bgXdZddlmZddlmZddlmZdZGddejZ dS) ao Fixer for the execfile() function on Py2, which was removed in Py3. The Lib/lib2to3/fixes/ module has some problems: see python-future issue #37. This fixer merely imports execfile() from past.builtins and leaves the code alone. Adds this import line:: from past.builtins import execfile for the function execfile() that was removed from Py3. )unicode_literals) fixer_base)touch_import_topzname='execfile'cFeZdZdZdZdeZdZdS) FixExecfileT zs power< ({0}) trailer< '(' args=[any] ')' > rest=any* > cB|d}td|j|dS)Nnamez past.builtins)rvalue)selfnoderesultsr s o/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/libfuturize/fixes/ transformzFixExecfile.transform#s&v)4:t<<<<<N) __name__ __module__ __qualname__ BM_compatible run_orderformat expressionPATTERNrrrrrsFMI&$$  =====rrN) __doc__ __future__rlib2to3rlibfuturize.fixer_utilrrBaseFixrrrrr s  ('''''333333  = = = = =*$ = = = = =r