bg/dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlZddlm Z ddlm Z ddlm Z ddl m Z ddl mZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ddlm!Z!ddlm"Z"ddlm#Z#ddlm$Z$ddlm%Z%erdZ!d Z&Gd!d"eZ'e"ej(ed#ej(eoe d$Gd%d&e'Z)ej(ed'Gd(d)e)Z*Gd*d+e'Z+e,d,krdd-l-m.Z.e.e/dSdS).a: Notes about unicode handling in psutil ====================================== Starting from version 5.3.0 psutil adds unicode support, see: The notes below apply to *any* API returning a string such as process exe(), cwd() or username(): * all strings are encoded by using the OS filesystem encoding (sys.getfilesystemencoding()) which varies depending on the platform (e.g. "UTF-8" on macOS, "mbcs" on Win) * no API call is supposed to crash with UnicodeDecodeError * instead, in case of badly encoded data returned by the OS, the following error handlers are used to replace the corrupted characters in the string: * Python 3: sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors() (PY 3.6+) or "surrogatescape" on POSIX and "replace" on Windows * Python 2: "replace" * on Python 2 all APIs return bytes (str type), never unicode * on Python 2, you can go back to unicode by doing: >>> unicode(p.exe(), sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors="replace") For a detailed explanation of how psutil handles unicode see #1040. Tests ===== List of APIs returning or dealing with a string: ('not tested' means they are not tested to deal with non-ASCII strings): * Process.cmdline() * Process.connections('unix') * Process.cwd() * Process.environ() * Process.exe() * Process.memory_maps() * * Process.open_files() * Process.username() (not tested) * disk_io_counters() (not tested) * disk_partitions() (not tested) * disk_usage(str) * net_connections('unix') * net_if_addrs() (not tested) * net_if_stats() (not tested) * net_io_counters() (not tested) * sensors_fans() (not tested) * sensors_temperatures() (not tested) * users() (not tested) * WindowsService.binpath() (not tested) * WindowsService.description() (not tested) * WindowsService.display_name() (not tested) * (not tested) * WindowsService.status() (not tested) * WindowsService.username() (not tested) In here we create a unicode path with a funky non-ASCII name and (where possible) make psutil return it back (e.g. on name(), exe(), open_files(), etc.) and make sure that: * psutil never crashes with UnicodeDecodeError * the returned path matches N)closing)BSD)POSIX)WINDOWS)PY3)u)APPVEYOR)ASCII_FS) CI_TESTING)HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX) HAS_ENVIRON)HAS_MEMORY_MAPS)INVALID_UNICODE_SUFFIX)PYPY TESTFN_PREFIX)UNICODE_SUFFIX)PsutilTestCase)bind_unix_socket)chdir)copyload_shared_lib) create_exe) get_testfn) safe_mkdir safe_rmpath) serialrun)skip_on_access_denied)spawn_testproc) terminatecnddlm} ||S#t$rtjYdSwxYw)Nrr) psutil.testsr WindowsError traceback print_exc)pathrms l/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/tests/test_unicode.pyrrrs[ 322222 "2d88O " " "   ! ! ! ! ! ! "s 44cd}t|} t|t|t|g}t j||dzt|dz |t |t|dS#ttf$r$Y|t |t|dSwxYw#|t |t|wxYw)z`Return True if both the fs and the subprocess module can deal with a unicode file name. 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X_(/::X_WFGGX_T-.. 1 1/.HG;: 1 1 1r=rCzunreliable on CIceZdZdZeZdZdS)TestFSAPIsWithInvalidPathz-Test FS APIs with a funky, invalid path name.cdS)NTrAr:s r(rWz1TestFSAPIsWithInvalidPath.expect_exact_path_match:str=N)r>r?r@rrr8rWrAr=r(rr5s.77)Lr=rceZdZdZerendZeje deje oe ddZ dS) TestNonFSAPISz&Unicode tests for non fs-related APIs.èr}zsegfaults on PYPY + WINDOWSctj}|j|d<||}t j|j}|}|D];\}}| |t| |t<| |d|jdS)N FUNNY_ARG)env) rTenvironcopyr8rrZr[r\itemsr^rPr_)r;rr2rbkvs r(test_proc_environzTestNonFSAPIS.test_proc_environHsjoo,K###,, N59 % %iikkIIKK * *DAq  ! !!S ) ) )  ! !!S ) ) ) ) [)4+<=====r=N) r>r?r@rrrr8rrr rrrrAr=r(rrDsr00%(2>>dLX__o66X_T%g'DEE>>FE76>>>r=r__main__) run_from_name)0rrTr.r$rrQ contextlibrrZrrrpsutil._compatrrr"r r r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r4r6rrCrrr>psutil.tests.runnerr__file__rAr=r(rsBBH  !!!!!!!!!!!!######------$$$$$$((((((//////&&&&&&'''''''''''')))))),,,,,,##################$$$$$$""""""......''''''"""""" 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