bgdZddlZddlmZddlmZddlTejded [ dd lmZdd l m Z e e Z [ n #e $rYnwxYwdd Zdd ZdS)a; An enhanced distutils, providing support for Fortran compilers, for BLAS, LAPACK and other common libraries for numerical computing, and more. Public submodules are:: misc_util system_info cpu_info log exec_command For details, please see the *Packaging* and *NumPy Distutils User Guide* sections of the NumPy Reference Guide. For configuring the preference for and location of libraries like BLAS and LAPACK, and for setting include paths and similar build options, please see ``site.cfg.example`` in the root of the NumPy repository or sdist. N) ccompiler) unixccompiler)*ax `numpy.distutils` is deprecated since NumPy 1.23.0, as a result of the deprecation of `distutils` itself. It will be removed for Python >= 3.12. For older Python versions it will remain present. It is recommended to use `setuptools < 60.0` for those Python versions. For more details, see: ) stacklevel) __config__) PytestTestercTddlm}|||}||S)Nr) new_fcompiler)platcompiler)numpy.distutils.fcompilerr customize)r rr cs k/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/distutils/__init__.pycustomized_fcompilerr7s:777777 4(333AKKMMM Hc^tj|||}|d|S)N)r rverbose)r new_compilerr)r rrrs rcustomized_ccompilerr=s-D8WMMMAKKOOO Hr)NN)NNr)__doc__warningsrrrnpy_pkg_configwarnDeprecationWarningr numpy._pytesttesterr __name__test ImportErrorrrrrr$s *  S1   100000 < ! !D    D           sAA  A