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If the Hashes is empty, no matches are required, and unhashable types of requirements (like VCS ones, which would ordinarily raise HashUnsupported) are allowed. )r=NrW) is_vcsrDis_existing_diris_filerdrais_wheelr+rHrI)r;r<rUr=rVrWfiles r9 unpack_urlrls  {h)<<<<t##%%%% % |  D,v>>>        =<DIx):;;; KrETwarn_on_hash_mismatchc~tj||j}tj|sdSt d||rY ||nB#t$r5|rt d|tj |YdSwxYw|S)zCheck download_dir for previously downloaded file with correct hash If a correct file is found return its path else None NzFile was already downloaded %sz;Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash. Re-downloading.) osrHjoinfilenameexistsloggerinfor]r warningunlink)r;rVrWrm download_paths r9r\r\sGLLt}==M 7>>- ( (t KK0-@@@    % %m 4 4 4 4   $ Q! 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'$&& & 8 # # % % 0-// /} !S] !.. zzz//B=??BrEc|jrtddS|jrtddS||p||jS)Nz9Metadata-only fetching is not used in the legacy resolverz?Metadata-only fetching is not used as hash checking is required)rrsdebugr~$_fetch_metadata_using_link_data_attr _fetch_metadata_using_lazy_wheelr;rs r9_fetch_metadata_onlyz(RequirementPreparer._fetch_metadata_onlyfs    LLK   4    LLQ   488   =  2 238 < < =rEcR|j}|dS|jJtd|j|t ||j|}t|j d5}| }dddn #1swxYwYt||jj |jj }t|jt|jj kr!t!|d|jj |j|S)zGFetch metadata from the data-dist-info-metadata attribute, if possible.Nz/Obtaining dependency information for %s from %srfrbName)r; metadata_linkr-rsverboserar as_hashesopenrHreadrrqnamer raw_namer)rMr-r metadata_filefmetadata_contents metadata_dists r9rz8RequirementPreparer._fetch_metadata_using_link_data_attryse ..00  4w""" = G    %  N **,,   -$d + + )q !  ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )2  H  GL   ]3 4 48I#',8W8W W W&VSW\=+A sB''B+.B+r;c|jsdS|js|jstd|dSt |j}t|j}t d||j |j ddd} t|||jS#t$rtd|YdSwxYw)z-Fetch metadata using lazy wheel, if possible.Nz=Lazy wheel is not used as %r does not point to a remote wheelz+Obtaining dependency information from %s %s#rz"%s does not support range requests)rrirjrsrrrqr rrtversionr?splitrrr)rMr;wheelrr?s r9rz4RequirementPreparer._fetch_metadata_using_lazy_wheels " 4 < t}  LLO   4dm$$ ,, 9  M   hnnS!$$Q' &tS$-@@ @*    LL=s C C C44 s B66%CCFpartially_downloaded_reqsctddj}i}|D]}|jsJ|||j<|||}|D]p\}\}} t d||||}||_||j|jj <|j s"| t|q|D]}| ||dS)z>Download any requirements which were only fetched by metadata.rBTrYzDownloading link %s to %sN)r*rHr;rkeysrsrlocal_file_pathrr?rjneeds_unpacked_archiver_prepare_linked_requirement) rMrrr^links_to_fully_downloadr-batch_downloadr;filepath_s r9_complete_partial_requirementsz2RequirementPreparer._complete_partial_requirementss+!hFFFK CE, 4 4C8OO803 #CH - --- # ( ( * *   $2 ; ; D-8Q LL4dH E E E)$/C#+C .6D SX\ * < ;**4>>:::- C CC  , ,S/ B B B B C CrEc|jsJ||t5d}|jD|jjr8||}t |j|j||j }|||j|jj <n,| |}|d|_ |cdddS| ||cdddS#1swxYwYdS)z3Prepare a requirement to be obtained from req.link.N)rmT) r;rr%rVrjrr\rrr?rneeds_more_preparationr)rMr-rrcrWrs r9prepare_linked_requirementz.RequirementPreparer.prepare_linked_requirementsxx   %%% \\ J JI ,1B,44S99/H%/2.E*E    $1: ..!% 9 9# > >  ,15C.(7 J J J J J J J J<33CII= J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J JsBC >C  C$'C$reqscd|D}|D]b}|jY|jjrM||}t |j|j|}|||j|jj<d|_cg}|D]5}|jr||| ||6| ||dS)z,Prepare linked requirements more, if needed.c g|] }|j | SrT)r).0r-s r9 zHRequirementPreparer.prepare_linked_requirements_more..s BBBs'ABBBBrENF)r) rVr;rjrr\rr?rappendrr)rMrrr-rWrcrs r9 prepare_linked_requirements_morez4RequirementPreparer.prepare_linked_requirements_moresCBtBBB 7 7C ,1B,44S99/$:KVTT (5>D$SX\216C.?A! G GC) G)00555500oFFFF ++ %+ ,     rEc |jsJ|j}||}|r|jr|jJ|jsJ|jsJt |jjtr8|jjj r'| |jjj rd}n-t d|j |_|j}||||rd}n|j|jvrT t%||j|j|j|j|}nd#t.$r}t1d|d|d|d}~wwxYw|j|j}|r||t5|d}|j|jrJt9||j|_t |jjtrS|jjj sB|r@t;|jd}d||jj_ |r |j|_!tE||j#|j$|j%|j&} | S)NzyThe hashes of the source archive found in cache entry don't match, ignoring cached built wheel and re-downloading source.zCould not install requirement z because of HTTP error z for URL )rIrzsha256=)'r;rr download_inforjrirrtrrW has_one_ofrsrucached_wheel_source_linkrrhr?rrlrrr=rVrrr]rGeditabler"r'rH hexdigesthashrr:r.r/r0r1) rMr-rr;rW local_fileexcrcrdists r9rz/RequirementPreparer._prepare_linked_requirement/sxxx,,S11  c- $000= =<  <3,1;?? %*1 %%c&7&<&CDD 1 7x %%c?;;;    ! ! <JJ XT- - - 'NNN%  *   '2S22 22+/22  (2I 5)))444id;;;J   $| # ## 4T3> J JC  3,1;?? ?).5 ? ? !11!4>>@@/?.>.>!&+  2",/C )    K   !    s (D33 E=EEcF|jJ|jJ|j}|js|r#|jr||jdS|rt d|dS|jdStj |j|j }tj |sFtj|j|t!|}t d|dSdS)NzENot copying link to destination directory since it is a directory: %szSaved %s)rVr;rgrhrarchiversrrrorHrprqrrshutilcopyr&rt)rMr-r;download_locationrws r9save_linked_requirementz+RequirementPreparer.save_linked_requirements' ,,,x###x ; 4//11 cl  KK) * * * F    ! !  LL.    F   & FGLL):DMJJw~~/00 3 K+-> ? ? ?():;;M KK M 2 2 2 2 2 3 3rEc|js Jdtd|t5|jrt d|d||j||j sJt|j |_ t||j|j|j|j}||jdddn #1swxYwY|S)z Prepare an editable requirement.z-cannot prepare a non-editable req as editablez Obtaining %szThe editable requirement zT cannot be installed when requiring hashes, because there is no single file to hash.N)rrsrtr%r~rrr{update_editablerr!unpacked_source_directoryrr:r.r/r0r1check_if_existsr)rMr-rs r9prepare_editable_requirementz0RequirementPreparer.prepare_editable_requirementsS |LLLLL| NC((( \\ 4 4" '  % %dl 3 3 3    ! ! !> ! !> 78U V VC -" $% D    2 3 3 3) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, sB,C33C7:C7 skip_reasoncn|js Jd|Jd|jtd|||jjt 5|jrtdt|cdddS#1swxYwYdS)z)Prepare an already-installed requirement.z(req should have been satisfied but isn'tNz?did not get skip reason skipped but req.satisfied_by is set to zRequirement %s: %s (%s)zSince it is already installed, we are trusting this package without checking its hash. To ensure a completely repeatable environment, install into an empty virtualenv.) satisfied_byrsrtrr%r~rr r)rMr-rs r9prepare_installed_requirementz1RequirementPreparer.prepare_installed_requirements/ KK!KKK&& ,) , ,'&&  %{C9I9Q   \\ J J"  ( )--GGII J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J JsAB**B.1B.)F)rOrPrQ__doc__rRrboolrrrintrrrrr#rrrrrrrrrrrrrr __classcell__)rs@r9ryrysb  8585sm85 85  85  85$858585858585858585 !858585858585tB'9BdBBBB6.%.8<. .....C*<CCCCC@= = " #====&' ' " #''''R " #@!&*C*C#+,>#?*C*C  *C*C*C*CZ@E$J$J%$J8<$J $J$J$J$JNKP  /0 CG     rs7  !!!!!!111111111111999999QQQQQQGGGGGG=<<<<<NNNNNNNN777777******,,,,,,FFFFFFFF544444EEEEEE<<<<<<......=<<<<<<<222222 766666555555!!!!!! 8  5 55 5 5  5  5555$N$N#N#N$NNNN  CCCCCCC C#'# )) ))3-) V  )  ))))2PT!! !&sm!