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""" ... >>> ignored_undefined_name ... 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## $,A / Q'''  *3#v--   SWb ) ) ) ) )   SWb ) ) ) ) )rcD|dtjtjj\}}||jd||jd||jd||jddS)Nz def doctest_stuff(arg1, arg2, arg3): """ >>> assert >>> this """ rrt)r"r<rr_rrArvrw)rexc1exc2s rtest_offsetWithMultiLineArgsz!Test.test_offsetWithMultiLineArgsis{{   O  & t a((( 2&&& a((( 2&&&&&rc0|ddS)NzT def foo(): ''' >>> foo ''' rer`s rtest_doctestCanReferToFunctionz#Test.test_doctestCanReferToFunction{s'       rc0|ddS)Nz class Foo(): ''' >>> Foo ''' def bar(self): ''' >>> Foo ''' rer`s rtest_doctestCanReferToClassz Test.test_doctestCanReferToClassrqrc|dtjtjj}|d}||jd|d}||jddS)NaF def buildurl(base, *args, **kwargs): """ >>> buildurl('/blah.php', ('a', '&'), ('b', '=') '/blah.php?a=%26&b=%3D' >>> buildurl('/blah.php', a='&', 'b'='=') '/blah.php?b=%3D&a=%26' """ pass rrr;r)r"r<rrrArvrs r!test_noOffsetSyntaxErrorInDoctestz&Test.test_noOffsetSyntaxErrorInDoctestsz[[    " "#+ m Q'''m Q'''''rc0|ddS)Nz def func(): """A docstring >>> func() 1 >>> _ 1 """ return 1 rer`s rtest_singleUnderscoreInDoctestz#Test.test_singleUnderscoreInDoctests'  rcF|dtjdS)Nz from gettext import ugettext as _ def doctest_stuff(): ''' >>> pass ''' )r"r< UnusedImportr`s rtest_globalUnderscoreInDoctestz#Test.test_globalUnderscoreInDoctests.  ^     rN)r&r'r(r)rNrVr\rarcrfrhrjr rnrprzr~rrrrrrrrrr.rrrr1slK&/&/&/P)0)0)0V),),),V / / /   *       T&\\ % %\ %     & & & & & & % % %"*"*"*H * * *'''$       (((&    rrceZdZdZdS) TestOtherz2Run TestOther with each test wrapped in a doctest.Nr&r'r(__doc__r.rrrrs<<<>>>rrceZdZdZdS)TestUndefinedNamesz;Run TestUndefinedNames with each test wrapped in a doctest.Nrr.rrrrsEEEErr)rrpyflakesrr<pyflakes.checkerrrrrpyflakes.test.test_otherrrpyflakes.test.test_importsr"pyflakes.test.test_undefined_namesrpyflakes.test.harnessr r r r.rrrs """""" 766666::::::IIIIII00000000CCCCCCCC@FFFFF8FFFR ===== y===?????-???FFFFF(:FFFFFr