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If you are trying to build with MinGW, please use "python build -c mingw32" instead. If you have Visual Studio installed, check it is correctly installed, and the right version (VS 2015 as of this writing). Original exception was: %s, and the Compiler class was %s ============================================================================zd ============================================================================) msvc9compiler z /MANIFEST)compilerdry_runforce c_compiler)!r_check_compilernumpy.distutils.fcompilerrr sysplatformr( compiler_type initialized initializeIOErrortextwrapdedent __class____name__print distutilserrorsDistutilsPlatformErrorr%get_build_versionldflags_sharedldflags_shared_debugappend isinstancerr) customize distribution get_version customize_cmdshow_customization)rrr emsgr%ldflagss rr,zconfig._check_compiler(sD"4(((FFFFFFFF <7 " " (C(F)G)G=, NNM,,.... 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Arguments --------- funcs : seq list of functions to test include_dirs : seq list of header paths libraries : seq list of libraries to link the code snippet to library_dirs : seq list of library paths decl : dict for every (key, value), the declaration in the value will be used for function in key. If a function is not in the dictionary, no declaration will be used. call : dict for every item (f, value), if the value is True, a call will be done to the function f. rrrrrrrrrrrrr)r,itemsr?rir)rfuncsrXrYrfr`rrrrWfvrrPs rcheck_funcs_oncezconfig.check_funcs_once]s6   6  6 616KK 01 4555 %&&& 7 7D KK.5 6 6 6 6 H '(((  ) - -99a9%,!y..Yq\.!(|KKKqqq$$$ 78888KK! ,,,, - ) ) GaK(((( M""" Cyy%}}T7L& 66 6rc t|S)zUReturn the inline keyword recognized by the compiler, empty string otherwise.)rrs rrzconfig.check_inlinesD!!!rc t|S)zWReturn the restrict keyword recognized by the compiler, empty string otherwise.)rrs rrzconfig.check_restrictsd###rc t|S)z$Return True if the C compiler is gcc)rrs rrzconfig.check_compiler_gccs!$'''rc$t|||Sr)r )r attributers rr z#config.check_gcc_function_attributes+D)TBBBrc(t|||||Sr)r )rrrcodeincludes rr z3config.check_gcc_function_attribute_with_intrinsicss";D)<@$QQ Qrc"t||Sr)r )rrs rr z#config.check_gcc_variable_attributes+D)<<*55>*--0+j11CI@C6IJJJfm++//% HZ i( ! ! ! 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