bg#LdZddlZddlZgZdZedddedddedd d edd d edd dedddedddedddedddedddedddedddedddedddeddderLgZeeD]\ZZej e d d!Z e d Z gZe D]Zejd"eZergereej eZeed#d$eed%|eed eZ ed&ed!e d eZeee'zZ[[[[[ [[[ [[[dS)(zo ========= Constants ========= .. currentmodule:: numpy NumPy includes several constants: %(constant_list)s Nc>t||fdS)N) constantsappend)modulenamedocs f/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/doc/ add_newdocr s  dC[!!!!!numpypizv ``pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433...`` References ---------- eaE Euler's constant, base of natural logarithms, Napier's constant. ``e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995...`` See Also -------- exp : Exponential function log : Natural logarithm References ---------- euler_gammau ``γ = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421...`` References ---------- infa IEEE 754 floating point representation of (positive) infinity. Returns ------- y : float A floating point representation of positive infinity. See Also -------- isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not one of Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity) Notes ----- NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity. Also that positive infinity is not equivalent to negative infinity. But infinity is equivalent to positive infinity. `Inf`, `Infinity`, `PINF` and `infty` are aliases for `inf`. Examples -------- >>> np.inf inf >>> np.array([1]) / 0. array([ Inf]) nana IEEE 754 floating point representation of Not a Number (NaN). Returns ------- y : A floating point representation of Not a Number. See Also -------- isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number. isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not one of Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity) Notes ----- NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity. `NaN` and `NAN` are aliases of `nan`. Examples -------- >>> np.nan nan >>> np.log(-1) nan >>> np.log([-1, 1, 2]) array([ NaN, 0. , 0.69314718]) newaxisa A convenient alias for None, useful for indexing arrays. Examples -------- >>> newaxis is None True >>> x = np.arange(3) >>> x array([0, 1, 2]) >>> x[:, newaxis] array([[0], [1], [2]]) >>> x[:, newaxis, newaxis] array([[[0]], [[1]], [[2]]]) >>> x[:, newaxis] * x array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 4]]) Outer product, same as ``outer(x, y)``: >>> y = np.arange(3, 6) >>> x[:, newaxis] * y array([[ 0, 0, 0], [ 3, 4, 5], [ 6, 8, 10]]) ``x[newaxis, :]`` is equivalent to ``x[newaxis]`` and ``x[None]``: >>> x[newaxis, :].shape (1, 3) >>> x[newaxis].shape (1, 3) >>> x[None].shape (1, 3) >>> x[:, newaxis].shape (3, 1) NZEROa IEEE 754 floating point representation of negative zero. Returns ------- y : float A floating point representation of negative zero. See Also -------- PZERO : Defines positive zero. isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity. isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity. isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity. isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number. isfinite : Shows which elements are finite - not one of Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity. Notes ----- NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). Negative zero is considered to be a finite number. Examples -------- >>> np.NZERO -0.0 >>> np.PZERO 0.0 >>> np.isfinite([np.NZERO]) array([ True]) >>> np.isnan([np.NZERO]) array([False]) >>> np.isinf([np.NZERO]) array([False]) PZEROa IEEE 754 floating point representation of positive zero. Returns ------- y : float A floating point representation of positive zero. See Also -------- NZERO : Defines negative zero. isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity. isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity. isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity. isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number. isfinite : Shows which elements are finite - not one of Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity. Notes ----- NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). Positive zero is considered to be a finite number. Examples -------- >>> np.PZERO 0.0 >>> np.NZERO -0.0 >>> np.isfinite([np.PZERO]) array([ True]) >>> np.isnan([np.PZERO]) array([False]) >>> np.isinf([np.PZERO]) array([False]) NANz IEEE 754 floating point representation of Not a Number (NaN). `NaN` and `NAN` are equivalent definitions of `nan`. Please use `nan` instead of `NAN`. See Also -------- nan NaNz IEEE 754 floating point representation of Not a Number (NaN). `NaN` and `NAN` are equivalent definitions of `nan`. Please use `nan` instead of `NaN`. See Also -------- nan NINFa IEEE 754 floating point representation of negative infinity. Returns ------- y : float A floating point representation of negative infinity. See Also -------- isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not one of Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity) Notes ----- NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity. Also that positive infinity is not equivalent to negative infinity. But infinity is equivalent to positive infinity. Examples -------- >>> np.NINF -inf >>> np.log(0) -inf PINFz IEEE 754 floating point representation of (positive) infinity. Use `inf` because `Inf`, `Infinity`, `PINF` and `infty` are aliases for `inf`. For more details, see `inf`. See Also -------- inf inftyInfInfinity z z^(\s+)[-=]+\s*$z .. rubric:: z .. data:: ) constant_list)__doc__retextwraprr constants_strsortrrdedentreplacessplitlines new_lineslinematchmpopprevrgroupjoindictr r r4s     """ 7D    7C   " 7M    7E%& & & P 7E   B 7I*+ + + Z 7G*+ + + Z 7G*+ + + Z 7E      7E      7F#$ $ $ L 7F      7G      7E      7J      +M NNEE c HOC ( (x 8 8   ' 'D+T22A 'Y '&xy}}77  qwwqzzzz44!HIII  $$$$  &&&& IIi  444CDDDDIIm,,M=9999GtS eY1d zzzr