from __future__ import annotations import builtins import datetime import os import plistlib import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import zipfile from unittest import mock import pytest import pkg_resources from pkg_resources import DistInfoDistribution, Distribution, EggInfoDistribution import distutils.command.install_egg_info import distutils.dist class EggRemover(str): def __call__(self): if self in sys.path: sys.path.remove(self) if os.path.exists(self): os.remove(self) class TestZipProvider: finalizers: list[EggRemover] = [] ref_time = datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 12, 13, 25, 0) "A reference time for a file modification" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): "create a zip egg and add it to sys.path" egg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.egg', delete=False) zip_egg = zipfile.ZipFile(egg, 'w') zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo() zip_info.filename = '' zip_info.date_time = cls.ref_time.timetuple() zip_egg.writestr(zip_info, 'x = 3\n') zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo() zip_info.filename = 'data.dat' zip_info.date_time = cls.ref_time.timetuple() zip_egg.writestr(zip_info, 'hello, world!') zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo() zip_info.filename = 'subdir/' zip_info.date_time = cls.ref_time.timetuple() zip_egg.writestr(zip_info, 'x = 6\n') zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo() zip_info.filename = 'subdir/data2.dat' zip_info.date_time = cls.ref_time.timetuple() zip_egg.writestr(zip_info, 'goodbye, world!') zip_egg.close() egg.close() sys.path.append( subdir = os.path.join(, 'subdir') sys.path.append(subdir) cls.finalizers.append(EggRemover(subdir)) cls.finalizers.append(EggRemover( @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): for finalizer in cls.finalizers: finalizer() def test_resource_listdir(self): import mod # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] # Temporary package for test zp = pkg_resources.ZipProvider(mod) expected_root = ['data.dat', '', 'subdir'] assert sorted(zp.resource_listdir('')) == expected_root expected_subdir = ['data2.dat', ''] assert sorted(zp.resource_listdir('subdir')) == expected_subdir assert sorted(zp.resource_listdir('subdir/')) == expected_subdir assert zp.resource_listdir('nonexistent') == [] assert zp.resource_listdir('nonexistent/') == [] import mod2 # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] # Temporary package for test zp2 = pkg_resources.ZipProvider(mod2) assert sorted(zp2.resource_listdir('')) == expected_subdir assert zp2.resource_listdir('subdir') == [] assert zp2.resource_listdir('subdir/') == [] def test_resource_filename_rewrites_on_change(self): """ If a previous call to get_resource_filename has saved the file, but the file has been subsequently mutated with different file of the same size and modification time, it should not be overwritten on a subsequent call to get_resource_filename. """ import mod # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] # Temporary package for test manager = pkg_resources.ResourceManager() zp = pkg_resources.ZipProvider(mod) filename = zp.get_resource_filename(manager, 'data.dat') actual = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime) assert actual == self.ref_time f = open(filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8") f.write('hello, world?') f.close() ts = self.ref_time.timestamp() os.utime(filename, (ts, ts)) filename = zp.get_resource_filename(manager, 'data.dat') with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as f: assert == 'hello, world!' manager.cleanup_resources() class TestResourceManager: def test_get_cache_path(self): mgr = pkg_resources.ResourceManager() path = mgr.get_cache_path('foo') type_ = str(type(path)) message = "Unexpected type from get_cache_path: " + type_ assert isinstance(path, str), message def test_get_cache_path_race(self, tmpdir): # Patch to os.path.isdir to create a race condition def patched_isdir(dirname, unpatched_isdir=pkg_resources.isdir): patched_isdir.dirnames.append(dirname) was_dir = unpatched_isdir(dirname) if not was_dir: os.makedirs(dirname) return was_dir patched_isdir.dirnames = [] # Get a cache path with a "race condition" mgr = pkg_resources.ResourceManager() mgr.set_extraction_path(str(tmpdir)) archive_name = os.sep.join(('foo', 'bar', 'baz')) with mock.patch.object(pkg_resources, 'isdir', new=patched_isdir): mgr.get_cache_path(archive_name) # Because this test relies on the implementation details of this # function, these assertions are a sentinel to ensure that the # test suite will not fail silently if the implementation changes. called_dirnames = patched_isdir.dirnames assert len(called_dirnames) == 2 assert called_dirnames[0].split(os.sep)[-2:] == ['foo', 'bar'] assert called_dirnames[1].split(os.sep)[-1:] == ['foo'] """ Tests to ensure that pkg_resources runs independently from setuptools. """ def test_setuptools_not_imported(self): """ In a separate Python environment, import pkg_resources and assert that action doesn't cause setuptools to be imported. """ lines = ( 'import pkg_resources', 'import sys', ('assert "setuptools" not in sys.modules, "setuptools was imported"'), ) cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', '; '.join(lines)] subprocess.check_call(cmd) def make_test_distribution(metadata_path, metadata): """ Make a test Distribution object, and return it. :param metadata_path: the path to the metadata file that should be created. This should be inside a distribution directory that should also be created. For example, an argument value might end with ".dist-info/METADATA". :param metadata: the desired contents of the metadata file, as bytes. """ dist_dir = os.path.dirname(metadata_path) os.mkdir(dist_dir) with open(metadata_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(metadata) dists = list(pkg_resources.distributions_from_metadata(dist_dir)) (dist,) = dists return dist def test_get_metadata__bad_utf8(tmpdir): """ Test a metadata file with bytes that can't be decoded as utf-8. """ filename = 'METADATA' # Convert the tmpdir LocalPath object to a string before joining. metadata_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'foo.dist-info', filename) # Encode a non-ascii string with the wrong encoding (not utf-8). metadata = 'née'.encode('iso-8859-1') dist = make_test_distribution(metadata_path, metadata=metadata) with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError) as excinfo: dist.get_metadata(filename) exc = excinfo.value actual = str(exc) expected = ( # The error message starts with "'utf-8' codec ..." However, the # spelling of "utf-8" can vary (e.g. "utf8") so we don't include it "codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 1: " 'invalid continuation byte in METADATA file at path: ' ) assert expected in actual, 'actual: {}'.format(actual) assert actual.endswith(metadata_path), 'actual: {}'.format(actual) def make_distribution_no_version(tmpdir, basename): """ Create a distribution directory with no file containing the version. """ dist_dir = tmpdir / basename dist_dir.ensure_dir() # Make the directory non-empty so distributions_from_metadata() # will detect it and yield it. dist_dir.join('temp.txt').ensure() dists = list(pkg_resources.distributions_from_metadata(dist_dir)) assert len(dists) == 1 (dist,) = dists return dist, dist_dir @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("suffix", "expected_filename", "expected_dist_type"), [ ('egg-info', 'PKG-INFO', EggInfoDistribution), ('dist-info', 'METADATA', DistInfoDistribution), ], ) @pytest.mark.xfail( sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 12) and sys.version_info.releaselevel != 'final', reason="", ) def test_distribution_version_missing( tmpdir, suffix, expected_filename, expected_dist_type ): """ Test Distribution.version when the "Version" header is missing. """ basename = 'foo.{}'.format(suffix) dist, dist_dir = make_distribution_no_version(tmpdir, basename) expected_text = ("Missing 'Version:' header and/or {} file at path: ").format( expected_filename ) metadata_path = os.path.join(dist_dir, expected_filename) # Now check the exception raised when the "version" attribute is accessed. with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: dist.version err = str(excinfo.value) # Include a string expression after the assert so the full strings # will be visible for inspection on failure. assert expected_text in err, str((expected_text, err)) # Also check the args passed to the ValueError. msg, dist = excinfo.value.args assert expected_text in msg # Check that the message portion contains the path. assert metadata_path in msg, str((metadata_path, msg)) assert type(dist) is expected_dist_type @pytest.mark.xfail( sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 12) and sys.version_info.releaselevel != 'final', reason="", ) def test_distribution_version_missing_undetected_path(): """ Test Distribution.version when the "Version" header is missing and the path can't be detected. """ # Create a Distribution object with no metadata argument, which results # in an empty metadata provider. dist = Distribution('/foo') with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: dist.version msg, dist = excinfo.value.args expected = ( "Missing 'Version:' header and/or PKG-INFO file at path: [could not detect]" ) assert msg == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('only', [False, True]) def test_dist_info_is_not_dir(tmp_path, only): """Test path containing a file with dist-info extension.""" dist_info = tmp_path / 'foobar.dist-info' dist_info.touch() assert not pkg_resources.dist_factory(str(tmp_path), str(dist_info), only) def test_macos_vers_fallback(monkeypatch, tmp_path): """Regression test for pkg_resources._macos_vers""" orig_open = # Pretend we need to use the plist file monkeypatch.setattr('platform.mac_ver', mock.Mock(return_value=('', (), ''))) # Create fake content for the fake plist file with open(tmp_path / 'fake.plist', 'wb') as fake_file: plistlib.dump({"ProductVersion": "11.4"}, fake_file) # Pretend the fake file exists monkeypatch.setattr('os.path.exists', mock.Mock(return_value=True)) def fake_open(file, *args, **kwargs): return orig_open(tmp_path / 'fake.plist', *args, **kwargs) # Ensure that the _macos_vers works correctly with mock.patch('', mock.Mock(side_effect=fake_open)) as m: pkg_resources._macos_vers.cache_clear() assert pkg_resources._macos_vers() == ["11", "4"] pkg_resources._macos_vers.cache_clear() m.assert_called() class TestDeepVersionLookupDistutils: @pytest.fixture def env(self, tmpdir): """ Create a package environment, similar to a virtualenv, in which packages are installed. """ class Environment(str): pass env = Environment(tmpdir) tmpdir.chmod(stat.S_IRWXU) subs = 'home', 'lib', 'scripts', 'data', 'egg-base' env.paths = dict((dirname, str(tmpdir / dirname)) for dirname in subs) list(map(os.mkdir, env.paths.values())) return env def create_foo_pkg(self, env, version): """ Create a foo package installed (distutils-style) to env.paths['lib'] as version. """ ld = "This package has unicode metadata! ❄" attrs = dict(name='foo', version=version, long_description=ld) dist = distutils.dist.Distribution(attrs) iei_cmd = distutils.command.install_egg_info.install_egg_info(dist) iei_cmd.initialize_options() iei_cmd.install_dir = env.paths['lib'] iei_cmd.finalize_options() def test_version_resolved_from_egg_info(self, env): version = '1.11.0.dev0+2329eae' self.create_foo_pkg(env, version) # this requirement parsing will raise a VersionConflict unless the # .egg-info file is parsed (see #419 on BitBucket) req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('foo>=1.9') dist = pkg_resources.WorkingSet([env.paths['lib']]).find(req) assert dist.version == version @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("unnormalized", "normalized"), [ ('foo', 'foo'), ('foo/', 'foo'), ('foo/bar', 'foo/bar'), ('foo/bar/', 'foo/bar'), ], ) def test_normalize_path_trailing_sep(self, unnormalized, normalized): """Ensure the trailing slash is cleaned for path comparison. See pypa/setuptools#1519. """ result_from_unnormalized = pkg_resources.normalize_path(unnormalized) result_from_normalized = pkg_resources.normalize_path(normalized) assert result_from_unnormalized == result_from_normalized @pytest.mark.skipif( os.path.normcase('A') != os.path.normcase('a'), reason='Testing case-insensitive filesystems.', ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("unnormalized", "normalized"), [ ('MiXeD/CasE', 'mixed/case'), ], ) def test_normalize_path_normcase(self, unnormalized, normalized): """Ensure mixed case is normalized on case-insensitive filesystems.""" result_from_unnormalized = pkg_resources.normalize_path(unnormalized) result_from_normalized = pkg_resources.normalize_path(normalized) assert result_from_unnormalized == result_from_normalized @pytest.mark.skipif( os.path.sep != '\\', reason='Testing systems using backslashes as path separators.', ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("unnormalized", "expected"), [ ('forward/slash', 'forward\\slash'), ('forward/slash/', 'forward\\slash'), ('backward\\slash\\', 'backward\\slash'), ], ) def test_normalize_path_backslash_sep(self, unnormalized, expected): """Ensure path seps are cleaned on backslash path sep systems.""" result = pkg_resources.normalize_path(unnormalized) assert result.endswith(expected)