bg2dZddlZdgZGddZdS)aUtility to compare (NumPy) version strings. The NumpyVersion class allows properly comparing numpy version strings. The LooseVersion and StrictVersion classes that distutils provides don't work; they don't recognize anything like alpha/beta/rc/dev versions. N NumpyVersioncTeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd S)raParse and compare numpy version strings. NumPy has the following versioning scheme (numbers given are examples; they can be > 9 in principle): - Released version: '1.8.0', '1.8.1', etc. - Alpha: '1.8.0a1', '1.8.0a2', etc. - Beta: '1.8.0b1', '1.8.0b2', etc. - Release candidates: '1.8.0rc1', '1.8.0rc2', etc. - Development versions: '' (git commit hash appended) - Development versions after a1: '', '', '', etc. - Development versions (no git hash available): '' Comparing needs to be done against a valid version string or other `NumpyVersion` instance. Note that all development versions of the same (pre-)release compare equal. .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 Parameters ---------- vstring : str NumPy version string (``np.__version__``). Examples -------- >>> from numpy.lib import NumpyVersion >>> if NumpyVersion(np.__version__) < '1.7.0': ... print('skip') >>> # skip >>> NumpyVersion('1.7') # raises ValueError, add ".0" Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Not a valid numpy version string c2||_tjd|}|std||_d|jdD\|_|_|_ t|| krd|_ ntjd|| d}tjd|| d}tjd|| d}d |||fD}|r |d |_ nd |_ ttjd ||_dS) Nz \d+\.\d+\.\d+z Not a valid numpy version stringc,g|]}t|S)int).0xs I/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/lib/ z)NumpyVersion.__init__..>s*/%/%/%!s1vv/%/%/%.finalza\dzb\dzrc\dcg|]}||S)Nr)r ms r r z)NumpyVersion.__init__..FsEEEQq}q}}}r ValueErrorgroupversionsplitmajorminorbugfixlenend pre_releaseboolsearch is_devversion)selfrver_mainalphabetarcpre_rels r __init__zNumpyVersion.__init__7sp 8,g66 A?@@ @~~'' /%/% L  s # #/%/%/%+ DJ w<<8<<>> ) )&D  HVWX\\^^__%=>>E8FGHLLNNOO$<==D'78<<>>??#;<rArCrErGrIrr r rrs&&P???.*   ,((()))))))))((()))11111r )rMr__all__rrr r rOs`   M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1r