bg :ddlmZddlmZGddeZdS))Document) FormatterceZdZdZddZdS)XunitFormatterz This formatter outputs messages in the Xunit xml format, which is used by several CI tools to parse output. This formatter is therefore a compatibility shim between tools built to use Xunit and prospector itself. TFc t}|d}|dt|jd|dd|ddd|jd z|d t|jd|d t|jd |||d }|||d}||d|||d}||d||t|j D]l} |d} | d| | j j d| j j |d} | d| j| dd| jzd} | | | j j | j j | j| j| j j| jdz} | || | | || n|S)N testsuiteerrors message_countfailures0namez prospector-%s-toolsteststime time_taken propertiesz system-outz system-errtestcaseerrormessagetypez%s ErrorzC%(path)s:%(line)s: [%(code)s(%(source)s), %(function)s] %(message)s)pathlinesourcecodefunctionr)r createElement setAttributestrsummaryjoin appendChildcreateCDATASectionsortedmessages _make_pathlocationrrrstriprrr toprettyxml)selfr!r&profilexml_doc testsuite_elprop_el sysout_el syserr_elr testcase_el failure_eltemplatecdatas l/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prospector/formatters/xunit.pyrenderzXunitFormatter.renders**,,[99 !!(C _0M,N,NOOO!!*c222!!&/CHHT\RYEZ<[<[*[\\\!!'3t|O/L+M+MNNN!!&#dl<.H*I*IJJJL)))'' 55  ))))),77 g88<<===  +++)),77 g88<<===  +++dm,, 2 2G!// ;;K  $ $V@P@U0V0V-p-pY`YiYn-p-p q q q ..w77J  # #Iw/D/D/F/F G G G  # #FJ,G H H H\H(8(=>>(-!. #,5"?0022   E  " "7#=#=e#D#D E E E  # #J / / /  $ $[ 1 1 1 1""$$$N)TTF)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r7r8r6rrs2 ,%,%,%,%,%,%r8rN)xml.dom.minidomrprospector.formatters.baserrr=r8r6r@s]$$$$$$0000004%4%4%4%4%Y4%4%4%4%4%r8