# XML serialization and output functions cdef object GzipFile from gzip import GzipFile cdef class SerialisationError(LxmlError): """A libxml2 error that occurred during serialisation. """ cdef enum _OutputMethods: OUTPUT_METHOD_XML OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML OUTPUT_METHOD_TEXT cdef int _findOutputMethod(method) except -1: if method is None: return OUTPUT_METHOD_XML method = method.lower() if method == "xml": return OUTPUT_METHOD_XML if method == "html": return OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML if method == "text": return OUTPUT_METHOD_TEXT raise ValueError(f"unknown output method {method!r}") cdef _textToString(xmlNode* c_node, encoding, bint with_tail): cdef bint needs_conversion cdef const_xmlChar* c_text cdef xmlNode* c_text_node cdef tree.xmlBuffer* c_buffer cdef int error_result c_buffer = tree.xmlBufferCreate() if c_buffer is NULL: raise MemoryError() with nogil: error_result = tree.xmlNodeBufGetContent(c_buffer, c_node) if with_tail: c_text_node = _textNodeOrSkip(c_node.next) while c_text_node is not NULL: tree.xmlBufferWriteChar(c_buffer, c_text_node.content) c_text_node = _textNodeOrSkip(c_text_node.next) c_text = tree.xmlBufferContent(c_buffer) if error_result < 0 or c_text is NULL: tree.xmlBufferFree(c_buffer) raise SerialisationError, u"Error during serialisation (out of memory?)" try: needs_conversion = 0 if encoding is unicode: needs_conversion = 1 elif encoding is not None: # Python prefers lower case encoding names encoding = encoding.lower() if encoding not in (u'utf8', u'utf-8'): if encoding == u'ascii': if isutf8l(c_text, tree.xmlBufferLength(c_buffer)): # will raise a decode error below needs_conversion = 1 else: needs_conversion = 1 if needs_conversion: text = (c_text)[:tree.xmlBufferLength(c_buffer)].decode('utf8') if encoding is not unicode: encoding = _utf8(encoding) text = python.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString( text, encoding, 'strict') else: text = (c_text)[:tree.xmlBufferLength(c_buffer)] finally: tree.xmlBufferFree(c_buffer) return text cdef _tostring(_Element element, encoding, doctype, method, bint write_xml_declaration, bint write_complete_document, bint pretty_print, bint with_tail, int standalone): u"""Serialize an element to an encoded string representation of its XML tree. """ cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer cdef tree.xmlBuf* c_result_buffer cdef tree.xmlCharEncodingHandler* enchandler cdef const_char* c_enc cdef const_xmlChar* c_version cdef const_xmlChar* c_doctype cdef int c_method cdef int error_result if element is None: return None _assertValidNode(element) c_method = _findOutputMethod(method) if c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_TEXT: return _textToString(element._c_node, encoding, with_tail) if encoding is None or encoding is unicode: c_enc = NULL else: encoding = _utf8(encoding) c_enc = _cstr(encoding) if doctype is None: c_doctype = NULL else: doctype = _utf8(doctype) c_doctype = _xcstr(doctype) # it is necessary to *and* find the encoding handler *and* use # encoding during output enchandler = tree.xmlFindCharEncodingHandler(c_enc) if enchandler is NULL and c_enc is not NULL: if encoding is not None: encoding = encoding.decode('UTF-8') raise LookupError, f"unknown encoding: '{encoding}'" c_buffer = tree.xmlAllocOutputBuffer(enchandler) if c_buffer is NULL: tree.xmlCharEncCloseFunc(enchandler) raise MemoryError() with nogil: _writeNodeToBuffer(c_buffer, element._c_node, c_enc, c_doctype, c_method, write_xml_declaration, write_complete_document, pretty_print, with_tail, standalone) tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(c_buffer) if c_buffer.conv is not NULL: c_result_buffer = c_buffer.conv else: c_result_buffer = c_buffer.buffer error_result = c_buffer.error if error_result != xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK: tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(c_buffer) _raiseSerialisationError(error_result) try: if encoding is unicode: result = (tree.xmlBufContent( c_result_buffer))[:tree.xmlBufUse(c_result_buffer)].decode('UTF-8') else: result = (tree.xmlBufContent( c_result_buffer))[:tree.xmlBufUse(c_result_buffer)] finally: error_result = tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(c_buffer) if error_result == -1: _raiseSerialisationError(error_result) return result cdef bytes _tostringC14N(element_or_tree, bint exclusive, bint with_comments, inclusive_ns_prefixes): cdef xmlDoc* c_doc cdef xmlChar* c_buffer = NULL cdef int byte_count = -1 cdef bytes result cdef _Document doc cdef _Element element cdef xmlChar **c_inclusive_ns_prefixes if isinstance(element_or_tree, _Element): _assertValidNode(<_Element>element_or_tree) doc = (<_Element>element_or_tree)._doc c_doc = _plainFakeRootDoc(doc._c_doc, (<_Element>element_or_tree)._c_node, 0) else: doc = _documentOrRaise(element_or_tree) _assertValidDoc(doc) c_doc = doc._c_doc c_inclusive_ns_prefixes = _convert_ns_prefixes(c_doc.dict, inclusive_ns_prefixes) if inclusive_ns_prefixes else NULL try: with nogil: byte_count = c14n.xmlC14NDocDumpMemory( c_doc, NULL, exclusive, c_inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, &c_buffer) finally: _destroyFakeDoc(doc._c_doc, c_doc) if c_inclusive_ns_prefixes is not NULL: python.lxml_free(c_inclusive_ns_prefixes) if byte_count < 0 or c_buffer is NULL: if c_buffer is not NULL: tree.xmlFree(c_buffer) raise C14NError, u"C14N failed" try: result = c_buffer[:byte_count] finally: tree.xmlFree(c_buffer) return result cdef _raiseSerialisationError(int error_result): if error_result == xmlerror.XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY: raise MemoryError() message = ErrorTypes._getName(error_result) if message is None: message = f"unknown error {error_result}" raise SerialisationError, message ############################################################ # low-level serialisation functions cdef void _writeDoctype(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, const_xmlChar* c_doctype) nogil: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, tree.xmlStrlen(c_doctype), c_doctype) tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteString(c_buffer, "\n") cdef void _writeNodeToBuffer(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, xmlNode* c_node, const_char* encoding, const_xmlChar* c_doctype, int c_method, bint write_xml_declaration, bint write_complete_document, bint pretty_print, bint with_tail, int standalone) nogil: cdef xmlNode* c_nsdecl_node cdef xmlDoc* c_doc = c_node.doc if write_xml_declaration and c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_XML: _writeDeclarationToBuffer(c_buffer, c_doc.version, encoding, standalone) # comments/processing instructions before doctype declaration if write_complete_document and not c_buffer.error and c_doc.intSubset: _writePrevSiblings(c_buffer, c_doc.intSubset, encoding, pretty_print) if c_doctype: _writeDoctype(c_buffer, c_doctype) # write internal DTD subset, preceding PIs/comments, etc. if write_complete_document and not c_buffer.error: if c_doctype is NULL: _writeDtdToBuffer(c_buffer, c_doc, c_node.name, c_method, encoding) _writePrevSiblings(c_buffer, c_node, encoding, pretty_print) c_nsdecl_node = c_node if not c_node.parent or c_node.parent.type != tree.XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: # copy the node and add namespaces from parents # this is required to make libxml write them c_nsdecl_node = tree.xmlCopyNode(c_node, 2) if not c_nsdecl_node: c_buffer.error = xmlerror.XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY return _copyParentNamespaces(c_node, c_nsdecl_node) c_nsdecl_node.parent = c_node.parent c_nsdecl_node.children = c_node.children c_nsdecl_node.last = c_node.last # write node if c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML: tree.htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput( c_buffer, c_doc, c_nsdecl_node, encoding, pretty_print) else: tree.xmlNodeDumpOutput( c_buffer, c_doc, c_nsdecl_node, 0, pretty_print, encoding) if c_nsdecl_node is not c_node: # clean up c_nsdecl_node.children = c_nsdecl_node.last = NULL tree.xmlFreeNode(c_nsdecl_node) if c_buffer.error: return # write tail, trailing comments, etc. if with_tail: _writeTail(c_buffer, c_node, encoding, c_method, pretty_print) if write_complete_document: _writeNextSiblings(c_buffer, c_node, encoding, pretty_print) if pretty_print: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 1, "\n") cdef void _writeDeclarationToBuffer(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, const_xmlChar* version, const_char* encoding, int standalone) nogil: if version is NULL: version = "1.0" tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 15, "version) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 12, "' encoding='") tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteString(c_buffer, encoding) if standalone == 0: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 20, "' standalone='no'?>\n") elif standalone == 1: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 21, "' standalone='yes'?>\n") else: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 4, "'?>\n") cdef void _writeDtdToBuffer(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, xmlDoc* c_doc, const_xmlChar* c_root_name, int c_method, const_char* encoding) nogil: cdef tree.xmlDtd* c_dtd cdef xmlNode* c_node cdef char* quotechar c_dtd = c_doc.intSubset if not c_dtd or not c_dtd.name: return # Name in document type declaration must match the root element tag. # For XML, case sensitive match, for HTML insensitive. if c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML: if tree.xmlStrcasecmp(c_root_name, c_dtd.name) != 0: return else: if tree.xmlStrcmp(c_root_name, c_dtd.name) != 0: return tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 10, "c_dtd.name) cdef const_xmlChar* public_id = c_dtd.ExternalID cdef const_xmlChar* sys_url = c_dtd.SystemID if public_id and public_id[0] == b'\0': public_id = NULL if sys_url and sys_url[0] == b'\0': sys_url = NULL if public_id: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 9, ' PUBLIC "') tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteString(c_buffer, public_id) if sys_url: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 2, '" ') else: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 1, '"') elif sys_url: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 8, ' SYSTEM ') if sys_url: if tree.xmlStrchr(sys_url, b'"'): quotechar = '\'' else: quotechar = '"' tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 1, quotechar) tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteString(c_buffer, sys_url) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 1, quotechar) if (not c_dtd.entities and not c_dtd.elements and not c_dtd.attributes and not c_dtd.notations and not c_dtd.pentities): tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 2, '>\n') return tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 3, ' [\n') if c_dtd.notations and not c_buffer.error: c_buf = tree.xmlBufferCreate() if not c_buf: c_buffer.error = xmlerror.XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY return tree.xmlDumpNotationTable(c_buf, c_dtd.notations) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite( c_buffer, tree.xmlBufferLength(c_buf), tree.xmlBufferContent(c_buf)) tree.xmlBufferFree(c_buf) c_node = c_dtd.children while c_node and not c_buffer.error: tree.xmlNodeDumpOutput(c_buffer, c_node.doc, c_node, 0, 0, encoding) c_node = c_node.next tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(c_buffer, 3, "]>\n") cdef void _writeTail(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, xmlNode* c_node, const_char* encoding, int c_method, bint pretty_print) nogil: u"Write the element tail." c_node = c_node.next while c_node and not c_buffer.error and c_node.type in ( tree.XML_TEXT_NODE, tree.XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE): if c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML: tree.htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput( c_buffer, c_node.doc, c_node, encoding, pretty_print) else: tree.xmlNodeDumpOutput( c_buffer, c_node.doc, c_node, 0, pretty_print, encoding) c_node = c_node.next cdef void _writePrevSiblings(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, xmlNode* c_node, const_char* encoding, bint pretty_print) nogil: cdef xmlNode* c_sibling if c_node.parent and _isElement(c_node.parent): return # we are at a root node, so add PI and comment siblings c_sibling = c_node while c_sibling.prev and \ (c_sibling.prev.type == tree.XML_PI_NODE or c_sibling.prev.type == tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE): c_sibling = c_sibling.prev while c_sibling is not c_node and not c_buffer.error: tree.xmlNodeDumpOutput(c_buffer, c_node.doc, c_sibling, 0, pretty_print, encoding) if pretty_print: tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteString(c_buffer, "\n") c_sibling = c_sibling.next cdef void _writeNextSiblings(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, xmlNode* c_node, const_char* encoding, bint pretty_print) nogil: cdef xmlNode* c_sibling if c_node.parent and _isElement(c_node.parent): return # we are at a root node, so add PI and comment siblings c_sibling = c_node.next while not c_buffer.error and c_sibling and \ (c_sibling.type == tree.XML_PI_NODE or c_sibling.type == tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE): if pretty_print: tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteString(c_buffer, "\n") tree.xmlNodeDumpOutput(c_buffer, c_node.doc, c_sibling, 0, pretty_print, encoding) c_sibling = c_sibling.next # copied and adapted from libxml2 cdef unsigned char *xmlSerializeHexCharRef(unsigned char *out, int val): cdef xmlChar *ptr cdef xmlChar c out[0] = '&' out += 1 out[0] = '#' out += 1 out[0] = 'x' out += 1 if val < 0x10: ptr = out elif val < 0x100: ptr = out + 1 elif val < 0x1000: ptr = out + 2 elif val < 0x10000: ptr = out + 3 elif val < 0x100000: ptr = out + 4 else: ptr = out + 5 out = ptr + 1 while val > 0: c = (val & 0xF) if c == 0: ptr[0] = '0' elif c == 1: ptr[0] = '1' elif c == 2: ptr[0] = '2' elif c == 3: ptr[0] = '3' elif c == 4: ptr[0] = '4' elif c == 5: ptr[0] = '5' elif c == 6: ptr[0] = '6' elif c == 7: ptr[0] = '7' elif c == 8: ptr[0] = '8' elif c == 9: ptr[0] = '9' elif c == 0xA: ptr[0] = 'A' elif c == 0xB: ptr[0] = 'B' elif c == 0xC: ptr[0] = 'C' elif c == 0xD: ptr[0] = 'D' elif c == 0xE: ptr[0] = 'E' elif c == 0xF: ptr[0] = 'F' else: ptr[0] = '0' ptr -= 1 val >>= 4 out[0] = ';' out += 1 out[0] = 0 return out # copied and adapted from libxml2 (xmlBufAttrSerializeTxtContent()) cdef _write_attr_string(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* buf, const char *string): cdef const char *base cdef const char *cur cdef const unsigned char *ucur cdef unsigned char tmp[12] cdef int val = 0 cdef int l if string == NULL: return base = cur = string while cur[0] != 0: if cur[0] == '\n': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 5, " ") cur += 1 base = cur elif cur[0] == '\r': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 5, " ") cur += 1 base = cur elif cur[0] == '\t': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 4, " ") cur += 1 base = cur elif cur[0] == '"': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 6, """) cur += 1 base = cur elif cur[0] == '<': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 4, "<") cur += 1 base = cur elif cur[0] == '>': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 4, ">") cur += 1 base = cur elif cur[0] == '&': if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, 5, "&") cur += 1 base = cur elif (cur[0] >= 0x80) and (cur[1] != 0): if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) ucur = cur if ucur[0] < 0xC0: # invalid UTF-8 sequence val = ucur[0] l = 1 elif ucur[0] < 0xE0: val = (ucur[0]) & 0x1F val <<= 6 val |= (ucur[1]) & 0x3F l = 2 elif (ucur[0] < 0xF0) and (ucur[2] != 0): val = (ucur[0]) & 0x0F val <<= 6 val |= (ucur[1]) & 0x3F val <<= 6 val |= (ucur[2]) & 0x3F l = 3 elif (ucur[0] < 0xF8) and (ucur[2] != 0) and (ucur[3] != 0): val = (ucur[0]) & 0x07 val <<= 6 val |= (ucur[1]) & 0x3F val <<= 6 val |= (ucur[2]) & 0x3F val <<= 6 val |= (ucur[3]) & 0x3F l = 4 else: # invalid UTF-8 sequence val = ucur[0] l = 1 if (l == 1) or (not tree.xmlIsCharQ(val)): raise ValueError(f"Invalid character: {val:X}") # We could do multiple things here. Just save # as a char ref xmlSerializeHexCharRef(tmp, val) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, len(tmp), tmp) cur += l base = cur else: cur += 1 if base != cur: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(buf, cur - base, base) ############################################################ # output to file-like objects cdef object io_open from io import open cdef object gzip import gzip cdef object getwriter from codecs import getwriter cdef object utf8_writer = getwriter('utf8') cdef object contextmanager from contextlib import contextmanager cdef object _open_utf8_file @contextmanager def _open_utf8_file(file, compression=0): file = _getFSPathOrObject(file) if _isString(file): if compression: with gzip.GzipFile(file, mode='wb', compresslevel=compression) as zf: yield utf8_writer(zf) else: with io_open(file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: yield f else: if compression: with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=file, mode='wb', compresslevel=compression) as zf: yield utf8_writer(zf) else: yield utf8_writer(file) @cython.final @cython.internal cdef class _FilelikeWriter: cdef object _filelike cdef object _close_filelike cdef _ExceptionContext _exc_context cdef _ErrorLog error_log def __cinit__(self, filelike, exc_context=None, compression=None, close=False): if compression is not None and compression > 0: filelike = GzipFile( fileobj=filelike, mode='wb', compresslevel=compression) self._close_filelike = filelike.close elif close: self._close_filelike = filelike.close self._filelike = filelike if exc_context is None: self._exc_context = _ExceptionContext() else: self._exc_context = exc_context self.error_log = _ErrorLog() cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* _createOutputBuffer( self, tree.xmlCharEncodingHandler* enchandler) except NULL: cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer c_buffer = tree.xmlOutputBufferCreateIO( _writeFilelikeWriter, _closeFilelikeWriter, self, enchandler) if c_buffer is NULL: raise IOError, u"Could not create I/O writer context." return c_buffer cdef int write(self, char* c_buffer, int size): try: if self._filelike is None: raise IOError, u"File is already closed" py_buffer = c_buffer[:size] self._filelike.write(py_buffer) except: size = -1 self._exc_context._store_raised() finally: return size # and swallow any further exceptions cdef int close(self): retval = 0 try: if self._close_filelike is not None: self._close_filelike() # we should not close the file here as we didn't open it self._filelike = None except: retval = -1 self._exc_context._store_raised() finally: return retval # and swallow any further exceptions cdef int _writeFilelikeWriter(void* ctxt, char* c_buffer, int length): return (<_FilelikeWriter>ctxt).write(c_buffer, length) cdef int _closeFilelikeWriter(void* ctxt): return (<_FilelikeWriter>ctxt).close() cdef _tofilelike(f, _Element element, encoding, doctype, method, bint write_xml_declaration, bint write_doctype, bint pretty_print, bint with_tail, int standalone, int compression): cdef _FilelikeWriter writer = None cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer cdef tree.xmlCharEncodingHandler* enchandler cdef const_char* c_enc cdef const_xmlChar* c_doctype cdef int error_result c_method = _findOutputMethod(method) if c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_TEXT: data = _textToString(element._c_node, encoding, with_tail) if compression: bytes_out = BytesIO() with GzipFile(fileobj=bytes_out, mode='wb', compresslevel=compression) as gzip_file: gzip_file.write(data) data = bytes_out.getvalue() f = _getFSPathOrObject(f) if _isString(f): filename8 = _encodeFilename(f) with open(filename8, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) else: f.write(data) return if encoding is None: c_enc = NULL else: encoding = _utf8(encoding) c_enc = _cstr(encoding) if doctype is None: c_doctype = NULL else: doctype = _utf8(doctype) c_doctype = _xcstr(doctype) writer = _create_output_buffer(f, c_enc, compression, &c_buffer, close=False) if writer is None: with nogil: error_result = _serialise_node( c_buffer, c_doctype, c_enc, element._c_node, c_method, write_xml_declaration, write_doctype, pretty_print, with_tail, standalone) else: error_result = _serialise_node( c_buffer, c_doctype, c_enc, element._c_node, c_method, write_xml_declaration, write_doctype, pretty_print, with_tail, standalone) if writer is not None: writer._exc_context._raise_if_stored() if error_result != xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK: _raiseSerialisationError(error_result) cdef int _serialise_node(tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer, const_xmlChar* c_doctype, const_char* c_enc, xmlNode* c_node, int c_method, bint write_xml_declaration, bint write_doctype, bint pretty_print, bint with_tail, int standalone) nogil: _writeNodeToBuffer( c_buffer, c_node, c_enc, c_doctype, c_method, write_xml_declaration, write_doctype, pretty_print, with_tail, standalone) error_result = c_buffer.error if error_result == xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK: error_result = tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(c_buffer) if error_result != -1: error_result = xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK else: tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(c_buffer) return error_result cdef _FilelikeWriter _create_output_buffer( f, const_char* c_enc, int c_compression, tree.xmlOutputBuffer** c_buffer_ret, bint close): cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer cdef _FilelikeWriter writer cdef bytes filename8 enchandler = tree.xmlFindCharEncodingHandler(c_enc) if enchandler is NULL: raise LookupError( f"unknown encoding: '{c_enc.decode('UTF-8') if c_enc is not NULL else u''}'") try: f = _getFSPathOrObject(f) if _isString(f): filename8 = _encodeFilename(f) if b'%' in filename8 and ( # Exclude absolute Windows paths and file:// URLs. _isFilePath(filename8) not in (NO_FILE_PATH, ABS_WIN_FILE_PATH) or filename8[:7].lower() == b'file://'): # A file path (not a URL) containing the '%' URL escape character. # libxml2 uses URL-unescaping on these, so escape the path before passing it in. filename8 = filename8.replace(b'%', b'%25') c_buffer = tree.xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename( _cstr(filename8), enchandler, c_compression) if c_buffer is NULL: python.PyErr_SetFromErrno(IOError) # raises IOError writer = None elif hasattr(f, 'write'): writer = _FilelikeWriter(f, compression=c_compression, close=close) c_buffer = writer._createOutputBuffer(enchandler) else: raise TypeError( f"File or filename expected, got '{python._fqtypename(f).decode('UTF-8')}'") except: tree.xmlCharEncCloseFunc(enchandler) raise c_buffer_ret[0] = c_buffer return writer cdef xmlChar **_convert_ns_prefixes(tree.xmlDict* c_dict, ns_prefixes) except NULL: cdef size_t i, num_ns_prefixes = len(ns_prefixes) # Need to allocate one extra memory block to handle last NULL entry c_ns_prefixes = python.lxml_malloc(num_ns_prefixes + 1, sizeof(xmlChar*)) if not c_ns_prefixes: raise MemoryError() i = 0 try: for prefix in ns_prefixes: prefix_utf = _utf8(prefix) c_prefix = tree.xmlDictExists(c_dict, _xcstr(prefix_utf), len(prefix_utf)) if c_prefix: # unknown prefixes do not need to get serialised c_ns_prefixes[i] = c_prefix i += 1 except: python.lxml_free(c_ns_prefixes) raise c_ns_prefixes[i] = NULL # append end marker return c_ns_prefixes cdef _tofilelikeC14N(f, _Element element, bint exclusive, bint with_comments, int compression, inclusive_ns_prefixes): cdef _FilelikeWriter writer = None cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* c_buffer cdef xmlChar **c_inclusive_ns_prefixes = NULL cdef char* c_filename cdef xmlDoc* c_base_doc cdef xmlDoc* c_doc cdef int bytes_count, error = 0 c_base_doc = element._c_node.doc c_doc = _fakeRootDoc(c_base_doc, element._c_node) try: c_inclusive_ns_prefixes = ( _convert_ns_prefixes(c_doc.dict, inclusive_ns_prefixes) if inclusive_ns_prefixes else NULL) f = _getFSPathOrObject(f) if _isString(f): filename8 = _encodeFilename(f) c_filename = _cstr(filename8) with nogil: error = c14n.xmlC14NDocSave( c_doc, NULL, exclusive, c_inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, c_filename, compression) elif hasattr(f, 'write'): writer = _FilelikeWriter(f, compression=compression) c_buffer = writer._createOutputBuffer(NULL) try: with writer.error_log: bytes_count = c14n.xmlC14NDocSaveTo( c_doc, NULL, exclusive, c_inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, c_buffer) finally: error = tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(c_buffer) if bytes_count < 0: error = bytes_count elif error != -1: error = xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK else: raise TypeError(f"File or filename expected, got '{python._fqtypename(f).decode('UTF-8')}'") finally: _destroyFakeDoc(c_base_doc, c_doc) if c_inclusive_ns_prefixes is not NULL: python.lxml_free(c_inclusive_ns_prefixes) if writer is not None: writer._exc_context._raise_if_stored() if error < 0: message = u"C14N failed" if writer is not None: errors = writer.error_log if len(errors): message = errors[0].message raise C14NError(message) # C14N 2.0 def canonicalize(xml_data=None, *, out=None, from_file=None, **options): """Convert XML to its C14N 2.0 serialised form. If *out* is provided, it must be a file or file-like object that receives the serialised canonical XML output (text, not bytes) through its ``.write()`` method. To write to a file, open it in text mode with encoding "utf-8". If *out* is not provided, this function returns the output as text string. Either *xml_data* (an XML string, tree or Element) or *file* (a file path or file-like object) must be provided as input. The configuration options are the same as for the ``C14NWriterTarget``. """ if xml_data is None and from_file is None: raise ValueError("Either 'xml_data' or 'from_file' must be provided as input") sio = None if out is None: sio = out = StringIO() target = C14NWriterTarget(out.write, **options) if xml_data is not None and not isinstance(xml_data, basestring): _tree_to_target(xml_data, target) return sio.getvalue() if sio is not None else None cdef _FeedParser parser = XMLParser( target=target, attribute_defaults=True, collect_ids=False, ) if xml_data is not None: parser.feed(xml_data) parser.close() elif from_file is not None: try: _parseDocument(from_file, parser, base_url=None) except _TargetParserResult: pass return sio.getvalue() if sio is not None else None cdef _tree_to_target(element, target): for event, elem in iterwalk(element, events=('start', 'end', 'start-ns', 'comment', 'pi')): text = None if event == 'start': target.start(elem.tag, elem.attrib) text = elem.text elif event == 'end': target.end(elem.tag) text = elem.tail elif event == 'start-ns': target.start_ns(*elem) continue elif event == 'comment': target.comment(elem.text) text = elem.tail elif event == 'pi': target.pi(elem.target, elem.text) text = elem.tail if text: target.data(text) return target.close() cdef object _looks_like_prefix_name = re.compile('^\w+:\w+$', re.UNICODE).match cdef class C14NWriterTarget: """ Canonicalization writer target for the XMLParser. Serialises parse events to XML C14N 2.0. Configuration options: - *with_comments*: set to true to include comments - *strip_text*: set to true to strip whitespace before and after text content - *rewrite_prefixes*: set to true to replace namespace prefixes by "n{number}" - *qname_aware_tags*: a set of qname aware tag names in which prefixes should be replaced in text content - *qname_aware_attrs*: a set of qname aware attribute names in which prefixes should be replaced in text content - *exclude_attrs*: a set of attribute names that should not be serialised - *exclude_tags*: a set of tag names that should not be serialised """ cdef object _write cdef list _data cdef set _qname_aware_tags cdef object _find_qname_aware_attrs cdef list _declared_ns_stack cdef list _ns_stack cdef dict _prefix_map cdef list _preserve_space cdef tuple _pending_start cdef set _exclude_tags cdef set _exclude_attrs cdef Py_ssize_t _ignored_depth cdef bint _with_comments cdef bint _strip_text cdef bint _rewrite_prefixes cdef bint _root_seen cdef bint _root_done def __init__(self, write, *, with_comments=False, strip_text=False, rewrite_prefixes=False, qname_aware_tags=None, qname_aware_attrs=None, exclude_attrs=None, exclude_tags=None): self._write = write self._data = [] self._with_comments = with_comments self._strip_text = strip_text self._exclude_attrs = set(exclude_attrs) if exclude_attrs else None self._exclude_tags = set(exclude_tags) if exclude_tags else None self._rewrite_prefixes = rewrite_prefixes if qname_aware_tags: self._qname_aware_tags = set(qname_aware_tags) else: self._qname_aware_tags = None if qname_aware_attrs: self._find_qname_aware_attrs = set(qname_aware_attrs).intersection else: self._find_qname_aware_attrs = None # Stack with globally and newly declared namespaces as (uri, prefix) pairs. self._declared_ns_stack = [[ ("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", "xml"), ]] # Stack with user declared namespace prefixes as (uri, prefix) pairs. self._ns_stack = [] if not rewrite_prefixes: self._ns_stack.append(_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_ITEMS) self._ns_stack.append([]) self._prefix_map = {} self._preserve_space = [False] self._pending_start = None self._ignored_depth = 0 self._root_seen = False self._root_done = False def _iter_namespaces(self, ns_stack): for namespaces in reversed(ns_stack): if namespaces: # almost no element declares new namespaces yield from namespaces cdef _resolve_prefix_name(self, prefixed_name): prefix, name = prefixed_name.split(':', 1) for uri, p in self._iter_namespaces(self._ns_stack): if p == prefix: return f'{{{uri}}}{name}' raise ValueError(f'Prefix {prefix} of QName "{prefixed_name}" is not declared in scope') cdef _qname(self, qname, uri=None): if uri is None: uri, tag = qname[1:].rsplit('}', 1) if qname[:1] == '{' else ('', qname) else: tag = qname prefixes_seen = set() for u, prefix in self._iter_namespaces(self._declared_ns_stack): if u == uri and prefix not in prefixes_seen: return f'{prefix}:{tag}' if prefix else tag, tag, uri prefixes_seen.add(prefix) # Not declared yet => add new declaration. if self._rewrite_prefixes: if uri in self._prefix_map: prefix = self._prefix_map[uri] else: prefix = self._prefix_map[uri] = f'n{len(self._prefix_map)}' self._declared_ns_stack[-1].append((uri, prefix)) return f'{prefix}:{tag}', tag, uri if not uri and '' not in prefixes_seen: # No default namespace declared => no prefix needed. return tag, tag, uri for u, prefix in self._iter_namespaces(self._ns_stack): if u == uri: self._declared_ns_stack[-1].append((uri, prefix)) return f'{prefix}:{tag}' if prefix else tag, tag, uri if not uri: # As soon as a default namespace is defined, # anything that has no namespace (and thus, no prefix) goes there. return tag, tag, uri raise ValueError(f'Namespace "{uri}" of name "{tag}" is not declared in scope') def data(self, data): if not self._ignored_depth: self._data.append(data) cdef _flush(self): data = u''.join(self._data) del self._data[:] if self._strip_text and not self._preserve_space[-1]: data = data.strip() if self._pending_start is not None: (tag, attrs, new_namespaces), self._pending_start = self._pending_start, None qname_text = data if u':' in data and _looks_like_prefix_name(data) else None self._start(tag, attrs, new_namespaces, qname_text) if qname_text is not None: return if data and self._root_seen: self._write(_escape_cdata_c14n(data)) def start_ns(self, prefix, uri): if self._ignored_depth: return # we may have to resolve qnames in text content if self._data: self._flush() self._ns_stack[-1].append((uri, prefix)) def start(self, tag, attrs): if self._exclude_tags is not None and ( self._ignored_depth or tag in self._exclude_tags): self._ignored_depth += 1 return if self._data: self._flush() new_namespaces = [] self._declared_ns_stack.append(new_namespaces) if self._qname_aware_tags is not None and tag in self._qname_aware_tags: # Need to parse text first to see if it requires a prefix declaration. self._pending_start = (tag, attrs, new_namespaces) return self._start(tag, attrs, new_namespaces) cdef _start(self, tag, attrs, new_namespaces, qname_text=None): if self._exclude_attrs is not None and attrs: attrs = {k: v for k, v in attrs.items() if k not in self._exclude_attrs} qnames = {tag, *attrs} resolved_names = {} # Resolve prefixes in attribute and tag text. if qname_text is not None: qname = resolved_names[qname_text] = self._resolve_prefix_name(qname_text) qnames.add(qname) if self._find_qname_aware_attrs is not None and attrs: qattrs = self._find_qname_aware_attrs(attrs) if qattrs: for attr_name in qattrs: value = attrs[attr_name] if _looks_like_prefix_name(value): qname = resolved_names[value] = self._resolve_prefix_name(value) qnames.add(qname) else: qattrs = None else: qattrs = None # Assign prefixes in lexicographical order of used URIs. parsed_qnames = {n: self._qname(n) for n in sorted( qnames, key=lambda n: n.split('}', 1))} # Write namespace declarations in prefix order ... if new_namespaces: attr_list = [ (u'xmlns:' + prefix if prefix else u'xmlns', uri) for uri, prefix in new_namespaces ] attr_list.sort() else: # almost always empty attr_list = [] # ... followed by attributes in URI+name order if attrs: for k, v in sorted(attrs.items()): if qattrs is not None and k in qattrs and v in resolved_names: v = parsed_qnames[resolved_names[v]][0] attr_qname, attr_name, uri = parsed_qnames[k] # No prefix for attributes in default ('') namespace. attr_list.append((attr_qname if uri else attr_name, v)) # Honour xml:space attributes. space_behaviour = attrs.get('{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}space') self._preserve_space.append( space_behaviour == 'preserve' if space_behaviour else self._preserve_space[-1]) # Write the tag. write = self._write write(u'<' + parsed_qnames[tag][0]) if attr_list: write(u''.join([f' {k}="{_escape_attrib_c14n(v)}"' for k, v in attr_list])) write(u'>') # Write the resolved qname text content. if qname_text is not None: write(_escape_cdata_c14n(parsed_qnames[resolved_names[qname_text]][0])) self._root_seen = True self._ns_stack.append([]) def end(self, tag): if self._ignored_depth: self._ignored_depth -= 1 return if self._data: self._flush() self._write(f'') self._preserve_space.pop() self._root_done = len(self._preserve_space) == 1 self._declared_ns_stack.pop() self._ns_stack.pop() def comment(self, text): if not self._with_comments: return if self._ignored_depth: return if self._root_done: self._write(u'\n') elif self._root_seen and self._data: self._flush() self._write(f'') if not self._root_seen: self._write(u'\n') def pi(self, target, data): if self._ignored_depth: return if self._root_done: self._write(u'\n') elif self._root_seen and self._data: self._flush() self._write( f'' if data else f'') if not self._root_seen: self._write(u'\n') def close(self): return None cdef _raise_serialization_error(text): raise TypeError("cannot serialize %r (type %s)" % (text, type(text).__name__)) cdef unicode _escape_cdata_c14n(stext): # escape character data cdef unicode text try: # it's worth avoiding do-nothing calls for strings that are # shorter than 500 character, or so. assume that's, by far, # the most common case in most applications. text = unicode(stext) if u'&' in text: text = text.replace(u'&', u'&') if u'<' in text: text = text.replace(u'<', u'<') if u'>' in text: text = text.replace(u'>', u'>') if u'\r' in text: text = text.replace(u'\r', u' ') return text except (TypeError, AttributeError): _raise_serialization_error(stext) cdef unicode _escape_attrib_c14n(stext): # escape attribute value cdef unicode text try: text = unicode(stext) if u'&' in text: text = text.replace(u'&', u'&') if u'<' in text: text = text.replace(u'<', u'<') if u'"' in text: text = text.replace(u'"', u'"') if u'\t' in text: text = text.replace(u'\t', u' ') if u'\n' in text: text = text.replace(u'\n', u' ') if u'\r' in text: text = text.replace(u'\r', u' ') return text except (TypeError, AttributeError): _raise_serialization_error(stext) # incremental serialisation cdef class xmlfile: """xmlfile(self, output_file, encoding=None, compression=None, close=False, buffered=True) A simple mechanism for incremental XML serialisation. Usage example:: with xmlfile("somefile.xml", encoding='utf-8') as xf: xf.write_declaration(standalone=True) xf.write_doctype('') # generate an element (the root element) with xf.element('root'): # write a complete Element into the open root element xf.write(etree.Element('test')) # generate and write more Elements, e.g. through iterparse for element in generate_some_elements(): # serialise generated elements into the XML file xf.write(element) # or write multiple Elements or strings at once xf.write(etree.Element('start'), "text", etree.Element('end')) If 'output_file' is a file(-like) object, passing ``close=True`` will close it when exiting the context manager. By default, it is left to the owner to do that. When a file path is used, lxml will take care of opening and closing the file itself. Also, when a compression level is set, lxml will deliberately close the file to make sure all data gets compressed and written. Setting ``buffered=False`` will flush the output after each operation, such as opening or closing an ``xf.element()`` block or calling ``xf.write()``. Alternatively, calling ``xf.flush()`` can be used to explicitly flush any pending output when buffering is enabled. """ cdef object output_file cdef bytes encoding cdef _IncrementalFileWriter writer cdef _AsyncIncrementalFileWriter async_writer cdef int compresslevel cdef bint close cdef bint buffered cdef int method def __init__(self, output_file not None, encoding=None, compression=None, close=False, buffered=True): self.output_file = output_file self.encoding = _utf8orNone(encoding) self.compresslevel = compression or 0 self.close = close self.buffered = buffered self.method = OUTPUT_METHOD_XML def __enter__(self): assert self.output_file is not None self.writer = _IncrementalFileWriter( self.output_file, self.encoding, self.compresslevel, self.close, self.buffered, self.method) return self.writer def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.writer is not None: old_writer, self.writer = self.writer, None raise_on_error = exc_type is None old_writer._close(raise_on_error) if self.close: self.output_file = None async def __aenter__(self): assert self.output_file is not None if isinstance(self.output_file, basestring): raise TypeError("Cannot asynchronously write to a plain file") if not hasattr(self.output_file, 'write'): raise TypeError("Output file needs an async .write() method") self.async_writer = _AsyncIncrementalFileWriter( self.output_file, self.encoding, self.compresslevel, self.close, self.buffered, self.method) return self.async_writer async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.async_writer is not None: old_writer, self.async_writer = self.async_writer, None raise_on_error = exc_type is None await old_writer._close(raise_on_error) if self.close: self.output_file = None cdef class htmlfile(xmlfile): """htmlfile(self, output_file, encoding=None, compression=None, close=False, buffered=True) A simple mechanism for incremental HTML serialisation. Works the same as xmlfile. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.method = OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML cdef enum _IncrementalFileWriterStatus: WRITER_STARTING = 0 WRITER_DECL_WRITTEN = 1 WRITER_DTD_WRITTEN = 2 WRITER_IN_ELEMENT = 3 WRITER_FINISHED = 4 @cython.final @cython.internal cdef class _IncrementalFileWriter: cdef tree.xmlOutputBuffer* _c_out cdef bytes _encoding cdef const_char* _c_encoding cdef _FilelikeWriter _target cdef list _element_stack cdef int _status cdef int _method cdef bint _buffered def __cinit__(self, outfile, bytes encoding, int compresslevel, bint close, bint buffered, int method): self._status = WRITER_STARTING self._element_stack = [] if encoding is None: encoding = b'ASCII' self._encoding = encoding self._c_encoding = _cstr(encoding) if encoding is not None else NULL self._buffered = buffered self._target = _create_output_buffer( outfile, self._c_encoding, compresslevel, &self._c_out, close) self._method = method def __dealloc__(self): if self._c_out is not NULL: tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(self._c_out) def write_declaration(self, version=None, standalone=None, doctype=None): """write_declaration(self, version=None, standalone=None, doctype=None) Write an XML declaration and (optionally) a doctype into the file. """ assert self._c_out is not NULL cdef const_xmlChar* c_version cdef int c_standalone if self._method != OUTPUT_METHOD_XML: raise LxmlSyntaxError("only XML documents have declarations") if self._status >= WRITER_DECL_WRITTEN: raise LxmlSyntaxError("XML declaration already written") version = _utf8orNone(version) c_version = _xcstr(version) if version is not None else NULL doctype = _utf8orNone(doctype) if standalone is None: c_standalone = -1 else: c_standalone = 1 if standalone else 0 _writeDeclarationToBuffer(self._c_out, c_version, self._c_encoding, c_standalone) if doctype is not None: _writeDoctype(self._c_out, _xcstr(doctype)) self._status = WRITER_DTD_WRITTEN else: self._status = WRITER_DECL_WRITTEN if not self._buffered: tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(self._c_out) self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) def write_doctype(self, doctype): """write_doctype(self, doctype) Writes the given doctype declaration verbatimly into the file. """ assert self._c_out is not NULL if doctype is None: return if self._status >= WRITER_DTD_WRITTEN: raise LxmlSyntaxError("DOCTYPE already written or cannot write it here") doctype = _utf8(doctype) _writeDoctype(self._c_out, _xcstr(doctype)) self._status = WRITER_DTD_WRITTEN if not self._buffered: tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(self._c_out) self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) def method(self, method): """method(self, method) Returns a context manager that overrides and restores the output method. method is one of (None, 'xml', 'html') where None means 'xml'. """ assert self._c_out is not NULL c_method = self._method if method is None else _findOutputMethod(method) return _MethodChanger(self, c_method) def element(self, tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, method=None, **_extra): """element(self, tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, method, **_extra) Returns a context manager that writes an opening and closing tag. method is one of (None, 'xml', 'html') where None means 'xml'. """ assert self._c_out is not NULL attributes = [] if attrib is not None: for name, value in _iter_attrib(attrib): if name not in _extra: ns, name = _getNsTag(name) attributes.append((ns, name, _utf8(value))) if _extra: for name, value in _extra.iteritems(): ns, name = _getNsTag(name) attributes.append((ns, name, _utf8(value))) reversed_nsmap = {} if nsmap: for prefix, ns in nsmap.items(): if prefix is not None: prefix = _utf8(prefix) _prefixValidOrRaise(prefix) reversed_nsmap[_utf8(ns)] = prefix ns, name = _getNsTag(tag) c_method = self._method if method is None else _findOutputMethod(method) return _FileWriterElement(self, (ns, name, attributes, reversed_nsmap), c_method) cdef _write_qname(self, bytes name, bytes prefix): if prefix: # empty bytes for no prefix (not None to allow sorting) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, len(prefix), _cstr(prefix)) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 1, ':') tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, len(name), _cstr(name)) cdef _write_start_element(self, element_config): if self._status > WRITER_IN_ELEMENT: raise LxmlSyntaxError("cannot append trailing element to complete XML document") ns, name, attributes, nsmap = element_config flat_namespace_map, new_namespaces = self._collect_namespaces(nsmap) prefix = self._find_prefix(ns, flat_namespace_map, new_namespaces) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 1, '<') self._write_qname(name, prefix) self._write_attributes_and_namespaces( attributes, flat_namespace_map, new_namespaces) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 1, '>') if not self._buffered: tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(self._c_out) self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) self._element_stack.append((ns, name, prefix, flat_namespace_map)) self._status = WRITER_IN_ELEMENT cdef _write_attributes_and_namespaces(self, list attributes, dict flat_namespace_map, list new_namespaces): if attributes: # _find_prefix() may append to new_namespaces => build them first attributes = [ (self._find_prefix(ns, flat_namespace_map, new_namespaces), name, value) for ns, name, value in attributes ] if new_namespaces: new_namespaces.sort() self._write_attributes_list(new_namespaces) if attributes: self._write_attributes_list(attributes) cdef _write_attributes_list(self, list attributes): for prefix, name, value in attributes: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 1, ' ') self._write_qname(name, prefix) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 2, '="') _write_attr_string(self._c_out, _cstr(value)) tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 1, '"') cdef _write_end_element(self, element_config): if self._status != WRITER_IN_ELEMENT: raise LxmlSyntaxError("not in an element") if not self._element_stack or self._element_stack[-1][:2] != element_config[:2]: raise LxmlSyntaxError("inconsistent exit action in context manager") # If previous write operations failed, the context manager exit might still call us. # That is ok, but we stop writing closing tags and handling errors in that case. # For all non-I/O errors, we continue writing closing tags if we can. ok_to_write = self._c_out.error == xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK name, prefix = self._element_stack.pop()[1:3] if ok_to_write: tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, 2, '') if not self._element_stack: self._status = WRITER_FINISHED if ok_to_write: if not self._buffered: tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(self._c_out) self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) cdef _find_prefix(self, bytes href, dict flat_namespaces_map, list new_namespaces): if href is None: return None if href in flat_namespaces_map: return flat_namespaces_map[href] # need to create a new prefix prefixes = flat_namespaces_map.values() i = 0 while True: prefix = _utf8('ns%d' % i) if prefix not in prefixes: new_namespaces.append((b'xmlns', prefix, href)) flat_namespaces_map[href] = prefix return prefix i += 1 cdef _collect_namespaces(self, dict nsmap): new_namespaces = [] flat_namespaces_map = {} for ns, prefix in nsmap.iteritems(): flat_namespaces_map[ns] = prefix if prefix is None: # use empty bytes rather than None to allow sorting new_namespaces.append((b'', b'xmlns', ns)) else: new_namespaces.append((b'xmlns', prefix, ns)) # merge in flat namespace map of parent if self._element_stack: for ns, prefix in (self._element_stack[-1][-1]).iteritems(): if flat_namespaces_map.get(ns) is None: # unknown or empty prefix => prefer a 'real' prefix flat_namespaces_map[ns] = prefix return flat_namespaces_map, new_namespaces def write(self, *args, bint with_tail=True, bint pretty_print=False, method=None): """write(self, *args, with_tail=True, pretty_print=False, method=None) Write subtrees or strings into the file. If method is not None, it should be one of ('html', 'xml', 'text') to temporarily override the output method. """ assert self._c_out is not NULL c_method = self._method if method is None else _findOutputMethod(method) for content in args: if _isString(content): if self._status != WRITER_IN_ELEMENT: if self._status > WRITER_IN_ELEMENT or content.strip(): raise LxmlSyntaxError("not in an element") bstring = _utf8(content) if not bstring: continue ns, name, _, _ = self._element_stack[-1] if (c_method == OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML and ns in (None, b'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') and name in (b'script', b'style')): tree.xmlOutputBufferWrite(self._c_out, len(bstring), _cstr(bstring)) else: tree.xmlOutputBufferWriteEscape(self._c_out, _xcstr(bstring), NULL) elif iselement(content): if self._status > WRITER_IN_ELEMENT: raise LxmlSyntaxError("cannot append trailing element to complete XML document") _writeNodeToBuffer(self._c_out, (<_Element>content)._c_node, self._c_encoding, NULL, c_method, False, False, pretty_print, with_tail, False) if (<_Element>content)._c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE: if not self._element_stack: self._status = WRITER_FINISHED elif content is not None: raise TypeError( f"got invalid input value of type {type(content)}, expected string or Element") self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) if not self._buffered: tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(self._c_out) self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) def flush(self): """flush(self) Write any pending content of the current output buffer to the stream. """ assert self._c_out is not NULL tree.xmlOutputBufferFlush(self._c_out) self._handle_error(self._c_out.error) cdef _close(self, bint raise_on_error): if raise_on_error: if self._status < WRITER_IN_ELEMENT: raise LxmlSyntaxError("no content written") if self._element_stack: raise LxmlSyntaxError("pending open tags on close") error_result = self._c_out.error if error_result == xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK: error_result = tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(self._c_out) if error_result != -1: error_result = xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK else: tree.xmlOutputBufferClose(self._c_out) self._status = WRITER_FINISHED self._c_out = NULL del self._element_stack[:] if raise_on_error: self._handle_error(error_result) cdef _handle_error(self, int error_result): if error_result != xmlerror.XML_ERR_OK: if self._target is not None: self._target._exc_context._raise_if_stored() _raiseSerialisationError(error_result) @cython.final @cython.internal cdef class _AsyncDataWriter: cdef list _data def __cinit__(self): self._data = [] cdef bytes collect(self): data = b''.join(self._data) del self._data[:] return data def write(self, data): self._data.append(data) def close(self): pass @cython.final @cython.internal cdef class _AsyncIncrementalFileWriter: cdef _IncrementalFileWriter _writer cdef _AsyncDataWriter _buffer cdef object _async_outfile cdef int _flush_after_writes cdef bint _should_close cdef bint _buffered def __cinit__(self, async_outfile, bytes encoding, int compresslevel, bint close, bint buffered, int method): self._flush_after_writes = 20 self._async_outfile = async_outfile self._should_close = close self._buffered = buffered self._buffer = _AsyncDataWriter() self._writer = _IncrementalFileWriter( self._buffer, encoding, compresslevel, close=True, buffered=False, method=method) cdef bytes _flush(self): if not self._buffered or len(self._buffer._data) > self._flush_after_writes: return self._buffer.collect() return None async def flush(self): self._writer.flush() data = self._buffer.collect() if data: await self._async_outfile.write(data) async def write_declaration(self, version=None, standalone=None, doctype=None): self._writer.write_declaration(version, standalone, doctype) data = self._flush() if data: await self._async_outfile.write(data) async def write_doctype(self, doctype): self._writer.write_doctype(doctype) data = self._flush() if data: await self._async_outfile.write(data) async def write(self, *args, with_tail=True, pretty_print=False, method=None): self._writer.write(*args, with_tail=with_tail, pretty_print=pretty_print, method=method) data = self._flush() if data: await self._async_outfile.write(data) def method(self, method): return self._writer.method(method) def element(self, tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, method=None, **_extra): element_writer = self._writer.element(tag, attrib, nsmap, method, **_extra) return _AsyncFileWriterElement(element_writer, self) async def _close(self, bint raise_on_error): self._writer._close(raise_on_error) data = self._buffer.collect() if data: await self._async_outfile.write(data) if self._should_close: await self._async_outfile.close() @cython.final @cython.internal cdef class _AsyncFileWriterElement: cdef _FileWriterElement _element_writer cdef _AsyncIncrementalFileWriter _writer def __cinit__(self, _FileWriterElement element_writer not None, _AsyncIncrementalFileWriter writer not None): self._element_writer = element_writer self._writer = writer async def __aenter__(self): self._element_writer.__enter__() data = self._writer._flush() if data: await self._writer._async_outfile.write(data) async def __aexit__(self, *args): self._element_writer.__exit__(*args) data = self._writer._flush() if data: await self._writer._async_outfile.write(data) @cython.final @cython.internal @cython.freelist(8) cdef class _FileWriterElement: cdef _IncrementalFileWriter _writer cdef object _element cdef int _new_method cdef int _old_method def __cinit__(self, _IncrementalFileWriter writer not None, element_config, int method): self._writer = writer self._element = element_config self._new_method = method self._old_method = writer._method def __enter__(self): self._writer._method = self._new_method self._writer._write_start_element(self._element) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._writer._write_end_element(self._element) self._writer._method = self._old_method @cython.final @cython.internal @cython.freelist(8) cdef class _MethodChanger: cdef _IncrementalFileWriter _writer cdef int _new_method cdef int _old_method cdef bint _entered cdef bint _exited def __cinit__(self, _IncrementalFileWriter writer not None, int method): self._writer = writer self._new_method = method self._old_method = writer._method self._entered = False self._exited = False def __enter__(self): if self._entered: raise LxmlSyntaxError("Inconsistent enter action in context manager") self._writer._method = self._new_method self._entered = True def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._exited: raise LxmlSyntaxError("Inconsistent exit action in context manager") if self._writer._method != self._new_method: raise LxmlSyntaxError("Method changed outside of context manager") self._writer._method = self._old_method self._exited = True async def __aenter__(self): # for your async convenience return self.__enter__() async def __aexit__(self, *args): # for your async convenience return self.__exit__(*args)