance and returns a ``bool``, use the `FormatChecker.checks` or `FormatChecker.cls_checks` decorators. Arguments: formats (~collections.Iterable): The known formats to validate. This argument can be used to limit which formats will be used during validation. Nc| j_dStfd|D_dS)Nc36K|]}|j|fVdSNcheckers).0kselfs I/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/jsonschema/ z)FormatChecker.__init__..'s/ H H1!T]1%5!6 H H H H H H)r copydict)rformatss` r__init__zFormatChecker.__init__#sI ? M..00DMMM H H H H H H HHHDMMMrcPdt|jS)Nz)formatsortedr )rs r__repr__zFormatChecker.__repr__)s ,33F4=4I4IJJJrcfd}|S)a Register a decorated function as validating a new format. Arguments: format (str): The format that the decorated function will check. raises (Exception): The exception(s) raised by the decorated function when an invalid instance is found. The exception object will be accessible as the `jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError.cause` attribute of the resulting validation error. c |fj<|Sr r )funcrraisesrs r_checksz%FormatChecker.checks.._checks@s%)6NDM& !Krr)rrrrs``` rcheckszFormatChecker.checks,s/(       rc||jvrdS|j|\}}d\}} ||}n#|$r }|}Yd}~nd}~wwxYw|st|d||dS)a} Check whether the instance conforms to the given format. Arguments: instance (*any primitive type*, i.e. str, number, bool): The instance to check format (str): The format that instance should conform to Raises: FormatError: if the instance does not conform to ``format`` N)NNz is not a )cause)r r)rinstancerrrresultr"es rcheckzFormatChecker.checkGs(  & & F}V, f"  T(^^FF   EEEEEE  $,HHff5U   s .?:?cV |||dS#t$rYdSwxYw)a\ Check whether the instance conforms to the given format. Arguments: instance (*any primitive type*, i.e. str, number, bool): The instance to check format (str): The format that instance should conform to Returns: bool: whether it conformed TF)r&r)rr#rs rconformszFormatChecker.conformsisF&  JJx ( ( (4   55 s  ((r )r) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r rrr classmethod cls_checksr&r(rrrrr s,HIIII KKK2V$$J   Drr)draft3draft4draft6draft7rcBp|p|p|p|fd}|S)Ncr)td|}r)td|}r)td|}r)td|}tppp||S)Nr/r0r1r2)_draft_checkersr rr.)rr/r0r1r2rs rwrapz_checks_drafts..wraps  J"8,33FFCCDIID  J"8,33FFCCDIID  J"8,33FFCCDIID  J"8,33FFCCDIID   !E6!EV!EvvNN     rr)namer/r0r1r2rr6s ````` r_checks_draftsr8sa^tF ^tF ^tF ^tF" Krz idn-email)r7emailc8t|tsdSd|vS)NT@) isinstancerr#s ris_emailr>s% h * *t (?rz$^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$z ip-addressipv4ct|tsdSt|sdSt d|dDS)NTFc3PK|]!}dt|cxkodkncV"dS)rN)int)r components rrzis_ipv4..sDOOiqC NN))))c))))OOOOOOr.)r<r_ipv4_rematchallsplitr=s ris_ipv4rJs] h * *t >>( # #u OO8>>#;N;NOOO O OOr inet_ptonipv6)r7rcnt|tsdStjtj|SNT)r<rsocketrKAF_INET6r=s ris_ipv6rQs0(I.. 4:::rz#^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\.\-]{1,255}$z host-namehostnamect|tsdSt|sdS|d}|D]}t |dkrdSdS)NTFrE?)r<r _host_name_rerGrIlen)r# componentsrDs r is_host_namerXsx h * *t   x ( (u$$J y>>B  55  4rz idn-hostname)r2rc\t|tsdStj|dSrN)r<ridnaencoder=s ris_idn_host_namer\s.(I.. 4 Htriric\t|tsdStj|dS)NTIRIruler<rrfc3987parser=s ris_irire.(I.. 4}XE2222rz iri-referencec\t|tsdStj|dS)NT IRI_referencer`rbr=s ris_iri_referenceris.(I.. 4}XO<<<>  y: : :4 ***rz json-pointercXt|tsdStj|SrN)r<r jsonpointer JsonPointerr=s ris_json_pointerrus, (I.. 4&x000rzrelative-json-pointerct|tsdSgd}}t|D]>\}}|r||/|sdS||d}|dkpt j|S)NTF#)r<r enumerateisdigitappendrr)r#non_negative_integerresti characters ris_relative_json_pointerrs(I.. 4%'d%h//  LAy  "" $++I666' uuABBrrrOstructjsonschema.compatrjsonschema.exceptionsrobjectrdraft3_format_checkerdraft4_format_checkerdraft6_format_checkerdraft7_format_checkerrr5r8r>rrFrJhasattrerror ValueErrorrQrUrXrZ IDNAErrorr\ ImportErrorrcrerirnrrrfc3986_validatorrsstrict_rfc3339rwrfc3339_validatorryr|rrrrr TypeErrorrrrJsonPointerExceptionrruritemplate.exceptionsr exceptionsInvalidTemplate Validatorforce_balanced_bracesrrrrrsT ''''''------wwwwwFwwwt& % % % $       B[!!!W"! 2:= > > vfPPP 76; ;^ V\6<D;;;  ABB           KKK^>$.AAABA    D 3=NNN0^544433543 ^?:>>>==?>= ^z22233323 ^ ==  ==]DDDD666666 U # # # : : $ # : ""    D D    D D      Dh ///////    6666666       5^%%%**&%* ^6"""55#"5 WRX...  /. vfZ@@@<<A@< vj111<<21< +111^7J +BCCC++DC+++++   D *'>^/ 11  1^&/>> >>+   D P5!!!!^%51;022HHJJ555  555   DD sD33D;:D;?FG$#G)-G$GG$GG$#G$(G//H 5G<;H <HH HH  H J''J/.J/3K//K76K7;MM  M