# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Class to generate files in dot format and image formats supported by Graphviz.""" from __future__ import annotations from pylint.pyreverse.printer import EdgeType, Layout, NodeProperties, NodeType, Printer from pylint.pyreverse.utils import get_annotation_label class PlantUmlPrinter(Printer): """Printer for PlantUML diagrams.""" DEFAULT_COLOR = "black" NODES: dict[NodeType, str] = { NodeType.CLASS: "class", NodeType.INTERFACE: "class", NodeType.PACKAGE: "package", } ARROWS: dict[EdgeType, str] = { EdgeType.INHERITS: "--|>", EdgeType.IMPLEMENTS: "..|>", EdgeType.ASSOCIATION: "--*", EdgeType.AGGREGATION: "--o", EdgeType.USES: "-->", } def _open_graph(self) -> None: """Emit the header lines.""" self.emit("@startuml " + self.title) if not self.use_automatic_namespace: self.emit("set namespaceSeparator none") if self.layout: if self.layout is Layout.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: self.emit("left to right direction") elif self.layout is Layout.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: self.emit("top to bottom direction") else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported layout {self.layout}. PlantUmlPrinter only " "supports left to right and top to bottom layout." ) def emit_node( self, name: str, type_: NodeType, properties: NodeProperties | None = None, ) -> None: """Create a new node. Nodes can be classes, packages, participants etc. """ if properties is None: properties = NodeProperties(label=name) stereotype = " << interface >>" if type_ is NodeType.INTERFACE else "" nodetype = self.NODES[type_] if properties.color and properties.color != self.DEFAULT_COLOR: color = f" #{properties.color}" else: color = "" body = [] if properties.attrs: body.extend(properties.attrs) if properties.methods: for func in properties.methods: args = self._get_method_arguments(func) line = "{abstract}" if func.is_abstract() else "" line += f"{func.name}({', '.join(args)})" if func.returns: line += " -> " + get_annotation_label(func.returns) body.append(line) label = properties.label if properties.label is not None else name if properties.fontcolor and properties.fontcolor != self.DEFAULT_COLOR: label = f"{label}" self.emit(f'{nodetype} "{label}" as {name}{stereotype}{color} {{') self._inc_indent() for line in body: self.emit(line) self._dec_indent() self.emit("}") def emit_edge( self, from_node: str, to_node: str, type_: EdgeType, label: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Create an edge from one node to another to display relationships.""" edge = f"{from_node} {self.ARROWS[type_]} {to_node}" if label: edge += f" : {label}" self.emit(edge) def _close_graph(self) -> None: """Emit the lines needed to properly close the graph.""" self.emit("@enduml")