bg ddlmZgdZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddd Z ddd Z dddZdddZdddZddZe ZdS)) annotations) __version__versionmodify_sys_path run_pylint run_epylint run_symilar run_pyreverseN)Sequence)NoReturn)rargvSequence[str] | NonereturnNonecddlm} ||ptjdddS#t$rtjdYdSwxYw)zjRun pylint. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line rRunN) pylint.lintrsysr KeyboardInterruptexit)r PylintRuns `/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/__init__.pyrrsn -,,,,, $&#(122,'''''   s)A  A cPddlm}||ptjdddS)zqRun pylint-config. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line r)_PylintConfigRunrN)pylint.lint.runrrr )r rs r_run_pylint_configr)s< 100000T)SXabb\*****r c`ddlm}tjdtd||dS)zgRun epylint. argv can be a list of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line rrzb'run_epylint' will be removed in pylint 3.0, use instead.r) stacklevelN)pylint.epylintrwarningswarnDeprecationWarning)r EpylintRuns rrr3sR 100000 M <  JtrcPddlm}||ptjdddS)zmRun pyreverse. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line rrrN)pylint.pyreverse.mainrrr )r PyreverseRuns rr r Cs; :99999L%!""&&&&&rcPddlm}||ptjdddS)zkRun symilar. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line rrrN)pylint.checkers.similarrrr )r SimilarRuns rr r Ms; :99999Jt#sx|$$$$$rctj}tjddd|fvrtjdtjdd}|dr*|d|dfvr!tjdd S|dr*||ddfvr#tjdd Sd Sd S) aModify sys path for execution as Python module. Strip out the current working directory from sys.path. Having the working directory in `sys.path` means that `pylint` might inadvertently import user code from modules having the same name as stdlib or pylint's own modules. CPython issue: - Remove the first entry. This will always be either "" or the working directory - Remove the working directory from the second and third entries if PYTHONPATH includes a ":" at the beginning or the end. Don't remove it if PYTHONPATH contains the cwd or '.' as the entry will only be added once. - Don't remove the working directory from the rest. It will be included if pylint is installed in an editable configuration (as the last item). r. PYTHONPATH:z:.z.:rN) osgetcwdrpathpopenvironget startswithendswith)cwdenv_pythonpaths rrrWs& )++C x{r3n$$  QZ^^L"55N  %%.SD@Q*Q*Q  Q   % %.CD@Q*Q*Q  Q*Q*Qr)N)r rrr)r rrr )rr) __future__r__all__r2rr#collections.abcr typingr pylint.__pkginfo__rrrrr r rrrrrBs #"""""    $$$$$$******     +++++      '''''%%%%%: r